
Monday, October 30, 2017

Forever Yours in Christmas Falls (Return to Christmas Falls #5) by Susan Hatler

Morgan Reed is excited to return to her hometown of Christmas Falls and open her beauty salon, but when she arrives to her rented business space she’s shocked to find it already occupied by Dallas Parker—her brother’s best friend, the guy she had a childhood crush on, and the one her mom blames for their family’s greatest tragedy.

With their landlord out of the country and unreachable, Morgan and Dallas must open their businesses together. But, no worries, all small towns need a combo furniture store/beauty salon, right? Ugh. As they work together, Morgan tries to keep her emotional distance but time and off-the-charts chemistry soon turn a childhood friendship into a blossoming romance.

Unfortunately, just when their relationship develops into something deeper, an unexpected crisis re-opens her family’s old wounds and the blame is on Dallas once again. Will Morgan’s sadness and fear pull them apart, or make her realize Dallas has always been her heart’s true safe harbor?

Susan Hatler proves yet again with this book just why I love her!  Her books always give me butterflies and swoony feelings with flirty banter and fun characters.  And Dallas?  Um, hello.  Morgan and I may have a crush on him together.  He's just full of strong manly traits that are so attractive!

It's always satisfying to see a character find the strength to follow their dreams and Morgan definitely does that in this book.  She has tried to fit the mold her mother has for her but it's never been what she wants.  When Morgan finally finds the courage to step into her own path and find her own happiness, my heart did a little song of joy.  She owned her decisions and I felt that strength.

I love the added depth of emotion and connection a shared tragedy brings to Morgan and Dallas's relationship.  Their history has many good moments and couple not so good.  It gives the story a good balance with all the reconnecting chemistry that is flying around.

This book is part of a series but can stand all on it's own.  I've been reading the series and I am absolutely loving it.  Each book is by a different author but the books intertwine with location and a common character of Miss Anna Cate.  This is the perfect series to get into with the holiday season fast approaching!

Content:  kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Blue Ridge Sunrise (Blue Ridge Romance #1) by Denise Hunter

Former free spirit Zoe Collins swore she’d never again set foot in Copper Creek or speak to the man who broke her heart. But return she must when her beloved Granny dies, leaving the family legacy to Zoe--a peach orchard nestled at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

When Zoe returns home with her daughter and boyfriend Kyle, she finds that she’s the only person in town who doesn’t expect her to give up the life she’s established far away from Copper Creek. Everyone believes she was born to run the orchard, but how can she make it her home after so many years?

Cruz Huntley never quite got over his first love Zoe Collins, the little sister of his best friend Brady. Not when she cheated on him during their “break,” not when she took off to parts unknown with good-for-nothing Kyle Jenkins, and not even now—five years later.

As life-changing decisions and a history with Cruz hang over Zoe’s head, tensions rise between her and Kyle. Even as she comes to terms with the shifting relationships in her life, Zoe still isn’t sure if she can remain in Copper Creek with her new responsibilities . . . and her first love.

One thing I love about Denise Hunter is she knows how to write books that get into the gritty parts of life that aren't so pretty.  Her books bring out the not so pretty and the sometimes hopeless parts but she also shows how those not so pretty things can turn into beautiful things through love and faith.  Hunter's books always feel like a journey that end in the best sort of satisfaction for me.

Cruz and Zoe have quite the history.  It unfolds slowly throughout that book as the two try to navigate a new reality of working together after years spent apart.  They parted after some big misunderstandings which provide for some major bumps in the road as they try to come to terms with what happened.  Cruz and Zoe are imperfect people.  Their flaws are obvious but so are their strengths.  It makes them feel human and easy to relate to.

I loved the light suspense and the added tension it brought as I just waited for that "something" to happen that I knew was coming.  

I enjoyed this book a lot!  I read through it quickly and found myself caring about the characters.  The pacing is great.  I really hope Zoe's brother gets his story next!  :)

Content:  mild violence, mentions of sex outside of marriage with no details, kissing.  Light Christian fiction elements.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

$50 Book Blast- Mine for a Day by Delaney Cameron

Growing up in the shadow of three beautiful sisters isn’t easy when you’re average. Not that anyone in Violet’s family ever mentions it, but it’s pointed out to her again and again by everyone else. Guys don’t mind talking to her or hanging out with her, but she doesn’t make the cut as girlfriend material. She compensates for her lack of social life by staying busy. Holding down two jobs and working on her master’s degree is a decent enough smokescreen. What most people don’t realize is that her sensible, no-nonsense exterior hides the heart of a hopeless romantic. More than anything, Violet wants to love and to be loved. There was a time when Jackson looked forward to getting married and having a family, but all that ended his senior year of college. Because of the selfish actions of others, he had to walk away from someone he cared deeply about. Disillusioned and heartbroken, he resolved never to risk falling in love again. This means keeping his relationships short in length and light on commitment. As such, they never come close to touching his heart. This system works flawlessly until he meets Violet; someone who reminds him of what he used to be, and who makes him question whether he really is better off without love.


  Praise for the Book A "chance" meeting between Jackson and Violet leads them to a relationship that frees them from their hurting hearts and to a love that makes for a life worth living. Loved the line "The seemingly insignificant things are never unimportant, and chance meetings have little to do with chance." A most enjoyable romance from Delaney Cameron! Easily one of my favorite authors. I especially like how she shows the development of the relationship for our hero & heroine. A sweet, sweet romance. A beautiful story of unexpected love.


One minute Violet was listening to her newest audiobook; the next she was staring in horror at the busted grille and sagging bumper of a pearly-white Land Rover.
“I’m so sorry,” she said to the serious-looking man walking toward her. “I can’t think how it happened.”
“Can’t you?” his deep voice drawled. “Maybe I can help you figure it out. Were you texting your boyfriend?”
She couldn’t help smiling at his question. The fact that she didn’t have a boyfriend had been a popular topic over the Memorial Day weekend. If she hadn’t been aware of the direness of this situation before, she had no doubts about it now. “No, I wasn’t. Would you like to check my phone?”
He ignored her attempt at humor, choosing instead to inspect the damage to their respective vehicles. The situation reminded her of a show she’d seen recently where a dating expert illustrated different ways to meet men. Running into their car had been one of the more humorous examples. Violet couldn’t have executed this plan any better if she tried, nor could she complain about the result.
The man crouching next to her ten-year-old Fiat was tall enough to make even her feel short. That didn’t happen often when you were five-eleven. His striped polo shirt and jeans fit his wide shoulders and narrow hips like a glove. Costa sunglasses rested in his light brown hair, and his eyes were the color of polished steel. In the words of her Aunt Anita, he was the cat’s meow.
He rose to his feet, dusting off his hands. “This isn’t your first rodeo, is it?”
“Actually, it is. With the exception of today, the rest of those scratches and dents were there when I inherited Leonie.”
For the first time since he stepped out of his vehicle something close to humor entered his handsome face. “In other words, you probably won’t bother to have it, I mean Leonie, repaired.”
Her lips twitched at the correction. “That’s right. Shouldn’t we be calling the police?”
“I don’t think that’s necessary. I’ve got a friend who owns a body shop.”
She reached into her purse. “Let me give you my insurance information.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, turning to walk away.
“But it’s my fault. I should have been paying attention.”
He stopped and glanced over his shoulder, an attractive grin forming on his lips. “I agree, but there’s no point in raising your insurance rates over what amounts to a fender bender. Just watch where you’re going from now on. The owner of the next car you back into might not be so distracted by that pretty smile of yours.”
Distracted by her pretty smile? Where had that come from? He’d gone from ice cold to oozing charm in ten seconds. Some people just couldn’t make up their minds.
After giving him a decent head start, Violet left the rest area. Her clean accident record was still intact, but only because of Mr. Wonderful’s kindness. If she hadn’t been so tired from three days of nonstop activity, she might not have done such a stupid thing.
From the moment she arrived at Millicent’s house in Chattanooga on Friday afternoon, she’d been swept up in all the activities of a reunion weekend with a few of her college friends. This included several late-night sessions where everyone provided details about the current man in their life. Violet’s contribution had been sadly lacking.
A quick glance at her phone confirmed that she wouldn’t roll into Columbus until almost ten. She would have been further along if she hadn’t stopped in Dalton. The sight of a Carter’s outlet store had been too much of atemptation to pass up. She’d spent a happy hour browsing the racks and shelves buying baby clothes for her nephew Micah and her friend Holly’s daughter Rebecca.
Hopefully Rachel remembered to feed Bluebell. Her best friend and roommate had become increasingly absentminded since she met Pierre, an exchange student from France. Not that Violet could blame her. If she hada guy whispering sweet nothings in French into her ear, she’d walk around with her head in the clouds, too.
A sigh escaped her lips. Her own Prince Charming didn’t seem to be in any hurry to make an appearance. Her dating life had gone from a dribble to a dry creek bed. She hadn’t given up on finding love, but she was starting to wonder if love had given up on her.
Author Delaney Cameron I'm a Georgia girl at heart if not by birth. I love to read, watch college football, and spend time with my husband. I'm a hopeless romantic so there will always be a happily ever after in my stories. I also like to write about second chances because love doesn't always work out the first time. My books are sweet romances set in both contemporary and regency settings featuring stories about the journey to love, from that first meeting to the point where two people know their hearts are no longer their own. My characters aren't perfect. They make mistakes and have faults like the rest of us. They learn the sometimes painful truth that the path to love isn't always smooth, but it's a road worth traveling.

  amazon or paypal 
  $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 11/19/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Support Your Local Sheriff by Melinda Curtis + Book Giveaway!

Support Your Local Sheriff
(Harmony Valley #10)
by Melinda Curtis
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
October 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Will he pass the daddy test?

With his job in jeopardy, it couldn't be a worse time for Sheriff Nate Landry's recent past to come back to haunt him. But it would take an army to stop SWAT team leader Julie Smith. The fellow cop—and sister of his ex-fiancée—wants one thing from the beleaguered lawman: custody of the toddler son that Nate didn't know he had.

He may not be natural daddy material, but he quickly takes a shine to little Duke. And then there are the feelings Nate's been hiding for years. Only now Julie's running for sheriff of Harmony Valley—against him. Time to retreat? Not if he wants a future with the woman he loves.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

I'm just going to start out by admitting that I just may be half in love with Sheriff Nate Landry.  He is seriously swoony but not for his good looks (which he has!) or his suave (which he doesn't have much of!).  His attraction, for me, is his quiet strength, his patience, kindness and his good manners.  Is that weird?  He is a true gentleman and I just adore him.

Then you add in a super cute two year old and that man gets even MORE attractive.  Yup.  It's true.  That two year old Drake made my mommy instincts hum.  I want him.  

This is a slow building romance.  The sparks don't really jump off the page but the story has a gentle pull that kept me engaged and interested.  There are all kinds of meddling, crazy and quirky characters thrown into this book.  Combine that with the small town antics and you will be shaking your head and rolling your eyes, just like me.  It was a lot of fun.

Content:  kissing

- I received a copy of this book in conjunction with this tour.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author, Melinda Curtis is the award winning author of contemporary romance that spans the sexy scale - from sweet romance to sweet romantic comedy (written under the Melinda Curtis brand) to fun, sexier romances (written under the Mel Curtis brand).

Melinda loves writing romances about women who don't realize how strong they are until a hero comes along to show them, while simultaneously capturing the wry humorous power struggle of falling in love (because, really, who lets the man have the last word?).

Tour Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive autographed copies of Time for Love, A Memory Away, A Man of Influence, and Marrying the Single Dad
- US Only. International will receive ecopies.
- Ends November 1st

Monday, October 23, 2017

$100 Blast for Return to Christmas Falls Series!

Homecoming in Christmas Falls by Ciara Knight
Eight years after fleeing Christmas Falls because of a high school prank gone wrong, Ashley Brooks receives a mysterious letter from her mentor asking her to come home. She arrives to face all she left behind—her family, her friends, and the rich boy she’d loved who would never date the girl from the wrong side of town. Brent Donnelly, high school jock, brainiac, and dutiful son did everything right until the day Ashley returns to ChristmasFalls. With one look at the girl who got away he questions all his life choices, including following in his father’s footsteps in the family business. Faced with a potentially devastating decline of tourism in their hometown, Brent and Ashley must work together to save the magic of their town, but when Ashley discovers he still has feelings for her best friend she must finally face the real reason she left Christmas Falls—to try to heal her broken heart.
Honeymoon for One in Christmas Falls by Jennifer Peel
Is there room for two on this honeymoon for one? Piper Wyatt’s Christmas wish is to get promoted to manager at Blackstock Hotel and Resort. Not only does the promotion mean more money, but it means more time with her son and proof that she’s not such a disappointment after all. Jace Petersen, successful owner of a national chain of sporting goods stores, finds himself alone and miserable on what should have been his honeymoon. That is until he literally falls onto the lovely Piper Wyatt. He’s intrigued with this woman who can fix a car in high heels. Too bad for him, he makes a horrible first impression, and Piper’s not allowed to mingle with the guests. While Piper tries her best to steer clear of Jace during his stay, she can’t help but notice he’s not the man from their first meeting. But is he worth risking her promotion? Or is Jace right, Piper deserves more than she ever thought possible for herself? Find out in this charming Christmas tale about finding love in the most unexpected place, a honeymoon.

Once Again in Christmas Falls by Becky Monson
In one day, London Walsh finds out her ex is going to be her boss and that her parents are getting a divorce—and they want her to referee the situation. So when she’s offered the chance to spend the holidays in her old hometown of ChristmasFalls, far away from all the drama, she jumps on it. But the quaint town doesn’t feel quite like the home it once was. London shed the goth image that defined her in high school long ago, but no one recognizes the woman she's become. Except for Andy Broll, London’s childhood next door neighbor. He recognizes her immediately, which sends London’s heart fluttering as she starts to see Andy in a whole different light. But when her time in Christmas Falls doesn’t go as planned, will London face it head on? Or will she find a reason to run?

Rumor Has It in Christmas Falls by Melinda Curtis
As a political strategist at Dunlop Bennet & Associates, Lexi Townsend's career is going nowhere. She's a cubical dweller writing speeches for freshmen senators in DC. But if she can hitch her career wagon to a rising political star, she’ll be on her way to a corner office in no time. When she’s offered a plum holiday assignment–an ideal candidate with deep pockets, someone who could make the leap from local to national politics–she starts to dream about that corner office. Until she realizes her candidate is Kevin O’Malley, aka Kevin the Hottie, Kevin the Snob, Kevin the Liar, the same guy who shattered her high school reputation back home in Christmas Falls with a rumor. Assignment in hand, Lexi braces herself for the most difficult political race of her career--because this time it’s personal.

Forever Yours in Christmas Falls by Susan Hatler
Morgan Reed is excited to return to her hometown of Christmas Falls and open her beauty salon, but when she arrives to her rented business space she’s shocked to find it already occupied by Dallas Parker—her brother’s best friend, the guy she had a childhood crush on, and the one her mom blames for their family’s greatest tragedy. With their landlord out of the country and unreachable, Morgan and Dallas must open their businesses together. But, no worries, all small towns need a combo furniture store/beauty salon, right? Ugh. As they work together, Morgan tries to keep her emotional distance but time and off-the-charts chemistry soon turn a childhood friendship into a blossoming romance. Unfortunately, just when their relationship develops into something deeper, an unexpected crisis re-opens her family’s old wounds and the blame is on Dallas once again. Will Morgan’s sadness and fear pull them apart, or make her realize Dallas has always been her heart’s true safe harbor?

Love Notes in Christmas Falls by Beth Labonte
When Caitlin Cook left the small town of Christmas Falls, Tennessee to attend Harvard University, she left behind the burden of her parents’ slowly increasing hoard of antiques, a much younger brother, and Shane Mitchell—the boy who blindsided her with the news that he loved her on the night before she left. Shane Mitchell spent his high school years fascinated by Caitlin Cook. The quiet flute player with her nose always in a book, he wanted desperately to find out what made her tick. Eight years later, Caitlin returns to Christmas Falls—unemployed and newly single—after receiving a devastating letter from her beloved high school mentor. Caitlin is shocked to find her childhood home in disarray, and her little brother in desperate need of his sister. With Shane’s help—now a pillar of the community rather than the carefree teenager Caitlin once knew—she begins to rediscover her love for music, antiques, and possibly even Shane. When faced with the choice of rebuilding her life in Boston, or giving love a second chance in Christmas Falls, will Caitlin be able to decide on the true meaning of home?

Finding The Truth in Christmas Falls by Danielle Stewart
Olivia Mackey spent her whole life hearing how she was destined for bigger and better places than Christmas Falls, Tennessee. A regular on the beauty queen scene from a very young age, she learned from her stage mom, that appearances mean everything. Having spent the years after high school traveling the world and failing at the dream everyone told her she should have, she's back home and wondering what she's to do next. Nothing is where she left it. Friends have scattered, her mentor is ill, and Olivia is fumbling her way through a big life in a small town.
Tim Avondale and his young daughter showed up in Christmas Falls one evening looking for a fresh start. Buying the Sleepy Hound Bookstore seemed the perfect opportunity. Life had gone so wrong and now here in this quiet town he could keep anything bad from happening to his daughter again.
When the two cross paths Olivia and Tim find an instant connection. A tug toward each other they don't want to ignore. The problem is, in the process they are being tugged away from all the things they thought were important in their lives. He can't hide out from real life forever. She is more than just what people see on the surface. But when they're forced to decide will they choose to be better together or safer apart?
  amazon or paypal

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 11/5/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Honeymoon for One in Christmas Falls (Return to Christmas Falls #2) by Jennifer Peel

Is there room for two on this honeymoon for one?

Piper Wyatt's Christmas wish is to get promoted to manager at Blackstock Hotel and Resort. Not only does the promotion mean more money, but it means more time with her son and proof that she's not such a disappointment after all.

Jace Petersen, successful owner of a national chain of sporting goods stores, finds himself alone and miserable on what should have been his honeymoon. That is until he literally falls onto the lovely Piper Wyatt. He's intrigued with this woman who can fix a car in high heels. Too bad for him, he makes a horrible first impression, and Piper's not allowed to mingle with the guests.

While Piper tries her best to steer clear of Jace during his stay, she can't help but notice he's not the man from their first meeting. But is he worth risking her promotion? Or is Jace right, Piper deserves more than she ever thought possible for herself?

Find out in this charming Christmas tale about finding love in the most unexpected place, a honeymoon.

Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy.  That's what I am when I get to read a new Jennifer Peel book.  Seriously.  SO happy.  Her books take me to that happy place in reading for me-  that place of butterflies, attraction, emotion and the best kind of happily ever after endings.  I love a good love story!

Oh man.  Piper and Jace have a horrible first meeting.  Jace is such a louse.  He's drunk, ornery and acting like a completely entitled rich boy.  Nobody likes that.  But, I have to say that after that first encounter, Jace slowly redeems himself.  And when Jace is determined about something, he just doesn't give in!

I loved the interactions and banter between Piper and Jace.  They left me feeling all those butterflies in my tummy.  Jace is one determined guy and ever so charming.  He wants Piper and lets her know that in every way possible.  Yummy stuff, that.

This whole book has a sort of magical feel to it.  The magic of love combined with the magic of Christmas in a setting right out of a fairytale.  I loved it.  Which is no surprise since I haven't met a Jennifer Peel book that I didn't love.  I wish I had time to go back and read this book again right now.  Talking about it makes me want to delve right back in.  ha!

This book is part of the Return to Christmas Falls series, all released today.  I really cannot wait to read them all because they have some cross over characters and all the characters from these books have a common thread in that they have returned to Christmas Falls where they were once all friends, bound together by a very special teacher.  I have read Becky Monson's book (yay!!) and I'll be reviewing that one later this week.  I also have Susan Hatler's book in the line up to be read this week.  Man, it's going to be a good reading week!

Content:  mild innuendo, kissing, mild swearing

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Just Maybe (Home In You #3) by Crystal Walton

When a case of mistaken identity spirals into a more-than-complicated pretend relationship, an adventure seeker and a grammar fanatic just might’ve met each other’s match. 

Three weeks. That’s all the time self-made billionaire Cooper Anderson has to respond to discovering he’s a single dad, sell his lake house, and catch a one-way ticket across the world. The quick-witted nanny responding to his ad couldn’t be more of a life saver … and maybe a nice distraction. Until the secrets she’s hiding get a little too close to exposing his own.

The one lead guaranteeing Quinn Thompson a promotion just has to land her back in her hometown to finagle an interview out of Mr. Elusive, of all people. But she can hack it, right? Even while mistaken for the nanny, she can keep things quick and professional. No running into her embarrassing southern family, no stirring up the wounds that’d sent her packing four years ago, and definitely no melting over a stockbroker’s unfair dimples and boyish charm.

Why, oh, why doesn’t anything ever go according to plan?

With both their deadlines closing in before they’re ready, Quinn and Cooper must decide whether the life they’re set on pursuing alone is worth more than the one they could be missing together.

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

I've been reading (and enjoying) Crystal Walton's books from the very beginning and I have to say that I think this book might be my favorite one.  I loved it.  LOVED.  IT.

These characters were so well crafted.  Each page felt like I was peeling back a layer, getting closer to the soul of who they really are.  I loved that.  The whole cast of characters were fantastic.

Oh, and there were sparks flying around everywhere.  The chemistry between Quinn and Cooper is crazy and the butterflies in my tummy were in full force.  I loved their banter and all their interactions.  Good stuff, that.

This book is full of emotion and depth.  The characters grow and learn.  There is a perfect  balance of flirty and fun with serious and challenging.  I could not put this book down.  LOVE!!  😍

Oh!  You can pick this book up on KU if you have that.  OR it's just $.99 to buy!!  Don't miss this fantastic deal!!

Content:  Clean, some kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blind Spot (Chesapeake Valor #3) by Dani Pettrey

FBI agent Declan Grey is in the chase of his life--but isn't sure exactly what he's chasing after. Threatened by a terrorist that "the wrath is coming," Grey fears something horrible is about to be unleashed on American soil. When his investigation leads him to a closed immigrant community, he turns to Tanner Shaw to help him. She's sought justice for refugees and the hurting around the world, and if there's anyone who can help him, it's Tanner.

Tanner Shaw has joined the FBI as a crisis counselor . . . meaning she now has more opportunity to butt heads with Declan. But that tension also includes a spark she can't deny, and she's pretty sure Declan feels the same. But before anything can develop between them, they discover evidence of a terror cell--and soon are in a race against the clock to stop the coming "wrath" that could cost thousands their lives.

If you love suspense/mysteries you really need to pick up this series and this book.  It is full on and intense.  There is never a dull moment and I was fully engaged from beginning to end- almost desperate at times.  Eek!  So good!  I would highly recommend reading these books in order.  The characters are all so heavily involved in each book, you will really miss out on knowing them and their backgrounds if you don't read in order.  There is also an ongoing sort of missing persons mystery going on throughout the first three books that comes to a head at the end of this book.  It would be such a spoiler if you don't read the other books first!

The lives of a group of friends intertwine as do their individual stories within each book in this series.  I am amazed with Dani Pettrey and her ability to weave these stories, their plots and characters so seamlessly together.  

This book is intense!  Did I mention that already?!  Ha.  It was hard to put down but I had to because I can't read stories like this at night.  I'm such a big chicken and I get all worked up.  I love sleep too much to risk being scared all night!  There are car chases, shooting scenes, detective work, running and hiding.  It barely lets you catch your breath before something else happens.  

This book is Christian Fiction, or Inspirational Fiction.  The characters rely on their faith and trust in God to guide them through difficult situations.  It isn't done in a preachy way, just as a seamless part of their lives.  I love that about this series. 

I can't wait to read the next book!!  This book leaves off in a way that just makes you crazy for the next book.  Arg!  Waiting isn't my favorite.  :)

Content:  Violence, death, kissing, peril, torture

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Sheriff's Bride: Country Brides & Cowboy Boots (Cobble Creek Romance Book 1) by Kimberly Krey

Trent Lockheart might be the new sheriff in town, but he can’t stop Jessie Jean from stealing his heart.

Sheriff Trent Lockheart knew he’d be in for a challenge when he moved from the big city and a large police force to the small Wyoming town of Cobble Creek. But at least he’d be able to stick to his bachelor ways without temptation. So he thought. Cobble Creek isn’t overflowing with young, single ladies, but Jessie Jean—the gorgeous brunette who runs the Country Quilt Inn—proves more tempting than any woman he’s known.

Jessie doesn’t care much for the new sheriff in town. After an explosive first meeting that almost ends in Jessie’s arrest, she’s even more determined to plan on dinner for one for the rest of her life. Sure, the new sheriff is seriously attractive, and after a second, much less dangerous run-in, he might not be that bad, but Jessie has no plan to marry, date, or even let a man into her life. Still, as the days pass, Trent’s surprising charm works past Jessie’s determination, and she finds promise in their budding relationship.

After opening up about the difficulties in her past, Jessie finds that Trent is guarding a dark tragedy of his own, one that might threaten their chance at a future together.

How cute is this cover?  I just love it!  And I love author Kimberly Krey.  She is so good at writing characters I end up caring about and sparky scenes with witty banter.

Trent and Jessie meet in a less than ideal way.  They start out on the wrong foot- completely misjudging each other.  It happens though.  We make judgments based on what limited knowledge we have and once we get more of the story, we usually understand each other better.  It's the same with Trent and Jessie.  That spark of attraction was there from the beginning and it grows as they get to know more about each other.  The misunderstanding and early judgments fall away as a friendship and respect take root.

I loved the arc of this story- how it led me so easily from one emotion to the next.  This book was so easy to fall into with a great cast of characters and a strong feeling of community.  I really enjoyed it!

Content:  kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Heart Only Grows (Timeless Romance Single Book 5) by Michele Paige Holmes

THE HEART ONLY GROWS: A brand new historical romance novella from Michele Paige Holmes:

For Children’s Aid Society employee Addelaide Campbell, riding the Orphan Train is a labor of love—a last, heart-wrenching attempt to do the best she can for the children entrusted to her care. If only she could keep them all…Or at the least, keep children from the same family together. When the sheriff of Somerset, Wisconsin, offers an unexpected proposal that might allow her to do just that, Addie takes a leap of faith—or possibly insanity—and decides to accept.

Miles Linden has sworn off women, children, marriage, and family. In the two years since he lost his wife and daughter to influenza, loneliness has been his constant companion, except on Friday nights when he drowns his sorrows at the local saloon. He’s coping with this arrangement just fine, until the morning he’s rudely awakened by a pert woman and two gawking children who mistake him for a real outlaw, instead of a man sleeping off his liquor on the cot at the jail. Being awakened and accused are the least of the surprises awaiting Miles, since Addie Campbell and the Orphan Train arrived in town.

This novella is ever so sweet.  Honestly, sweet is the best word I have to describe it.

I read a book not long ago, also a historical fiction, that included bits about the orphan train as well.  Before that, I had no idea those were even a real thing.  Can you imagine the kids on those trains?  How they must have felt?  Scared, alone.  My heart breaks just thinking about it.  In this book, Addelaide accompanies these children on the train to help facilitate their adoptions.  That is a job I would never be able to do.  Addelaide is so kind and gentle.  I loved her instantly.

Miles is convinced that he will never be able to love again.  There is no room in his home or his heart for loving and losing love again.  Miles gets tricked into a marriage situation, but he agrees because Miles is just that kind of stand up guy.  Even hurt he does the right thing.  Thank goodness for that!  

This is a novella but I really never felt like it was rushed.  The characters were well developed and full of life.  I connected with them and loved them.  That is sometimes hard to do in a novella length story.  I'm not surprised though.  Michele Holmes is one of my favorites and she knows how to weave a fantastic tale.

Content:  Some mild peril, mention of child abuse

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Safe House by Traci Hunter Abramson + Win This Book!

The guardians, the shadowy heroes of the top-secret program designed to protect members of the most elite government organizations, are being hunted down one by one. There is a single explanation: a traitor must be embedded somewhere in their midst. But if they themselves are the target, who will protect them?

CIA operative Renee Niezen has heard tales of the guardians, though she's never really believed in their existence—until she is approached by Charlotte, an old friend who desperately needs her help to stop the systematic destruction of the guardian program. Renee accepts the plea for assistance, but not everyone is thrilled to have her on the team. Kade—one of the last guardians standing—is unimpressed with Renee's qualifications and turns instead to the legendary Saint Squad for help. But when Renee is caught in the crosshairs, Kade must set aside his antagonism for the woman in order to protect her. Their grudging alliance soon develops into much more—but before the pair can examine their feelings, their investigation takes a dramatic twist. With lives on the line, Renee and Kade must use their spy training at every turn as they draw dangerously close to the shocking truth.

Wowza, I loved the fast paced, action filled feel to this book!  There was never a dull moment.  Even the downtime in this book felt important and filled with some sort of tension.  Books like this are exciting and exhausting!  By the end I feel a huge sigh of relief that we all made it out alive.  ha.  

This book brought back so many old friends from previous books, all working together for one common goal.  It felt sort of like a family reunion, but not nearly as happy and carefree.  That happens when everyone is trying to stay alive.  

This is exactly the kind of book I've come to expect from Traci Abramson.  I love that I know what I'm going to get when I pick up one of her books.  What a fun ride this one was!  Sometimes quite literally.  Wait until you read about Kade's "ride".  :)

Content:  Some violence and peril, some kissing.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.


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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Blue Moon Kisses (Georgia Moon Romance #3) by Cindy Roland Anderson

At age twelve, Ashlee Nichols fell in love with her brother’s best friend, Beau Jacobsen. Everyone thought she was cute and that her crush was simply that…a crush. But her young heart had known he was the one, and she had planned on marrying him as soon as she was old enough. Unfortunately, when she confessed her feelings to Beau, he’d laughed, patted her on the head and told her he was flattered. Sure, Beau had been twenty-two at the time, but she knew she wouldn't always be a little girl. Just when she turned eighteen and was finally old enough to date him, Beau joined the Army and was deployed to Afghanistan. Now, six years later, Beau is back in Mitchel Creek, Georgia for a few weeks. He’s hotter than ever…and still ten years older, something he can’t seem to get past. He still sees Ashlee as a glorified little sister…or does he?

I am a Cindy Roland Anderson book lovin' fan.  Is that a thing?  If not, it is now.  And I speak being the president.  Cindy Anderson has a way of writing that just sits so perfectly with me.  From her down to earth characters to her fun covers, her books are a treat from the minute I set eyes on them.

This book had me pulling my hair out in desperation for that first kissy connection between Ashlee and Beau.  Ugh!  The tension was killing me!  Beau is all sorts of hung up on how old Ashlee is and how she is the little sister of his best friend.  That man!  He drove Ashlee and me crazy.  Honestly.  The attraction was zinging around all over the place.  It was so fun.

I read through this book so quickly.  I didn't want to put it down and I loved the ending.  <sigh>  So good.  Yum!  Just writing this makes me want to go back and read it again right now.  Yeah, that means it's good stuff!

This book is the third in the series, but each book can stand alone.  I loved seeing the couples from previous book in this book though.  It's nice to keep those old friends around you.  :)

Content:  Clean, some kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the author for free.  All opinions expressed are my own.