
Friday, April 14, 2017

The Wedding Charm: The Wedding Whisperer (Magnolias and Moonshine) by Susan Hatler

Maid of honor Sarah Carlton hasn’t failed at anything since her high school science project was sabotaged by a relentless competitor. So, she’ll do whatever it takes to make her best friend Jill’s wedding absolutely perfect. That includes taking the next flight out of Sacramento to retrieve the panicked bride’s cherished family wedding charm from her late grandmother’s attic in Atlanta Georgia.

Unfortunately, someone else has offered to come to the bride’s rescue—best man Ben Atkins, the same man who destroyed Sarah’s high school science project all those years ago. Now he wants to one-up her by retrieving the charm first? Sarah refuses to let that happen. The race is on.

When Sarah and Ben arrive in Atlanta, instead of finding the wedding charm there’s a letter from the bride’s grandmother directing the bride and groom to complete a series of tasks in order to prove their commitment to each other. With the wedding only two days away, Sarah and Ben must join forces by pretending to be the bride and groom in order to earn the wedding charm. Should be a cinch. After all, how hard can it be to fake true love for forty-eight hours?

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

I'm so excited about this series!  There are so many authors I love taking part in it.  Something to keep in mind though, if you are in the market for "clean" romance like me, this series has both sweet and clean along with spicier.  Pink=sweet, Purple=spicy.  Just so you know.  :)

This story!!  I fell in love with it.  Love, lovey, love love.  It was sweet romance and adventure all rolled into one.  Sarah and Ben are on a quest to collect a prized piece of jewelry and save a wedding.  Everything is riding on their success.  They have to complete a series of tasks, in a short amount of time, all while pretending to be in love.  Sarah and Ben have known each other for a long time- they have a rocky history.  But, their chemistry is off the charts!

Susan Hatler did such a good job of drawing me right into this story and making me feel connected so quickly.  I loved this story!  It was fun and light and it just made me happy!  (Which isn't surprising.  I love Susan Hatler and her books!  She's one of my favorites!)

I'm excited to read more from this series.  I have another official review coming the 30th for Jennifer Peel's book- YaY!  I'm reading some of the others in this series but won't be reviewing them here on my blog.  You can follow or friend me on Goodreads though because I will be mentioning them there.  😊

Content:  Clean

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

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