Christopher Clarke is the nicest guy Amy Fallon has ever met. He is handsome, smart, funny, an all-around great guy. Tyler Clarke is hot. So why is Amy, one of the smartest girls in school, so clueless when it comes to realizing who she is truly falling in love with? Or better yet, who’s falling in love with her.
Amy is forced to spend the week at her grandmother’s house in Arizona. She returns home to New York with a closer bond to her grandmother, with a best friend who she adores and with a boyfriend who she believes is everything she has ever dreamed of. After months of communication with the two new men in her life, things finally seem to be falling in to place for Amy. That is, until she starts to realize whom her heart is truly longing for. When she returns to Arizona almost a year later, things don’t go quite as planned when she is blindsided not only by the death of her grandmother, but learns the truth behind the text messages from Tyler. With time, and a little help from her grandmother’s memory we are able to see if her broken heart can heal and get Amy back on the course she was destined for.
This is definitely a young YA contemporary book. It was fun and flirty. So much of it took me right back to those early teenage years between boys and girls.
Of course, the whole book I am literally wanting to yank Amy back and forth willing her to get that it's all about Chris not the loser brother, Tyler. How can she not get that?! That's the luxury of being the reader who knows everything about everyone in the book, right? Still, Amy is a ton naive (having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information;). It was nice to see her grow up a bit through the book.
I love Chris. How you could you NOT love Chris? He is so sweet. Even when he is messing things up he is sweet. The roses he sent Amy? Swoon. SO SWEET. I feel like I may be over using the word sweet here. Just a tad. I can't help it though. Chris is sweet like your favorite candy. That he is handsome and smart and funny too is just icing on the cake. (holy cow I just can't stop with the sweet stuff...)
I thought the book had great secondary characters that added just the right stuff to the book to keep it real and believable. Overall, I enjoyed the book and I had fun reading it. My only complaint would be the language. Which is always my complaint because I personally prefer my books with no swearing. This book contained swearing, including the F word twice. Take or leave that caution as you will. :)
The following in an excerpt from Texting Tyler. Enjoy!
“See ya tomorrow!” Dana shouted to them as they were walking away.
“Okay!” Amy yelled back. They had just left and she already couldn’t wait to see them again the next day.
“They’re cool, right?” Chris asked.
“Very,” Amy answered right away.
Chris puffed his chest out. “I knew you’d like them. I could tell they really liked you too.”
They waited by the car for Tyler, who took his time walking over to join them. He moved slowly, clicking the doors open with his key chain. They were all about to get in the car when Tyler turned to Chris.
“Hey man chuck this for me.” Tyler held out the soda cup he was slurping on during the movie.
“Chuck it yourself,” Chris said.
“Then walk home,” Tyler said matter-of-factly.
“Just give it to me.” Chris huffed as he took the soda cup from his brother and walked over to the trashcan.
Amy and Tyler got in to the car shutting the doors. She heard a click and looked over at Tyler who was laughing.
“Watch this,” he said to her.
A moment later Chris came back and opened the door to the car. Clunk, it wouldn’t open.
“Unlock the door,” Chris said through the window. Tyler ignored him.
“Open the door,” Chris said impatiently.
Tyler clicked the button back and forth quickly. Chris went to open the door. Clunk, it wouldn’t open.
Amy shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Tyler looked over at her and lifted his eyebrows at her as he continued to laugh.
“Tyler, I swear to God man. Why you doing this?” Chris asked shaking his head.
Amy felt bad for him. Tyler continued to ignore him and started the car. Amy looked out the window at Chris giving him a sympathetic look. Tyler put the car in drive and drove forward a few feet. Chris walked forward a few feet and knocked on the window.
“Come on man please,” Chris begged.
Tyler clicked the door and this time Chris was able to get in. “You’re such a puss Chris. I shoulda made you walk home.” Tyler laughed at him before turning the volume of the music up high so that no one was able to talk the entire ride home.
Amy felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she slid the phone out to see a text from Chris.
About the Author:

She is a compulsive nail biter, who makes daily trips to 7-11 for blueberry coffee. Rebecca grew up in Rockland County, New York, and now resides in New Jersey with her husband and son. Although Rebecca loves to text, amazingly, she and her husband of ten years have never once sent each other a text message.
twitter is @justsendatext
Thank you for your very sweet review, LOL! And I'm so glad u mentioned the roses, no-one else has. :) Rebecca
ReplyDeleteGreat review, this definitely sounds like a cute read. I can just imagine how naive Amy is throughout this story.
ReplyDeleteWonderful review!! I am putting this one on my want list - sounds like a very enjoyable book!
ReplyDeleteMary DeBorde M.A.D.
Om My To Be Read List =)
Visit my site at and leave ur info in the contact section and I will gladly send u a copy of the book! :) rebecca