
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Night at the Opera (An American Heiress Book 1) by Stacy Henrie + Win This Book!

When American heiress Gwen Barton aids an injured gentleman in an opera box in London, she shares a kiss with the stranger that changes her life. More determined than ever to be herself, in spite of the limp she’s sustained since childhood, she will marry for love and not a title. She also resolves to learn the identity of the man she helped—and kissed. Surely he can’t be the irritating Avery Winfield, though. But as circumstances continue to throw Gwen and Avery together, she begins to wonder if there is more to this man than she first thought.

While most of London only knows him as the nephew of a duke, Avery Winfield is actually working for the Secret Service Bureau to ferret out German spies from among the ton. It’s a profession that gives him purpose and a reason to remain a bachelor. But the more he interacts with Gwen Barton, an heiress from America, the more he begins to question his plans and neglected faith. Then he learns Gwen is the young lady from the opera box who helped him. Now his most important mission may have nothing to do with saving Britain from danger and everything to do with risking his heart for the woman he met that night at the opera.

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First I have to say that I really love this cover.  It feels so classy to me and is a great representation of what lies inside.

This book has the most excellent first meet between Gwen and Avery!  They can't even see each other clearly and they have no idea who they are meeting, but yum, is it good.  It set the tone for the whole book with the intrigue and mystery and I really loved it.

The characters felt solid in my mind, believable and so easy to like.  I was drawn to them from the very beginning.  As their interactions increased in frequency, the build up of emotions and mystery also increased.  It all felt very gentle but the arc was definitely there and I couldn't help but feel it.  I really loved the ending too.  It left me with all sorts of fuzzy, good feelings

Content:  mild peril, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. Thanks for reading and reviewing the book! I loved what you said about their first meeting :) - so glad you enjoyed the story!

  2. Thank you for the post. I can't wait to read Night At The Opera.
    Carol Luciano
    Lucky4750 at aol dot com


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