Unlike most kids, Scarlet Small’s problems go far beyond just trying to fit in. She would settle for a normal life, but being twelve years old for an entire century is a real pain in the neck. Plus, her appetite for security guards, house pets, and bloody toms (tomato juice) is out of control. So in order to keep their vampire-secret, her parents, Mort and Drac, resort to moving for the hundredth time, despite Scarlet being dead-set against it. Things couldn’t be worse at her new school, either. Not only does she have a strange skeleton-girl as a classmate, but a smelly werewolf is intent on revealing her secret. When she meets Granny—who fills her with cookies, goodies, and treats, and seems to understand her more than anyone—she’s sure things will be different. But with a fork-stabbing incident, a cherry pie massacre, and a town full of crazy people, Scarlet’s O-positive she’ll never live to see another undead day.
Happy Halloween everyone! I've saved a very special and holiday appropriate review for today. It is "Little Dead Riding Hood", part of the Scarily Ever Laughter series. The first book, "Cinderskella", I reviewed a year ago today. These books are Middle Grade books, with the main character being in 6th grade.
Scarlett Small is a vampire. She is sarcastic and has more of the glass is half empty sort of attitude. It's not easy being a vampire and the daughter of Drac and Mort!
There are several things I love about this book. First, I love the illustrations throughout the whole story. Pictures make everything more fun. Two thumbs up for the illustrator!
Second, I love the continuous play on words. You can get a sense of what I mean just from the blurb above. It's that sort of creativity that makes this book so fun to read.
Third, it was so nice see Cindy from the previous book. As a reader, I always like to know that previous characters I've gotten to know haven't gone away. They are still around for me to enjoy. :) Here is what Scarlett says about Cindy. "Somehow I thought I would really like this earthy-smelling girl. Maybe because, for starters, I had no desire to eat her." Yup, that's a good start alright!
Young readers will love this book and this series. (Adults too) It's light and it's fun. It hits on some common themes for middle graders (peer pressure, my parents don't know anything, making friends) and provides for a great, humorous distraction.
My thanks to Jolly Fish Press and the authors for allowing me to read and review this book for them. It's been my pleasure.
AMIE BORST, a long-time writer and self-proclaimed graduate from ULE (University of Life Experience), is a native New Yorker, now residing in Northern Virginia. Originally, she aspired to be on Broadway, but her teen years were filled with too many "angsty" poems and short stories to let them fall to the wayside. She enjoys eating chocolate while writing and keeps a well-stocked stash hidden away from her family.
BETHANIE BORST is an all-rounder. She is a spunky 13-year-old who is an avid archer with Olympic dreams, enjoys the outdoors, loves reading, and is quick to make lasting friendships.
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Website: http://www.amieborst.com
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Website: http://www.amieborst.