
Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Better Man by Amy Vastine + $25 and Book Giveaway!

A Themed Tour through Prism Book Tours.

The Better Man (Chicago Sisters)
The Better Man
by Amy Vastine
Adult Romance 
Harlequin Heartwarming
January 1st 2014

Kendall Montgomery's six-year-old son has barely spoken in the past year, locked in his world of silent grief. Then one day, he spots his dead father across a crowded street.

Max Jordan moved to Chicago to be closer to his own son and prove he can be a better father than his deadbeat dad. His striking resemblance to Kendall's husband and his track record with fatherhood make her determined to keep her distance…until Max helps her little boy come out of his shell. But can she trust him with their future? How can she be sure he won't take off just when they need him most?

Amazon - Harlequin

I knew right away when I saw this blog tour that I wanted to be a part of it.  I read another book by Amy Vastine and really enjoyed it.  Amy knows how to write a good, clean romance that is engaging.  I'm a fan of Harlequin's Heartwarming line because I always know I'm going to get a clean romance without any surprises.

Kendall is a single mother trying to hold everything together.  Her son, Simon, has some serious issues going on and Kendall is struggling.  She just doesn’t know what to do to help him.  Dealing with the death of her husband is hard, add on concerns for Simon, a big project for work, and a father in law who she can’t please no matter what she does and you have a recipe for a stress disaster.

Max is a walking disaster of his own making.  To his credit though, he is trying to change and be better.  You’ve got admire that.  It isn’t his fault that he is almost the spitting image of Kendall’s dead husband which causes all kinds of awkwardness as Kendall and Max have to work together.

The relationship between Max and Kendall grows slowly and as it does, we learn more back history about them both.  The unfolding process was well written.  Max and Kendall struggle separately and they struggle together.  Of course, my favorite bits are when they support each other.

The characters in this book are all so real and engaging.  Simon is a great addition to this book and really made it feel like a made for TV movie or something.  Honestly.  This should be a Hallmark show!  J

Amy Vastine has been plotting stories in her head for as long as she can remember. An eternal optimist, she studied social work, hoping to teach others how to find their silver lining. Now, she enjoys creating happily ever afters for all to read.

Amy lives outside Chicago with her high school sweetheart-turned-husband, three fun-loving children, and their sweet but mischievous puppy dog.

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Tour-Wide Giveaway

- Gift Card Grand Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card and a signed paperback (US) or ebook (INT) of The Better Man
- US Grand Prize: Signed paperback of The Better Man plus swag (shown above)
- 5 copies of The Better Man (paperback for US and ebooks for INT)
- Ends October 5th

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for your awesome review! I am so glad you liked it. And what I wouldn't do to see this book on the Hallmark channel :)

  2. I've been to Chicago and loved it! The art museum was my favorite!

  3. I haven't been to Chicago but I would love to visit there someday!

  4. yes, but not i n a really long time


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