
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Shadows in the Curtain by Cami Checketts

Every stage actress wants fans, but what happens when one goes too far? Emmy has the perfect life- a house on the beach, a successful career headlining the local theater, and love. But when a brutal murder brings unimaginable grief, Emmy's world comes crashing down. As she tries to pick up the pieces, she can't seem to avoid Josh, the new fireman in town. Emmy does her best to fight the sizzle in her chest when Josh is near. But with the stalker still out there, terrorizing her and those she cares about, she can't fall for anyone-especially Josh, a suspect in the murder investigation. If Emmy allows a man to get close, it's not just her heart she puts at risk, it's her life.

Love.  Love, love, love.

Here's the thing.  Cami Checketts knows how to write a good book.  She knows pacing and tension and love.  She brings those things together in such a fabulous way that I literally devour her books.  Can't put them down, so bummed when they are over kind of devouring.  The characters are real and believable and you connect to them, feel with them.  

Before reading this book I read a couple books that were less than stellar and it's super hard to write reviews that are negative.  You start questioning if you are just being too picky, you know?  But then I picked up this book and I was reminded that yes, I do know what a good book is.  This is the kind of book that keeps you pressing forward, wanting to read more.  I know what a good book is.

Cami is one of my favorite romantic suspense authors and I am always so excited when I see she has a new book coming out.  This was probably one of my favorites so far.  It was a good, clean book and a great diversion for my brain.  Yay!

*  Goodreads *  Amazon  *  

Monday, September 29, 2014

First Daughter by Susan Kaye Quinn: Happy Release Day!!

THIS IS THE THIRD BOOK in the Dharian Affairs Trilogy!!

Skyships, saber duels, and lots of royal intrigue...

With the war begun, Aniri, Third Daughter of the Queen, has to battle not only a prince with a deadly skyship, but her own sister, the First Daughter, who finally sees her chance to become Queen. With their mother gravely ill and the Second Daughter kidnapped along with Aniri's husband-to-be, Aniri embarks on a desperate mission to save the people she loves from a war that will tear all three countries apart.

First Daughter is the third book in the The Dharian Affairs Trilogy (Third Daughter, Second Daughter, First Daughter). This steampunk-goes-to-Bollywood (Bollypunk!) romance that takes place in an east-Indian-flavored alternate world filled with skyships, saber duels, and lots of royal intrigue. And, of course, kissing.

It's over?  Already?  Bummer.  <sigh>

I feel so lucky to have been able to read and review these books.  This has been a fun series and I've enjoyed every minute of it.  In addition to being well written, with all the elements that make up a good book, these books are clean.  While there is kissing, it never crosses the line.  There is no swearing either.  That makes this series one that I will share with my teenage daughter.  (she loves this series too!)  

There is a sense of desperation in this book- more than in the others.  There are several moments in this book where things look grim.  At one point I wondered how in the world they would get out of the mess they were in.  Would anyone survive?  At those moments I always start reading faster and faster to find out and I have to stop myself and remember to enjoy the ride.  Because these books provide for a great ride.

I love the Bollypunk flavor of these books.  I love the characters who are distinctive and individual.  This is a fun series!  If you haven't read any of these books, you have to start with Third Daughter.  These books are not stand alone books.  

First Daughter releases TODAY!  Yay!  and happy reading!!  

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rewind to You by Laura Johnson + $50 Giveaway!

  Rewind to You Cover
Rewind to You One last summer before college on beautiful Tybee Island is supposed to help Sienna forget. But how can she? This is where her family spent every summer before everything changed, before the world as she knew it was ripped away. But the past isn’t easily left behind. Especially when Sienna keeps having episodes that take her back to the night she wants to forget. Even when she meets the mysterious Austin Dobbs, the guy with the intense blue eyes, athlete’s body, and weakness for pralines who scooped her out of trouble when she blacked out on River Street. When she’s with Austin, Sienna feels a whole new world opening up to her. Austin has secrets, and she has history. But caught between the past and the future, Sienna can still choose what happens now...

Yay!! This was a great contemporary YA novel of love, loss and forgiveness. I was captured from the very beginning and didn’t want to put the book down. Of course, we don’t always get what we want and I did have to put it down but I was always excited and looking forward to picking it back up.

This is a story about a boy and a girl, who meet. It’s fate, coincidence, destiny- whatever you want to call it. There is an instant attraction that develops quickly into something more as they get to know each other. Both Austin and Sienna are struggling with the hard things life has thrown at them. There are a lot of emotions swirling around as this book progresses.

Austin is kind. He is a good friend to those who need one. I wish there were more Austin’s in the world for if there were, the world would be a better place.

Sienna is courageous and strong but has her weaknesses. Fortunately, one of her weaknesses is Austin. Haha. It makes for a good story!  

There is a back and forth pull between Austin and Sienna. The road isn’t paved with gold but the struggles made the book seem realistic. This was an easy book to read, it was entertaining and like candy for the brain.
I especially appreciated that “Rewind to You” was clean- no sexual content or swearing. There was some kissing but nothing that crossed the lines for me. This is a book my older teenage daughter will enjoy.

Laura Rewind to You Author
Author Laura Johnston Laura Johnston lives in Utah with her husband and two children. Growing up with five siblings, a few horses, peach trees, beehives and gardens, she developed an active imagination and always loved a good story. She fell in love with the young adult genre both through her experience in high school as well as her job later as a high school teacher. Laura enjoys running, playing tennis, sewing, traveling, writing, and above all, spending time with her husband and kids. REWIND TO YOU is her debut novel.

 Blog Tour Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 10/13/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an iTunes Gift Code or River Street Sweets Gift Card. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway
Rewind to You Tour

                                                             Blog Tour Schedule

Friday, September 26, 2014

Travel Glasses by Chess Desalls

When an ethereal being knocks Calla to the ground near her family’s lakeside cottage, Valcas helps her to escape by traveling to another place and time. At first, Calla is as intrigued by the otherworldly Valcas as she is by his method of time travel: an altered pair of sunglasses that enable the wearer to search for anyone or anywhere in the past, present or future. That is until she suspects that his search for her was no mere coincidence.

With her trust broken, Calla sets off on her own, taking the Travel Glasses with her. Torn between searching for her estranged father and reuniting with the rest of her family, she tracks down the inventor of the Travel Glasses in hopes of discovering more about Valcas’ past and motivations. With Valcas hot on her trail, Calla hopes to find what she’s looking for before he catches up.

The Call to Search Everywhen is a serial series of novel-length installments.

The first thing I'm going to say is that I really like this new cover better than the old one.  It's much more attractive.

I wasn't, however, attracted to the book inside.  I had such a hard time reading this book.  I think I read four other books while trying to plug through this one.  It was just tough going for me.

While the concept is good, the story telling leaves a lot to be desired.  The emotional connection was lacking.  I didn't engage and feel things like I wanted to.  I didn't get the time travel or find it altogether believable.  The book was put together in a way that made much of the time travel elements feel confusing.  The whole story just fell flat.  I guess this book just wasn't for me.

As always, I am one girl with one opinion.  If you love time travel books, you should check out what other people are saying about this book.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

This Hero for Hire by Cynthia Thomason

He's more than her protector…

Being a cop in a small Georgia town is a pretty peaceful job, and one that Boone Braddock takes pride in. Babysitting the governor's daughter, however, isn't Boone's idea of police duty. Especially when it's Susannah Rhodes, who has an impulsive streak a mile wide.

Boone was Susannah's crush in high school. He's still unmistakably handsome. Worse yet, it's impossible to keep anything from him—like the real reason she's returned home. And it's more impossible still to keep her distance. Because a long time ago, the two had shared something special. Something that was never finished….

I love the Harlequin Heartwarming line.  I always know what I'm going to get- sweet romances with no surprise sex scenes.  For a girl who loves clean romance, I just can't go wrong when I pick up from the Heartwarming line.  My thanks to Harlequin for allowing me to read and review these sweet romances for them.  (and thanks also to NetGalley for providing an awesome place for publishers and reviewers to link up!)

This Hero for Hire was a great diversion.  Sometimes my mind just begs for a mindless romantic escape.  I got it with this book.  Plus a little added bit of suspense which helped hold my interest through the end.

Boone is a kind and upstanding sort of guy.  He takes his job, his land and his family seriously.  There are a lot of things to like about Boone.  Mostly I admired his patience.  He has it in spades.

Susannah is an organic fanatic- trying to convert the world one field at a time.  It's funny because I just got through reading a non-fiction book about healthy, organic eating right before I picked this book up.  It was just funny to me to read about a fictional character who sounded much like the author of the non-fiction book I just read.  Well, I'm pretty sure that Susannah was a mite less bit fanatical.  Organic farming and organic eating are definitely picking up in popularity so this book fit right in with that.

If you love clean romance, you should try the Heartwarming line from Harlequin.  If you are in the mood for some light, romantic reading with a touch of suspense, this is your book.  Especially if you love them cowboys!  

You can purchase this book on Amazon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Double Star by Cindy Saunders

When Cepheus, a dark god, forces seventeen-year-old Ally Ashworth off an isolated overlook, she has no idea she's falling into his world, or that the necklace she's wearing is actually a key--one with the power to ignite the next world war. But she's carried beyond his reach and into the one place where he's powerless... the forest of Gilgamesh.

Ally's never been Miss Popularity, but her outsider status takes on new meaning when she's rescued by Liam Cheveyo and his peculiar friends. After seeing them shape-shift into their freaky animal counterparts, Ally smacks hard into a few truths--magic really does exist and, although getting there took no effort, finding her way back might be impossible.

Feelings between her and Liam begin to grow along with the realization that, in this world, she's stronger and better... until she's caught in a trap set by the creepy spider-boy Cepheus sends to retrieve her. But Ally's not going down without a fight, not after learning the horrible truth about the passageways.

The survival of both worlds depends on it.

Today I have another book from Clean Teen Publishing.  I'm a fan and promoter of Clean Teen Publishing.  Why?  Because they offer a content guide to their readers on every book they publish.  If you want a head's up on what's in a book before you read it, and you want a great selection of books, you should head over to the Clean Teen Publishing website and check them out.  They give a head's up on violence, language, sex, and alcohol and drugs.  The quick view content picture looks like this for "Double Star".

I actually think their rating on language is too low as they only mention some mild swearing (H, D) and there was actually a few instances of more than that (S, B, A).  There is also a couple instances of profanity (using God or Jesus as an exclamation).  Just FYI.

Double Star started out really slow for me.  Fortunately it picked up as the story went on and I found myself enjoying it more and more.  By the end, I was into it enough that I was miffed at how it abruptly ended.

As far as characters go, my favorites were the ones that actually had less face time in the book.  I loved Grandma and I wish she would have been a bigger part of things.  I loved the people Ally and Liam's group of friends encounter as they begin their journey.  The little burned boy, the boy who speaks only through pictures... And Caleb.  Those were my favorite characters.

There were some editing problems- scenes that jump and such.  For example in one part, Liam walks into the kitchen where everyone is eating breakfast.  Someone asks him about his sword and then in the next sentence/paragraph it says, "They stood in the front yard."  Huh?  How did they get there?  It was some small things like that that had me going back to double read.  Sometimes the story just felt choppy.

I didn't love this book.  For me it was just okay and I liked some parts better than others.  I really liked the pictures at the end of the book though.  It really helped me get a better idea of how everyone should have looked and it was cool to see the shifters and their animal counterpart.

You can check out other reviews and purchase "Double Star" for yourself at Goodreads and Amazon.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Pizza Trap by Gabrielle Welch

Junk food is everywhere: at school, at the ball field, at the mall -- even at your dinner table. Today, more and more American children are suffering from conditions that were once reserved for adults: obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease and hypertension. And unhealthy eating the primary cause. It may seem like a battle that can't be won, but you can get your kids off junk food and set them on a lifelong path to healthy eating and wellness. As a Nutritional Consultant and mother of three, author Gabrielle Welch offers easy, practical and fun ways to educate and empower your kids to eat right. The Pizza Trap is a guide for every parent. Gabrielle's simple tips will help you experience less mealtime struggles and discover new ways to eat healthy on the go.

I should never have agreed to do this review.  The blurb makes this book seem like it offers "easy, practical and fun" ideas for healthier eating.  And, at some points it does offer that.  The thing is, so much of this book is telling you how awful so many things are to eat, using scare tactics and guilt methods.  "Do you want your kids to be one of those people?"  (speaking of people who suffer from depression, because they eat the wrong things, of course) That really gets my shakles up.  I did not like this book at all.  It was all in the presentation and approach.

I actually wrote a whole page of reaction to this book but there is no point in arguing the points I did and did not agree with.  I've read plenty of books and magazines about eating healthier and changing mealtime habits and the bottom line is that this book is not one I would recommend to anyone.  I just did not like it.  

*I was offered this book in exchange for my honest opinion.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Better Man by Amy Vastine + $25 and Book Giveaway!

A Themed Tour through Prism Book Tours.

The Better Man (Chicago Sisters)
The Better Man
by Amy Vastine
Adult Romance 
Harlequin Heartwarming
January 1st 2014

Kendall Montgomery's six-year-old son has barely spoken in the past year, locked in his world of silent grief. Then one day, he spots his dead father across a crowded street.

Max Jordan moved to Chicago to be closer to his own son and prove he can be a better father than his deadbeat dad. His striking resemblance to Kendall's husband and his track record with fatherhood make her determined to keep her distance…until Max helps her little boy come out of his shell. But can she trust him with their future? How can she be sure he won't take off just when they need him most?

Amazon - Harlequin

I knew right away when I saw this blog tour that I wanted to be a part of it.  I read another book by Amy Vastine and really enjoyed it.  Amy knows how to write a good, clean romance that is engaging.  I'm a fan of Harlequin's Heartwarming line because I always know I'm going to get a clean romance without any surprises.

Kendall is a single mother trying to hold everything together.  Her son, Simon, has some serious issues going on and Kendall is struggling.  She just doesn’t know what to do to help him.  Dealing with the death of her husband is hard, add on concerns for Simon, a big project for work, and a father in law who she can’t please no matter what she does and you have a recipe for a stress disaster.

Max is a walking disaster of his own making.  To his credit though, he is trying to change and be better.  You’ve got admire that.  It isn’t his fault that he is almost the spitting image of Kendall’s dead husband which causes all kinds of awkwardness as Kendall and Max have to work together.

The relationship between Max and Kendall grows slowly and as it does, we learn more back history about them both.  The unfolding process was well written.  Max and Kendall struggle separately and they struggle together.  Of course, my favorite bits are when they support each other.

The characters in this book are all so real and engaging.  Simon is a great addition to this book and really made it feel like a made for TV movie or something.  Honestly.  This should be a Hallmark show!  J

Amy Vastine has been plotting stories in her head for as long as she can remember. An eternal optimist, she studied social work, hoping to teach others how to find their silver lining. Now, she enjoys creating happily ever afters for all to read.

Amy lives outside Chicago with her high school sweetheart-turned-husband, three fun-loving children, and their sweet but mischievous puppy dog.

Website * Goodreads * Facebook * Twitter

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- Gift Card Grand Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card and a signed paperback (US) or ebook (INT) of The Better Man
- US Grand Prize: Signed paperback of The Better Man plus swag (shown above)
- 5 copies of The Better Man (paperback for US and ebooks for INT)
- Ends October 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Bible Bands: Create Your Own Faith-Based Rubber Band Jewelry by Katreina Eden

Rubber band jewelry is the hottest new craze, and now you can try these new designs! Based on scriptures from the Bible, these projects are easy to follow and fun to wear. Show your faith and inspire others with the uplifting jewelry found in Bible Bands.

My daugther is really into making these rubber band jewelry creations.  She loves to experiment and create her own and she loves new ideas for bracelets.  When I saw this book up for tour I jumped right on it because I knew this would be perfect for her to help me review.

My daughter just turned 12, which I think is important to note.  She read the instructions and made the bracelets completely by herself.  I have no idea about making rubber band jewelry so it was all on her.

The instructions were easy to follow and my daughter had no problem with any of the bracelets she attempted to make.  A couple of the bracelets required two looms and we only have one so she was unable to make those.  

My favorite bracelet was "God Created This Beautiful World For Me"

Her favorite one to make was "One With God"

And here are some of the others she made:

I think this would be a perfect book to give as a gift for anyone who loves making rubber band jewelry.  Christmas will be here before you know it!  This book is Christian based and takes themes from the bible to go with this jewelry.

You can purchase this book at Cedar Fort or Amazon.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Enter To Win a Book of Your Choice!

It's time for another giveaway hop!  Yay!

For this hop, I will be giving away a book of your choice, $12 or less, because you deserve to be reading that book you've been dying to get your hands on!  Books will be sent through Amazon if you are US and The Book Depository if you are INT (and they ship to you for free).  The giveaway is for an actual book- not a giftcard or any other item.  You can choose a print book or e-book.  Thanks for stopping by!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Faded by Chloe Miles

Savannah wanted to kiss him, but she had never even kissed a human guy before, let alone a ghost. How was she supposed to kiss him if he wasn’t really there?

Savannah has never been in love before, but she’s in love with Hunter Emmerton. He’s cute, funny, charming ... and a ghost. How can you date someone if nobody else can see them?

When seventeen-year-old Savannah Fraser and her three friends are killed in a car accident, they are given a second chance at life by a group of century-old earthbound spirits who need their help.

I'm always a bit sorry when I read a book and do not like it.  It makes me feel bad to have to say that I didn't enjoy it because I know how much work and effort go into writing a book.  I really don't like negative reviews but as a reviewer, when you are asked for your honest opinion, you give it.

This book had so much potential.  The premise sounded intriguing and I was interested in reading it.  The actual play out of the potential ideas were lacking though.  Sometimes books grab you from the beginning and sometimes it takes a few chapters to get into a book but this book just never took off for me.

One thing that just bugged me was when Savannah and Hunter "kiss".  Neither one can feel it, which is just weird, but then Savannah says that even though she couldn't feel it, it was perfect.  Huh?  Okaaaaay.

The book itself seemed very simplistic to me.  The dialogue, everything.  I didn't connect to the characters at all.  The emotion fell flat and I just had a really hard time engaging.  The pacing was so slow and some scenes got so long that I started skimming.  The tension was missing.  (Ugh.  I just hate saying things like that.)  I read a lot of books.  I  know a good book when I read one and unfortunately, for me, this book wasn't one of those.  

There are plenty of other people who have read this book and enjoyed it though, so check out what other people are saying and decide for yourself.  I am one girl in a sea of readers and everyone has their own preferences.

* Amazon *  Goodreads *

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Star of Deliverance by Mandy Madson Voisin

Cen exhaled slowly. "It doesn't matter what their rules are or what the punishment will be. We are healers, and we must continue working and doing what we can to help our people regardless of the potential punishment." He paused. "And that includes this boy."

Emi was born an outcast but raised to be a healer. So when a young boy stumbles into her village with a rare disease, she knows that it's up to her to find the cure in the one place that abhors her people—the capital. But when Emi arrives, she's unwittingly thrust into a competition to win the Crown Prince's heart.

Staying in the game will give her time to search for the cure, but is it worth risking her life?

Get swept up in this epic teen fantasy that pulls you in from the very first page. Filled with intrigue, mystery, and romance, Star of Deliverance is guaranteed to keep you guessing.
It took me a couple chapters to get into this book and become invested but it definitely did happen.  This book reminded me a little bit of The Selection series with the competition to win the prince's heart.  The other thing that came to mind as I read this book was the story of Esther from the bible.  As per the usual with me, I didn't read anything about this book going into it so after reading, I read the author comments and realized the connection to the story of Esther in the bible was completely on purpose.  (of course it was!)  It is a loose connection but still there.

I ended up loving Emi.  She is so loyal to those she loves.  And smart.  She is so smart.  I loved Emi's courage and her ability to make tough decisions.  She has strength inner and outer that shine through as she makes personal sacrifices to help the lives of others.

This book had emotion and purpose.  I enjoyed the adventure and was sad to see it end.  There was plenty of resolution to satisfy me.  When I got closer to the end I started expecting a cliff hanger but it didn't happen.  I actually breathed a sigh of relief.  

The other added bonus for me was that this book was clean.  No swearing or sexual content.  I've added this book to my older teenage daughter's reading list.  I hope she will enjoy it as much as I did.

Here is my favorite quote from the book:

"Grief is the worst kind of pain, because it is not the pain of anger or fear.  Grief is the pain of love."

You can purchase "Star of Deliverance" at Amazon.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Rewind to You $75 Book Blast

Rewind to You Cover
One last summer before college on beautiful Tybee Island is supposed to help Sienna forget. But how can she? This is where her family spent every summer before everything changed, before the world as she knew it was ripped away. But the past isn’t easily left behind. Especially when Sienna keeps having episodes that take her back to the night she wants to forget. Even when she meets the mysterious Austin Dobbs, the guy with the intense blue eyes, athlete’s body, and weakness for pralines who scooped her out of trouble when she blacked out on River Street. When she’s with Austin, Sienna feels a whole new world opening up to her. Austin has secrets, and she has history. But caught between the past and the future, Sienna can still choose what happens now…

Laura Rewind to You Author
Laura Johnston lives in Utah with her husband and two children. Growing up with five siblings, a few horses, peach trees, beehives and gardens, she developed an active imagination and always loved a good story. She fell in love with the young adult genre both through her experience in high school as well as her job later as a high school teacher. Laura enjoys running, playing tennis, sewing, traveling, writing, and above all, spending time with her husband and kids. REWIND TO YOU is her debut novel.

I’m increasingly aware of Austin—his shower-fresh scent, every curve of muscle and the rise and fall of his chest with every breath—as he stands behind me and wraps his arms around mine. “I’ll teach you,” he says, his hot breath against my ear seeping in. Whispering a thrill. His hand cups the back of mine. I watch as he positions my pinkie and ring fingers over the threads and slides my thumb down. “Hold the football with your fingertips.” I glance at his face above my shoulder, his blue eyes, strong jaw and his lips. And suddenly, football is the last thing on my mind.

  Rewind to You Tour

Praise for the Book “Johnston’s debut spotlights romance and familial relationships, including themes like grief and self-sacrifice. It’s an ideal story for readers looking for a deep-rooted YA love story with the emotional ups and downs and poignancy of a Nicholas Sparks contemporary. There’s also a touch of wit and a sigh-worthy hero – a definite on your TBR list.” – RT Book Reviews  

 “This is contemporary YA fiction at its best! –Kay Lynn Mangum, author of The Secret Journal of Brett Colton   “Rewind to You will steal your hear away.” –Kelly Nelson, author of The Keeper’s Saga  
  BookBlast Giveaway $75 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 10/5/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an iTunes Gift Code or River Street Sweets Gift Card. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Secret Bliss of Calliope Ipswich by Marcia Lynn McClure + $25 Giveaway

secret bliss
The Secret Bliss of Calliope Ipswich by Marcia Lynn McClure “Oh! Do link arms with me, Calliope,” Blanche whispered, her brown eyes widening with apprehension. She took Calliope’s arm, tightly linking it with her own. “The old Mulholland house still gives me the willies every time I walk past it. I hate to think on what might have gone on inside. It’s truly terrifyin’!” “Oh, don’t be silly, Blanche,” Calliope said, feigning calm. “Poor Prudence’s lunacy…it’s sad. And besides, her fiendish acts were not committed inside the house. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just…it’s just a sad, empty building.” Calliope Ipswich felt the hypocrite, however, as an uncomfortable shiver of residual dread and unease shuttered down her spine, More than six months had passed since the All Hollow’s Eve when the dangerous state of Prudence Mulholland’s fracturing mind had been revealed to the townsfolk of Meadowlark Lake. And now, each time Calliope thought of poor Prudence and her family, not only did her heart ache for their family’s unhappy lot but a chill of lingering horror rippled through her being. In truth, at times Calliope wondered if it had all been simply a bad dream—a nightmare. But it hadn’t. It really had happened—all of it.
Purchase your copy on

It feels like it’s been awhile since I’ve settled in with a Marcia McClure book so I was happy to get this one in my hands and snuggle in for a romantic read. I always know exactly what I’m going to get with Marcia’s books. Predictable, yes. But sometimes a girl just needs to know what she can count on- especially when life feels so unpredictable. Today, life felt a bit overwhelming and so I picked this book to read. It wasn’t really “time” to read this book for me in my review schedule, but it’s what I wanted to read.  J

If you haven’t read any of Marcia’s books, and you love clean romance, you really need to check Marcia out. If you have read Marcia’s books, you will know exactly what to expect from this book. This is the second book in her “Three Girls Dressed In Blue” series. You probably should read the first book in the series first, but I don’t think it’s a must.

Calliope is a fun character. She has a happiness and light that just radiate from within and it makes it easy to like her. She is kind, gentle and such a good sister.

The Tom Thumb wedding added a bit of whimsy to the book. I loved the pictures at the end of the book from a Tom Thumb wedding of the past. So cute. It’s those kinds of things that really bring a story to life. I actually had no idea about the wedding of the actual Tom Thumb or even the reenactments that followed. What a fun thing.

This book is gentle and left me feeling good. It was perfect for the mood I was in when I picked it up.

Content: A handful of instances of mild swearing

Blanche’s pretty forehead puckered with a slight frown. “You don’t like Fox as much as he likes you, do you, Calliope? You’re not in love with him.” Calliope silently scolded herself for having let her countenance and words reveal her secret to Blanche. The truth was that she was not as sweet on Fox Montrose as he was on her. Yet there were secrets in her heart that could never be revealed to anyone—not even to Blanche, not even to Calliope’s own sisters. Therefore, she chose a counter maneuver with which to distract Blanche and said, “Oh, I adore Fox! I just think these things may take time, you know, for me to…to…” “To really fall in love with him, you mean,” Blanche finished. “Yes. Perhaps that is what I mean,” Calliope responded. Yet as they neared the Montrose house, trepidation welled up in Calliope’s bosom, for she knew that if she hadn’t fallen in love with Fox Montrose by now, she never would. Furthermore, she didn’t want to. A secret bliss was nestled deep inside Calliope Ipswich. It had been nestled there from nearly the moment the Ipswich family had arrived in Meadowlark Lake all those months past. And though it was a bliss she owned in knowing something about herself that even her own sisters did not know, it likewise brought her pain at times—for it was the very reason she knew she would never fall in love with Fox Montrose. Calliope’s love was already spoken for—and no one in all the wide world, save Calliope Ipswich herself, would ever know it.
Author Marcia Lynn McClure Marcia Lynn McClure’s intoxicating succession of novels, novellas, and e-books, has established her as one of the most favored and engaging authors of true romance. Her unprecedented forte in weaving captivating stories of western, medieval, regency, and contemporary amour void of brusque intimacy has earned her the title “The Queen of Kissing.” Marcia, who was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has spent her life intrigued with people, history, love, and romance. A wife, mother, grandmother, family historian, poet, and author, Marcia Lynn McClure spins her tales of splendor for the sake of offering respite through the beauty, mirth, and delight of a worthwhile and wonderful story.  
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  Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 9/24/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 12, 2014

On Tour with The Reckoning by Teyla Branton + a $25 Giveaway


  The Reckoning 
  The Reckoning Only One Can Survive The Reckoning Erin Radkey has always known the day would come when she would have to personally confront the Triad leader of the power-hungry Emporium. But she never thought it would be with a snake in her head that feeds on her energy. Or that she’d be in the company of an uncertain ally who might turn on her at any moment. The stakes are high as new intel uncovers a startling Emporium plot that will catapult the entire world into war. Erin is determined to save not only the mortals but also her friends—even if it means sacrificing herself and her newfound love for Ritter Langton. Ritter is just as determined to save Erin and prevent what would usher in the most bloody century the world has ever known, but even he might not recognize the person she becomes. Every day the enemy grows stronger. There will be no second chance.

This has been a series I have really enjoyed reading from the beginning.  It is fast paced and charged with tension and danger.  

Erin is one super tough chick.  If we are picking teams, I go first and she is on my team.  Erin and Ritter are a powerhouse couple when they are working together.  In the very rare down time to this book, Erin and Ritter make out.  Fight the enemy or make out.  It's either one or the other.  ha ha.

Not only are Erin and friends trying to figure out the Emporiums latest plot to take over the world, but Erin is fighting against the "snake" in her head.  It feeds on her energy especially when she uses her super powers so Erin tries to reserve and conserve.  The whole book you know a face off is coming between Erin and the leader of the Emporium and you are just waiting for it.  When it comes, BAM.

I love the sense of family between Erin and her friends.  They fight together, each using their special and individual powers, but it's more than that.  They have a connection that goes beyond their work.  They are loyal to each other and they would each give their own lives to protect the others.  I like how they all know each other so well that they all just click into place.

This was another great addition to this series.  The ending left me in a good place with Erin and Ritter, which I was happy about but I sense there is more to come.  Yes, more to come for sure and I can't wait to read it.

Book #1 The Change is FREE.
“Surprising plot twists” -Publishers Weekly
Grab your FREE copy today!

Teyla Rachel Branton grew up avidly reading science fiction and fantasy and watching Star Trek reruns with her large family. They lived on a little farm where she loved to visit the solitary cow and collect (and juggle) the eggs, usually making it back to the house with most of them intact. On that same farm she once owned thirty-three gerbils and eighteen cats, not a good mix, as it turns out. Teyla always had her nose in a book and daydreamed about someday creating her own worlds. She is now married, mostly grown up, and has seven kids, including a two-year-old, so life at her house can be very interesting (and loud), but writing keeps her sane. She thrives on the energy and daily amusement offered by her children, the semi-ordered chaos giving her a constant source of writing material. Grabbing any snatch of free time from her hectic life, Teyla writes novels, often with a child on her lap. She warns her children that if they don’t behave, they just might find themselves in her next book! She’s been known to wear pajamas all day when working on a deadline, and is often distracted enough to burn dinner. (Okay, pretty much 90% of the time.) A sign on her office door reads: DANGER. WRITER AT WORK. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. She loves writing fiction and traveling, and she hopes to write and travel a lot more. She also loves shooting guns, martial arts, and belly dancing. She has worked in the publishing business for over twenty years.

    Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 9/18/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Changing Fate by Michelle Merrill

All Kate wants is to live. Battling cystic fibrosis is hard enough, dying from it is even harder. When her mom moves them closer to the hospital in the middle of her senior year, Kate’s determined to isolate herself—saving everyone the trouble of befriending a dying girl. It’s a difficult task when cheerful optimist Giana insists on being Kate’s friend.

Kate’s resolve falters even more when curly-haired Kyler captivates her with his sweet melodies. As her emotional walls collapse, Kate realizes the people she’s been pushing away may be the ones giving her a reason to live. But it might be too late.

I am always grateful for books that help inform and educate me on something I don't know much about.  I don't often get that sort of thing in YA fiction, but with this book, I did.  Cystic Fibrosis is something I have absolutely no first hand knowledge of.  I don't know anyone who has cystic fibrosis.  I am completely ignorant.  That must be the motivation behind the author's desire to write a book like this because by reading this book I learned many things I did not know about this disease.  Not only did my knowledge increase, but my compassion as well.

Kate has had a rough go of life.  Facing death every day and trying to protect your fragile emotions must be a difficult thing.  Kate manages well for the most part but her self imposed isolation is making her life harder, not easier.  Kate is trying to protect herself and others but I love how she gradually realizes that people are willing to help her carry tough burdens.  Friendship is one of the greatest treasures we have.  Kate finds some true friends and it makes all the difference for her.

I really liked the strong friendships in this book.  It was less of a romance and more friendship based.  It is also a story of healing within Kate's own family.  The ending was a little hard to believe, but this is a work of fiction and it made for a happily ever after ending for Kate tied up with a pretty red bow.  It was both heart wrenching and hopeful.

It must be hard to write a book like this, I think, because you want to bring out the realities of of cystic fibrosis without it becoming overwhelming to the reader.  There were plenty of hard and emotional things in this book but I felt like I walked away better for reading it.

You can purchase this book on Amazon.  Half of all proceeds will be given to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Michelle Merrill loves kissing her hubby, snuggling her kids, eating candy, reading books, and writing first drafts. She names her computers after favorite fictional characters and fictional characters after favorite names. To learn more about her, visit

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Movie Review: Believe

In the early 80’s the legendary Manchester United football manager Sir Matt Busby helps a wayward boy fulfill his dream.

Having lived with football all his life and survived the tragic 1958 Munich plane disaster in which 8 of his promising young players were killed, Matt, still haunted by the ghosts of the “Busby Babes” comes out of retirement for one last coaching challenge, to transform a young group of scallywags into a dream team to compete for the upcoming Manchester United Football League Cup.

A funny and touching family film, Believe tells the story of how Matt is finally healed, while continuing to inspire generations of dreamers and leaving the world’s greatest football team as his legacy.

RELEASE DATE: September 12th 

I'm excited to tell you about this new family film set to release this Friday.  I was able to preview this film this film early for review- my thanks to Deseret Book for making that possible.

Finding good movies the whole family can enjoy can sometimes be a difficult thing.  It makes me happy to be able to promote family films that leave you feeling good.  

This movie was touching and heartwarming.  It's one of those "feel good" films.  The characters were all likeable and those little kids with the British accents were absolutely adorable.  They are kids who really play football in England.  I love that. 

This movie is based on the real life story of Matt Busby, Manchester United football manager.  Movies based on true stories are some of the best.

I loved this film.  I'm a bit obsessed with soccer (or football, depending on where you live) right now so yeah, this movie hit my sweet spot.  :)  And, my son is currently living in England so it was a double sweet spot win.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Strength of Ballerinas by Nancy Lorenz + $25 Giveaway!

All Kendra wants to do is dance for the Manhattan Dance Company. So when her family’s forced to move to California, her dreams of auditioning are shattered. Still determined to dance, Kendra faces social isolation and family pressures in her new home. But when she’s diagnosed with a debilitating illness, Kendra must decide which dreams are worth fighting for.

I haven't had much exposure to the world of ballerinas but I do love watching them dance.  There is something so delicate to ballet.  Obviously, ballet takes a great deal of dedication and hard work.  That I do know but I've never experienced it first hand.

Kendra is young and growing up quickly.  Life has dealt her many challenges.  Her mother passed away, her brother is autistic, her dad gets laid off and is forced to move across the country.  Kendra faces a new home, a new school and struggles to give up her dream of dancing with the Manhattan Dance Company.  Then, on top of it all, Kendra learns she has an illness that can be quite debilitating- especially as a dancer.  

Most of the book is Kendra's journey through tough things.  It's a good story that inspires all those "don't give up" feelings.  I was rooting for Kendra, hoping she would figure things out and find a place within herself that she was at peace.

This is a gentle book.  There are no heart pounding moments, no real romance and no climactic build-up but it is still compelling and endearing.

I think young teenage girls who love dance will be especially interested in this book.  

You can purchase "The Strength of Ballerinas" at Amazon and Cedar Fort.  It releases today!

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