
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Chasing Red by Lauren Winder Farnsworth + Giveaway!

Ryder Redmond can’t wait to begin her new life in New York City, with her first real job after college. But the big city gets a little more complicated once she meets the charming and mysterious Damian Wolfe. On the surface he seems perfect, but her friend Hunter is suspicious of his all-too-straight smile and his motives towards Ryder. With her heart on the line, Ryder will have to decide just how much she trusts the handsome city slicker.

 * Goodreads * Amazon

Okay, first I have a confession.  I had no idea when reading this book that it was a Little Red Riding Hood re-telling.  Yeah, I know.  It's written right on the cover of this book.  Even when reading it I made no connection.  I live in la-la land apparently.  Looking back now it's so obvious.  I mean OBVIOUS. (just look at the names, for goodness sake!)  I feel like an idiot.  ha.  

Moving on from my idiot-ness.  

Ryder is a small town girl headed to the big city.  She is almost instantly swept off her feet by the charming Damian.  Ryder is a sweet girl who looks for the good in everything and everyone.  It makes her likable.  Yes, she is a bit naive, but she is also courageous and I loved her for that.  

At first, this book may seem like a fluffy romance, but as you go along you get hints of something more going on until by the end you have a full blown, behind the scenes mystery.  Everything and everyone are definitely NOT as they seem.  It was so fun!  I really enjoyed this book.

Content:  LDS fiction (characters attend church, some mention of morals and values associated with LDS religion although nothing preachy), an almost rape scene, mild violence, some kissing.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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