
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Support Your Local Sheriff by Melinda Curtis + Book Giveaway!

Support Your Local Sheriff
(Harmony Valley #10)
by Melinda Curtis
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
October 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Will he pass the daddy test?

With his job in jeopardy, it couldn't be a worse time for Sheriff Nate Landry's recent past to come back to haunt him. But it would take an army to stop SWAT team leader Julie Smith. The fellow cop—and sister of his ex-fiancée—wants one thing from the beleaguered lawman: custody of the toddler son that Nate didn't know he had.

He may not be natural daddy material, but he quickly takes a shine to little Duke. And then there are the feelings Nate's been hiding for years. Only now Julie's running for sheriff of Harmony Valley—against him. Time to retreat? Not if he wants a future with the woman he loves.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

I'm just going to start out by admitting that I just may be half in love with Sheriff Nate Landry.  He is seriously swoony but not for his good looks (which he has!) or his suave (which he doesn't have much of!).  His attraction, for me, is his quiet strength, his patience, kindness and his good manners.  Is that weird?  He is a true gentleman and I just adore him.

Then you add in a super cute two year old and that man gets even MORE attractive.  Yup.  It's true.  That two year old Drake made my mommy instincts hum.  I want him.  

This is a slow building romance.  The sparks don't really jump off the page but the story has a gentle pull that kept me engaged and interested.  There are all kinds of meddling, crazy and quirky characters thrown into this book.  Combine that with the small town antics and you will be shaking your head and rolling your eyes, just like me.  It was a lot of fun.

Content:  kissing

- I received a copy of this book in conjunction with this tour.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author, Melinda Curtis is the award winning author of contemporary romance that spans the sexy scale - from sweet romance to sweet romantic comedy (written under the Melinda Curtis brand) to fun, sexier romances (written under the Mel Curtis brand).

Melinda loves writing romances about women who don't realize how strong they are until a hero comes along to show them, while simultaneously capturing the wry humorous power struggle of falling in love (because, really, who lets the man have the last word?).

Tour Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive autographed copies of Time for Love, A Memory Away, A Man of Influence, and Marrying the Single Dad
- US Only. International will receive ecopies.
- Ends November 1st


  1. Thanks for the review! Glad you fell in love with Nate!

  2. I love the cover. Children add much to a story. This one speaks to the special relationship between the man and child.

  3. This sounds like one of those lay back, relax and enjoy some warm feelings kind of book.
    sherry @ fundinmental


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