
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Star of Deliverance by Mandy Madson Voisin

Cen exhaled slowly. "It doesn't matter what their rules are or what the punishment will be. We are healers, and we must continue working and doing what we can to help our people regardless of the potential punishment." He paused. "And that includes this boy."

Emi was born an outcast but raised to be a healer. So when a young boy stumbles into her village with a rare disease, she knows that it's up to her to find the cure in the one place that abhors her people—the capital. But when Emi arrives, she's unwittingly thrust into a competition to win the Crown Prince's heart.

Staying in the game will give her time to search for the cure, but is it worth risking her life?

Get swept up in this epic teen fantasy that pulls you in from the very first page. Filled with intrigue, mystery, and romance, Star of Deliverance is guaranteed to keep you guessing.
It took me a couple chapters to get into this book and become invested but it definitely did happen.  This book reminded me a little bit of The Selection series with the competition to win the prince's heart.  The other thing that came to mind as I read this book was the story of Esther from the bible.  As per the usual with me, I didn't read anything about this book going into it so after reading, I read the author comments and realized the connection to the story of Esther in the bible was completely on purpose.  (of course it was!)  It is a loose connection but still there.

I ended up loving Emi.  She is so loyal to those she loves.  And smart.  She is so smart.  I loved Emi's courage and her ability to make tough decisions.  She has strength inner and outer that shine through as she makes personal sacrifices to help the lives of others.

This book had emotion and purpose.  I enjoyed the adventure and was sad to see it end.  There was plenty of resolution to satisfy me.  When I got closer to the end I started expecting a cliff hanger but it didn't happen.  I actually breathed a sigh of relief.  

The other added bonus for me was that this book was clean.  No swearing or sexual content.  I've added this book to my older teenage daughter's reading list.  I hope she will enjoy it as much as I did.

Here is my favorite quote from the book:

"Grief is the worst kind of pain, because it is not the pain of anger or fear.  Grief is the pain of love."

You can purchase "Star of Deliverance" at Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I've seen this book and I love the cover!!! Sounds like a book I'd enjoy. Adding it to my TBR list. Great review!


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