Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Rescue Me (Montana Rescue #2) by Susan May Warren

When Deputy Sam Brooks commits to something, nothing can sway him--not just on the job as liaison between the Mercy Falls sheriff's department and PEAK Rescue, but in his private life. He's the one who stuck around to take care of his mother after his father's accidental death. And he's the one--perhaps the only one--who believes Sierra Rose is the perfect girl for him. Safe, practical, and organized, she's nothing like her hippie, impulsive, bleeding heart sister, Willow.

Willow, however, has been in love with Sam Brooks for as long as she can remember. But she wants her sister to have a happy ending. Besides, Willow has other things to focus on--namely, nabbing the job as youth pastor for her small-town church. Best thing for her to do is to purge Sam from her heart.

Neither can predict the events that will bring them together in a fight for their lives in the forbidding wilderness of Glacier National Park. Stranded, injured, and with the winter weather closing in, Sam and Willow will have to work together to save a crew of terrified teenagers. As they fight to survive, they might just discover a new hope for love.

I love this series.  I gobble up these books as soon as they are out and as fast as I can.  This book in particular lends itself to be gobbled.  It's full on, non stop and fast paced from the very beginning.  Seriously- it was like a action/drama on steroids!  It was hard to put down.

Sam and Willow are both such great characters.  Opposite in a lot of ways, but so good for each other.  Sam doesn't get on board with this plan for quite awhile so we have to sit by and watch with frustration as he bumbles up pretty much everything when it comes to Willow.  But, even when bumbling, Sam is a hero, a protector, a larger than life character that steals your heart.  Watching him fight his demons and ultimately win was very satisfying.

Willow is one of my favorites.  She has such enthusiasm and joy, it's hard not to like her.  She wears her heart on her sleeve and I love that.  She genuinely cares about others and wants to help wherever she can.  I want Willow to be my friend.

And, like I said above, this book is full of action packed drama.  I was all sorts of worked up!  I can't wait for the next book!!  (July)

Content:  Christian Fiction so there was talk of God and religious things.  Some peril and mild violence.  Kissing.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  I was under no obligation to review and all opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, January 30, 2017

A Season in London (Timeless Regency Collection Book 6) by Elizabeth Johns, Heather B. Moore and Rebecca Connolly

POOR RELATIONS by Elizabeth Johns
As a ‘poor relation,’ Emma Standrich has already pre-empted her dismal Season by applying for a governess post. Her aunt and cousin are kind enough to sponsor her, but in truth, Emma is just waiting for it to all be over. Emma’s grief over the death of her brother while in military service casts a pallor on everything else in her life. When Colonel Shelton, the man who was her brother’s superior, asks her to dance at her first ball, Emma is more surprised than anyone. But she has questions for him, and soon she’s caught up in an intrigue she wasn’t expecting—both of the heart and the mind.

EDWARD & EMILY by Heather B. Moore
As a second son, Edward Blackwood never anticipated becoming heir to his family estate, or the need to find a wife and secure that inheritance. But with the death of his older brother, Edward is thrust into a life he never wanted. When his mother encourages him to be kind to his long-time neighbor Emily Foster, a girl he’d hardly paid attention to while growing up, Edward realizes that returning home might not be such a set-back after all.

A SPORTING SEASON by Rebecca Connolly
Daphne Hutchins is no simpering female who aims for a husband with a fortune. In fact, she’d be more than happy to live her life free of the heartache that men seem to bring. So when she sets out to play the fool in front of the ton during her first Season in order to send all eligible men running, she’s quite unprepared for James Woodbridge. Bored, but with a sense of family duty, James arrives for the Season, anticipating going through the expected motions befitting any gentleman. What he isn’t prepared for is Daphne Hutchins and the way she completely upends his heart.

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

If you love Regency romance, you must give this book a look!  There are three fantastic stories by three fantastic authors.  Each story felt fresh and new and maybe just a bit off the beaten regency path- especially the last one.  I've never read a regency quite like that one before.  I really enjoyed all three books.  They were easy to settle in with and made me smile.

I just love these Timeless Collection books.  I know just what I'm going to get with them- clean romance, no matter the genre, by authors I know and love.  Once in awhile I'm introduced to an author new to me, which is also fun.  It's nice to get a variety of authors and stories.  

Content:  Clean

- I received a copy of this book free.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Petticoat Spy by Carol Warburton + $25 and Book Giveaway

Colonial Massachusetts, 1775

Abigail Stowell is a rarity for her time. The comely young woman is educated, outspoken, and attuned to the charged political climate around her. She is a staunch Patriot. In short, she is a rebel. So when Gideon Whitlock, an avowed Tory, rides into her village, Abby is not only put off by his politics and arrogance but is also annoyed by her undeniable attraction to him.

When she observes a clandestine meeting between her Patriot father and Gideon, Abby soon realizes that in a world divided by loyalties, not everything is as it seems. Soon she is drawn deeper into political intrigue than she ever dreamed possible. And just as feelings begin to heat up between Abby and Gideon, the shot heard round the world ignites the beginning of war between the colonists and the British redcoats. There is no time for hesitation, and Abby finds herself thrust into a world of intrigue, treachery, and terror. Lives hang in the balance, and Abby will stop at nothing to support the Patriot movement—but will her allegiance to the cause mean losing the man she loves?

I've been reading a lot of regency novels lately and this book was a refreshing change in scenery.  I love books set during important times in history and this one takes place just before the Revolutionary War in America.  The Patriot movement is increasing and strengthening and Abigail Stowell finds herself right in the middle of it.

Abby is a strong and determined girl.  She has a keen mind and desperately wants to be a part of the cause she so strongly believes in.  This leads her to a few impossibly difficult situations but with the help of good friends she manages to get through.  

The story flowed so well.  It gave me a chance to know all the characters, their strengths and weaknesses but kept events happening and momentum building so that I never grew bored or disinterested.  With every turn of the page I felt my anxiety increasing because I just knew something bad was going to happen but I didn't know when and I didn't know how Abigail and Gideon could possibly get out of the mess they were in.  I desperately wanted to know and to get to the end for my own resolution.  It is always so good to be compelled to read on and not want to put a book down.  :)

If you love historical fiction, you don't want to miss out on this book!

Content:  Some mild violence, drugging, abuse.  A few instances of kissing.  Clean.

-I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Reformer (Power of the Matchmaker) by Jaima Fixsen

Mary Buchanan has bigger worries than the radical journalist moving in next door who’s spoiling her father’s digestion: unrequited love for a footman, a fractious aunt, patiently awaiting her destiny…

Already she’s nearly eighteen. No sign of destiny yet, but Mary’s certain he’ll be handsome.

Then she meets the reformer, this Mr. Samuel Brown. Destiny is closer at hand than Mary has supposed—if she can just get Mr. Brown to realize it.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

I'm so sad that we've reached the end of the Power of the Matchmaker series.  What a fun adventure it has been.  I have loved reading these books, all from different authors, that span the ages from contemporary to regency.  Each book stands alone and you can read them in any order.  They all share one common character- the matchmaker Pearl, who we meet in the novella that set this whole series in motion.  I would recommend reading that book first before you begin this series, if you haven't already.  It's free on Amazon. (Power of the Matchmaker)

Jaima Fixen is a new author to me.  I haven't read any of her books before now but I do have Fair Child on my kindle, just waiting to be read.  Someday.  :)  Hopefully soon.

I enjoyed this book and especially the time and setting of England during the Reformation period.  It was interesting to me and I felt like the characters and the setting really complimented each other well.  This book moves at a more sedate pace than some.

Mary is definitely naive.  She has been securely sheltered by her father and has not been given the opportunities to learn and develop her keen mind.  Her wings have been clipped all her life and she has never had the chance to fly.  I didn't fall in love with Mary but there were moments that I loved her pluck and determination.  I loved that she wanted to learn and become her own woman and found ways to be heard.

Another thing I loved about this book was the role that Pearl played.  She was a very large part of the story and she seemed more developed in this book than in many of the others.  It was nice to have her as a more solid presence.

Overall, a great ending to a fantastic series.  I was really hoping we were going to see something similar this new year, but alas, nothing.  This is a series I would highly recommend.  Clean romance- a variety of settings and genres.  It's the perfect way find new authors to love!

Content:  Clean- some talk of sexual matters (Mary is so naive and doesn't understand- she asks questions and reads a book about sexual relations between men and women)

- I received this book for free.  I was under no obligation to give a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Still Life (Chesapeake Valor #2) by Dani Pettrey

Work hits too close to home for crime scene photographer Avery Tate when her best friend disappears. The only lead is a chilling photo of her--apparently dead. As Avery, her boss Parker, and his friends dig into the case, she's forced to confront her feelings for Parker when they come face-to-face with a dangerous criminal.

 Amazon * Goodreads *

This is the second book in the Chesapeake Valor series.  I loved the first book, Cold Shot, and I knew I would be coming back for more in this series.  Dani Pettrey is one of my favorite authors in the Christian Fiction world.  

I have to say that this book gave me the willies.  It was creepy and the whole plot was a little (or a whole lot) twisted and dark.  This book felt a bit different than other books Pettrey has written and I can't say that I loved this book as much as previous books I've read, but it definitely had my attention.

I do love how we have the same main characters in every book.  They all work together and separately so we have a chance to know them all bit by bit.  There were two different story lines happening here (actually, there were three but one is really in the background) so I'm anticipating the one that didn't reach a resolution will continue on as the main focus in the next book.

This book has a lot of characters but I never felt like I was lost or couldn't keep track of who was who.  It took me a quick minute to remember the previous book and how all these characters were interwoven, but once it started coming back, it was easy to relax into the story.  Well, as relaxing as a creepy, twisted story can be.

I read through this book quickly (but not at night!).  I suspected everyone at some point or another of something and I didn't see that ending coming at all.  Crazy!  I will be coming back for the next book, I just hope the creepy, dark, twisted stuff is taken down a notch.

Content:  Violence, some graphic and disturbing scenes, murder.  Innuendo, some references to drug use, sexual activity with no details.  No swearing or profanity.  Some light Christian elements- characters praying for help.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Cover reveal for Sarah M. Eden's newest novella!

From the USA Today Bestselling author of the Longing for Home series, a new romance set in the beloved world of Hope Springs: MY DEAREST LOVE, coming July 2017!

Yay!!  I'm so excited to read this!!  One of my favorite authors, one of my favorite series.  I wish it were July. . .

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

An Ocean Away by Heather B. Moore

Gina Graydon knows the last thing she’ll attract on her holiday in France is an eligible bachelor. Tall, outspoken, and with a weakness for laughing at the wrong moment, not to mention being much too occupied with reading gothic romances, Gina decides she’d rather live in her fictional world. Besides, the only man who pays attention to her at the resort hotel happens to be her father’s worst enemy. And that is far from romantic. Reading in a secluded garden, and dreaming about the perfect kiss, all keep Gina much too busy to consider Mr. Edmund Donaldson any sort of hero.

AN OCEAN AWAY was originally published in the Timeless Romance Anthology: European Collection, and it's a companion novella to the USA Today bestselling romance HEART OF THE OCEAN.

This novella is the perfect little bite of sweetness.  It begins with a girl who loves romance books and who escapes to the garden to read and dream.  That right there was enough to make me love Gina.  Is the cover so pretty?  I love it.

Edmund sees Gina in the garden and can't help but be intrigued by her.  He enters the garden hoping to meet her and learn more about her.  It's all so very romantic and sweet!  

I loved my minutes immersed in this book.  It made my heart hum with happiness.

Content:  none- some kissing

-I received a copy of this book from the author.  I was under no obligation to review and all opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Aspen Everlasting by Kathryn Cooper

Aspen Foster thinks she’s just a normal sixteen-year-old, but when her car’s caught in a flash flood, Aspen and her sister discover the superhuman strength they never knew they had.

Soon Aspen learns she’s not normal at all. She’s an Evermortal fairy, with powers beyond her wildest dreams. But the more Aspen finds out about her family’s past, the more dangerous her future becomes.

Aspen Everlasting is a YA paranormal book.  It would be great for the younger side of YA because the characters are younger and this book is clean.

The pacing of this book is good.  I felt like I had time to get to know the characters even when events were moving quickly.  This book revolves around Aspen and her family of Evermortals.  It's a likable bunch of people and I was interested in their stories and their success.  I liked the movement between "worlds" as it gave me a sense of grounding along with a sense of adventure.

I felt like the ending had resolution but it kind of left things in a place where future books could be a possibility.  I think there are three siblings here with continuing stories to be told!

This was a fun book.  I enjoyed reading it!

Content:  Some mild violence and fighting scenes, some kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill (Tales from Ivy Hill #1) by Julie Klassen

On a rise overlooking the Wiltshire countryside stands the village of Ivy Hill. Its coaching inn, The Bell, is its lifeblood--along with the coach lines that stop there daily, bringing news, mail, travelers, and much-needed trade.

Jane Bell lives on the edge of the inn property. She had been a genteel lady until she married the charming innkeeper who promised she would never have to work in his family's inn. But when he dies under mysterious circumstances, Jane finds herself The Bell's owner, and worse, she has three months to pay a large loan or lose the place.

Feeling reluctant and ill-equipped, Jane is tempted to abandon her husband's legacy and return to her former life of ease. However, she soon realizes there is more at stake than her comfort. But who can she trust to help her? Her resentful mother-in-law? Her husband's brother, who wanted the inn for himself? Or the handsome newcomer with secret plans of his own . . . ?

With pressure mounting from the bank, Jane struggles to win over naysayers and turn the place around. Can Jane bring new life to the inn, and to her heart as well?

I have been struggling to get through this book for months now.  It's almost embarrassing how long it's taken me.  This book moves at a snail's pace- the forward momentum is so slow.  I had a hard time sticking with it.  I hate saying that because I've enjoyed other books by this author but this one was not the same as her others.

I didn't connect with the characters emotionally.  It was all just a struggle for me.  

I do love the cover and I also loved the setting.  Visiting a place like Ivy Hill would be a dream!

I understand that this is the first book in a series and this book is definitely setting the groundwork for more to come.  I probably won't be coming back to this series, but I will be keeping my eye out for books by this author in the future that are more like the previous books I have read.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Falling for Sydney by Heather B. Moore

Sydney has been the perfect friend, the perfect daughter, and Rian checks off on her perfect fiancé list. But when Sydney notices a strange truck parked in her fiancé’s parking spot, she’s in for the surprise of her life. Not only is Rian not who she thought he was, but his brother Jake is about to turn her life upside down.

I love Heather Moore.  I love her writing style and I love her books.  She is one of my favorite authors and I love reading and reviewing her books.

This book is the first book in Falling series.  It is a short story- only about 73 pages on my kindle.  The author does a good job of giving me a sense of knowing these characters in a short amount of time.  I felt like I understood Sydney, Rian and Jake and what they were about.  The scenes were so easy to picture in my mind.  It played out like a movie and I always love that!

This story did feel a bit rushed though.  It was hard for me to believe so many deep feelings could develop so quickly given the circumstances.  Attraction, yes.  Gratitude, yes.  Interest, yes.  But more than that?  In just a couple days?  I might have been able to believe it more if there hadn't been a declared love interest for Sydney already.  Yes, he's a lying lowlife, but she loved him.  Does that turn off and on so quickly?

Regardless of all that, I enjoyed this book.  The first sparks of attraction are always fun to read about.  Jake is such a good guy, I just couldn't help but love him.  I love the cover and I'm looking forward to the rest of the stories in this series.

Falling for Maria (coming February 2017)
Falling for June (coming Summer 2017)

Content:  a couple instances of swearing, kissing

- I received a copy of this book free from the author.  A favorable review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

On Tour with The Cowboy's Secret by Tara Taylor Quinn + Giveaway

The Cowboy's Twins
(Family Secrets #3)
by Tara Taylor Quinn
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
January 3rd 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

It looked so good on camera…

If it weren't for the money, Spencer Longfellow would happily drive Natasha Stevens and her TV crew right off his ranch. But his land, and his kids, mean the world to him—and he'll do anything to secure their future. Even cohost Natasha's cooking show, Family Secrets, in his barn. Even play the token hunky cowboy to her sophisticated city slicker and flirt with her on national television… It could never amount to anything real anyway. After all, he was fooled and left in the dust by a city girl once. And he will never let that happen to him—or his kids—again

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Here's another Harlequin Heartwarming book for you!  If you love a sweet, clean romance then this is the perfect line to check into.  There are so many authors to choose from!

This book is set on a working ranch with a handsome cowboy and his children.  Spencer is trying to secure the future of the ranch for his children.  They are the two most important things in the world to him.  Natasha offers him the financial means to accomplish his goal, even if he doesn't like the set up of a TV show on his property.

Spencer is determined to dislike Natasha from the very beginning.  He judges her and is actually a bit mean to her.  He finds himself attracted to her despite his valiant attempts to rebuff her.

Natasha is a practical woman driven by her business and desire to succeed.  The handsome cowboy somehow gets under her skin despite his not so nice attitude toward her.  She definitely falls in love with Spencer's kids first.

This was a very slow developing and unconventional romance.  Not much of a romance at all until toward the end.  The kids were a cute and needed addition to the story line.  The "secret" doesn't come out until the end which left me anticipating it the whole book.  It wasn't what I was expecting!

Overall I would give this book 3/5 stars.  There wasn't a lot of emotion to it as it was delivered in a straight forward, practical sort of way- much like the personalities of the characters.  It was sweet though, and clean, which I really appreciate!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Tour Schedule

January 7th: Launch
Other Books in the Series

For Love or MoneyFor Love or Money
(Family Secrets #1)
by Tara Taylor Quinn
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
August 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

She can't afford to lose this…or him

There's no way that struggling single mom Janie Young is going to lose Family Secrets. Not even to Dr. Burke Carter. The prize money and media exposure from the cooking-competition show will secure the future for her and her son, who has special needs. Sure, Burke is a talented chef with his own reasons to win, but he already has so much: wealth, a beautiful daughter, great looks…and definitely her attention. As their families become closer, Janie is beginning to care too much about him. But she can't afford to get involved. Not when everything is riding on beating him.

Her Soldier's BabyHer Soldier's Baby
(Family Secrets #2)
by Tara Taylor Quinn
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
November 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Will the truth heal him--or tear them apart? 

The baby she gave up for adoption long ago is a secret Eliza Westin has concealed from her husband. With good reason. Wounded soldier turned police officer Pierce Westin was Eliza's high school sweetheart. He's also her son's father.

Seventeen years ago, Pierce went off to war unaware that he'd fathered a child. Eliza's shot as a contestant on the Family Secrets cooking competition show is her chance to reconnect with the past. But once she finds her long-lost son, she can only hope that Pierce will embrace their newfound family. Or will Eliza lose the love of her life all over again?

About the Author

The author of more than 70 original novels, in twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn is a USA Today bestseller with over six million copies sold. A 2015 RITA finalist Tara appears frequently on bestseller lists, including #1 placement on Amazon lists, and multiple showings on the Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller list. She has appeared on national and local TV across the country, including CBS Sunday Morning.

Tara is a supporter of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. If you or someone you know might be a victim of domestic violence in the United States, please contact 1-800-799-7233.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive ebooks of the first two books in the series, FOR LOVE OR MONEY and HER SOLDIER'S BABY
Open internationally
Ends January 17th

Grab Our Button!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Friends ForNever by Melissa Baldwin $50 Book Blast


Erin Taylor is a hard-working journalist with a serious TV addiction and lack of a social life. She's focused on her career and determined to leave her tiny cubicle behind for a fabulous corner office! But when a new co-worker, a friendship drama, and a hot workplace crush collide, Erin finds it harder and harder to focus. Especially when that crush on the oh-so-yummy Aiden Thomas starts to materialize into what feels like a magical relationship. Erin's life seems to finally be heading in the right direction...until suddenly friends aren't such great friends after all, her magical relationship hits a bumpy road, and her career could be derailed by it all. Erin learns a lesson the hard way: Sometimes people aren't who they seem to be. With her happiness on the line, can Erin rise above her disappointments and create the life she's always dreamed of or will she be stuck being Friends ForNever?

Praise for the Book Friends ForNever is a cleverly written book that will keep you wanting for more until the very end! I highly recommend this book! Friends for Never is like listening to your best friend tell you about her day at work! And anyone who has worked in an office will totally relate to this book. I was absolutely sucked in. The love story was great! It was well paced and funny! The author is really good. An intriguing look at the demands of family and friendship when personal goals are at risk. A novel of back stabbing emotions.
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Melissa B

Author Melissa Baldwin Melissa graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications; she has always had a love for writing. An avid journal keeper, she took her creativity to the next level by fulfilling her dream with her debut novel, An Event to Remember . . . Or Forget. Since then, she has written and published four more novels, Wedding Haters, See You Soon Broadway, Not Quite Sheer Happiness and Friends ForNever. Melissa resides in Orlando, Florida, with her husband and young daughter. When she isn't writing, this multi-tasking master organizer is busy being a mother, wife, chauffeur, PTA President, and Fitness Trainer. When she has free time, she enjoys traveling, running, fitness, and taking a Disney Cruise every now and then.

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Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 1/26/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

To Warm a Wintered Heart by Deborah M. Hathaway

After an uneventful season in Bath, Miss Charlotte Rosebury returns home to Warwickshire, looking forward to a visit from her mother’s friend. Their expected guest, Mrs. Worthington, has promised that her son will be accompanying her, and as Charlotte has only ever heard stories of the gentleman who rarely leaves his Yorkshire estate, she is most pleased to meet him. However, when her warm welcome is returned with a fierce frown from the handsome man, she cannot help but long to be free of him and his blue-eyed glare.

Despite his mother’s protests, Mr. Gabriel Worthington had made the decision long ago to remain unmarried, but when he meets Charlotte, doubts about his decision creep into his fearful mind, and he wishes for nothing more than to flee from the woman and never return.

For weeks, the two are forced to live within the same home, and though they provoke one another with teasing and stolen glances, an unlikely friendship blossoms between them, a friendship that grows stronger than either of them had expected. Will Gabriel concede to the choices binding his heart, or can Charlotte’s warmth be just the thing to strengthen their love and, at last, end their fears?

Deborah Hathaway is a new author for me.  I haven't read any of her books before now and I'm so glad I got the chance!  This book was so good and after finishing it, I went right to Goodreads and Amazon to see what else I could find by her.  I'm excited to read the next book I picked up.  I've already started it!  Yay for finding new authors to follow!

Charlotte is the kind of person I would want to be around.  She is kindness personified.  I love how sincere and good Charlotte is and how hard she tries to give people the benefit of the doubt.  She knows how to stand up for herself but in a classy way.  I really loved that.  Gabriel really tests Charlotte's character on every front but Charlotte is patient and forgiving if she is anything.  

Gabriel is a bit deluded and self absorbed.  He is one ornery man most of the time.  I don't think anyone could walk away from Charlotte unchanged though, so Gabriel is doomed to be wooed to the light eventually.

I loved the gentle way this book flowed.  I was so invested and wrapped up in both Charlotte and Gabriel's stories.  Theirs was a dance of sorts- coming together, drawing apart, sometimes smiling, other times not.  Circling around and around.

If you love regency, you really need to check out this book.  It is worth it.  I enjoyed every moment with this book!

Content:  Clean

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Daring One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance by Cami Checketts

Summer Anderson has the perfect life—designing toys and traveling the world—until the venture capitalist company, Mumford’s Sons, helps her dad sell his toy company to the highest bidder. Summer loses her designs, her job, and her lifestyle, and is forced to work for a friend in Crested Butte, Colorado.

Chance Judd, owner of Mumford’s Sons, takes a mountain biking trip to Crested Butte and accidentally runs Summer off a running trail. He asks her out repeatedly, but she always has a sarcastic response ready for him. When he finally convinces her to go to dinner, he realizes that he is partly responsible for her losing her job and designs, and knows she’ll hate him if she finds out the truth. He has no choice—he lies. 

But how long can a secret this big stay hidden and will Summer ever forgive him when she finds out the truth?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

This book was yummy!  So, so yummy.  I loved it!  The characters were vibrant, the dialogue was snappy and entertaining and the kissing scenes were toe curling!  Yay!!  I think this one my be my favorite of them all.

If only there was a Chance Judd for everyone in this world.  <sigh>  I'm pretty sure the world would be a happier place.  :)  I like how balanced Chance and Summer were in wits and smarts.  They were well matched and complimented each other well.  The chemistry between them was fantastic.  

It was also fun seeing characters from previous books.  Just a glimpse of them, really but a bit like coming home.  Ooh, and I love the cover!

This Billionaire Bride Pack Romance series is such a fun one.  Maybe a bit unrealistic because how many young, attractive, gentlemanly billionaires are really out there?  I don't know but honestly, I don't really care.  These books provide a fantastic diversion and I so enjoy reading them.  

Cami is one of my favorites in the clean romance writing world.  If you haven't read anything by her, you really, really should check her out.

Oh, and as a little bonus- Cami wrote a short story about Chance's brother, Byron.  We meet Byron in The Daring One and I'm so glad Cami decided to give us this bit about Byron.  He definitely needed a resolution in my mind.  :)  This novella was like a little bit of chocolate after finishing a very satisfying meal.  (I think I'm hungry. . .)

Both of these books are part of the Kindle Unlimited program.  :)

Marissa Yates fell in love with Byron Judd three years ago, but she caught him holding another woman and she ran. She’s built a great life for herself and has kept Byron at arm’s length, only talking to him through phone, email, or text. She knows if she sees him again, he’ll charm his way right back into her heart.

Byron has no clue why Marissa ran from his life, but he does know his only chance to win her back is his brother’s wedding. His brother’s fiancée, Summer, schemes up a Lonely Billionaire Pact to help him be reunited with the only woman who has ever broken up with him in this companion story to the bestselling Billionaire Bride Pact Romances.

Content:  Clean, some kissing

- I received a copy of both these books from the author.  I was under no obligation to leave a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Movie Review: The Last Descent

The details of the passing of John Jones in Nutty Putty Cave have been well documented, but his story did not end there. Witness the power of love, family, and the Plan of Salvation in this critically acclaimed film that shows that family bonds extend beyond this life.

Ugh.  It's almost impossible to review movies like this one.  It's based on a true story and honestly, it's just sad.  I know it was supposed to inspire me, and I came out of it feeling extraordinarily grateful, but I was just not inspired.  I was sad.

John Jones and his brother decide to go explore the Nutty Putty cave in Utah.  They weren't well equipped and they just shouldn't have gone in that cave as unprepared as they were.  It is well know to be dangerous.  Long story short is John gets stuck.  Wedged in an impossible position, upside down.  It's horrifying.

My gratitude expands for the many, many people who fought so hard to save him.  Emergency crews, rescue crews, the sheriff's department, doctors and so many more, working so hard and trying for so long.  So many people giving their all to try to save this one man from a very dangerous circumstance at personal risk to them all.  That is amazing to me and shows the best part of humanity.

As the movie goes on, we get glimpses into John's past, including the courtship of his wife.  It's a sweet story, but just made the reality of his situation all the more heartbreaking.  John is a champion through it all- so humble and grateful.  But in the end, he still dies.  It's just sad.  The whole deal.  Sad.  

So, if you want a tear jerker story- this is your movie.  If you are into movies based on true stories, then you should check this one out.  If you have a loved one who loves to explore caves, you should NOT watch this movie.  :)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Lady of the Lakes: The True Love Story of Sir Walter Scott (Historical Proper Romance #2) by Josi S. Kilpack

One is his first love.
The other is his best love.
Which will be Walter’s true love?

Walter Scott has three passions: Scotland, poetry, and Mina Stuart. Though she is young and they are from different stations in society, Walter is certain their love is meant to be. For years, he has courted her through love letters. She is the sunshine of his soul.

Though Mina shares Walter’s love of literature and romantic temperament, it’s hard for her to know if she truly loves him or if she has only been dazzled by his flattery. When she meets the handsome and charming William Forbes, her heart is challenged. Who will she choose?

But as every poet knows, “the course of true love never did run smooth,” and on a windy morning in the lake country, Walter meets Charlotte.

At twenty-six, Charlotte Carpenter believes she will never find love. After all, she is a Catholic-born Frenchwoman living in London with a family history shadowed by scandal. Though quiet, practical, and determined to live a life of independence, her heart longs for someone to love her and a place to call home.

Passion and promises collide as Walter, Mina, and Charlotte must each decide the course for their futures. What are they each willing to risk to find love and be loved in return?

There is something wonderous about this book.  I was so completely enthralled with it and as I sit here thinking about the whole story, I find that outside of two very slow moving romances, there was not really a lot going on.  No danger, no big heart pounding moments of suspense and no heart wrenching scenes of tragedy and dying.  It's a simple tale of a man with a romantic heart, falling in love.  Josi Kilpack has done an amazing job of crafting a story, so simplistic in it's base form, into something I was completely enthralled by.  I really couldn't put it down.

I'll admit I don't know much about Walter Scott.  I've never studied the man or his works.  I know who he is in the most base form and that's it.  I really enjoyed learning more about how his works and writings came to be, and his journey as a man.

The characters in this book are fully developed and I felt like I knew them intimately.  I understood their struggles and felt the tugs of empathy and compassion toward them.  I love when that happens!

This was such an enjoyable book!  From start to finish.  I'm so glad I got to read it.  Josi Kilpack has really refined her craft in her last few books.  I enjoyed her earlier books, but these last few books are really her crowing jewels.  They are full of substance and so rich.  I can't wait to see what comes next!

Content:  Clean

Oh, and I LOVE this gorgeous cover!!

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  A favorable review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Learn fun behind-the-scenes facts about the book, chat with fabulous historical romance authors, hear what's coming up next in the Proper Romance Line, and win prizes throughout the party!


12:30- The Party Begins!
12:35- Q&A with author Julie Daines
1:05- Q&A with author Donna Hatch
1:35- Q&A with author Josi S. Kilpack
2:05- Q&A with author/editor Lisa Mangum
2:25- Q&A with Heidi Taylor, manager of the Proper Romance line