Seven Ways to Kill a King
By Melissa Wright
YA Fantasy
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 264 Pages
August 10, 2020
She was born a princess. They made her an assassin.
One was an accident. Two a coincidence. By three, they would know. It would be harder, but I would avenge my mother’s death. These kings would pay that price.
Seven cities make up the Storm Queen’s Realm, each of their self-crowned, murderous kings are one of Princess Myrina’s marks. The treasonous curs may have banded together to share a stolen throne, but soon they will fall.
They thought her dead, killed in the massacre. They thought their rule secure, but Myrina of Stormskeep has awoken. With the help of her loyal bloodsworn, the shadow princess of will have her revenge.
For fans of The Witcher and Game of Thrones—a new princess set on vengeance is here to steal your heart.
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I think this book has a great premise. Not totally unique but one worthy of repeating if done well. Hidden princess coming out of hiding to seek revenge on the people who killed her mother and put her kingdom back to right as evil kings have lead in tyranny. Enter bloodsworn, handsome man to help princess through the process.
This was definitely a plot driven book. It was slow going for me at first but I could feel the build up as the story moved forward. Each assassin attempt brought greater risk and difficulty for Myrina. Things don't usually go as planned and I liked how she and the other characters were frequently in tight spots, trying to get out. The best bits of the book for me were the sneaking, assassin attempts and the fighting. They author did a great job of creating tension with those. I was definitely interested in how the events would play out and the last third of the book was great as far as a climax of events.
My problem was that I didn't connect to the characters emotionally. It was like I was on the outside looking in most of the time. I enjoyed the story well enough, I just wanted more of a connection. More emotion. The relationship between Miri and Cass lacked emotion too. No sparks at all. I cared about the story but I wasn't invested in the characters.
3.5/5 stars for me.
Content: peril, violence, killing, kissing
- I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.
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