
Friday, December 8, 2017

The Gentleman's Deception by Karen Tuft + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Renowned actress Ruby Chadwick, The Darling of Drury Lane, has long planned and prepared for her final performance. With exceptional beauty comes the unwanted attention of men, and after years of fending off odious suitors, Ruby is ready to leave it all behind in favor of a quiet life. The first step is to reclaim a piece of her past: her true identity as Lavinia Fernley. But leaving town unnoticed proves impossible, and in one desperate moment, she embarks on the greatest act of her life when she throws herself into the arms of a stranger to avoid recognition.

Lucas Jennings is shocked to find the stunning redhead in his arms, but something moves him to play along with her ruse when she calls him her husband. This charade marks the start of an unpredictable journey as he escorts the lovely Lavinia and her traveling companions to Primrose Farm, far from the glaring lights of London. Soon, the tables are turned when Lucas introduces Lavinia to his family—as his fiancĂ©e. Before long, their mutual deception begins to feel all too real. But when the truth of her past is revealed, will Lavinia’s dream of a happy ending slip through her fingers?

Regency romance is a fun genre and one of my favorites- especially when it's a bit off the beaten path like this one is.  I've never read a regency that places the main character in the role of a stage performer and it made this story all the more intriguing.

The deceptions that fill this book will have your head spinning.  It seems like everyone, at some point or another, is part of some sort of ruse.  Some more than others!  It's nuts.  And then it blows up!  

I felt like the first half of the book was a bit slow in pacing but the last half more than made up for it.  I loved the ending and I loved Lucas.  What a kind gentleman.  I also loved watching Lavinia come back to herself.  Oh!  and one more love.  The cover!  It's so pretty!

If you love regency romance, you should definitely give this one a look.

Content:  mild peril, kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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