
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Wish Me Love by Michele Ashman Bell + $25 and Book Giveaway

Charlotte Wells does not date. After surviving a broken engagement, she’s taken a leave of absence from the social scene. So when her best friend and coworker, Jack, challenges her to get back in the game, she’s not so sure she’s ready to play. But ultimately, curiosity gets the best of her, and Charlotte accepts the daunting challenge: she will attempt to have fifty first dates in her effort to find “the one.” Unfortunately, she quickly realizes that the dating pool mostly holds clown fish as she goes on one lousy outing after another. Without a good man in sight as summer ends, Charlotte cuts her losses and sets her sights on a fun-filled trip to her cousin’s destination wedding in Brazil.

Brazil is a land of beautiful sights and delicious offerings—including Max, the charming brother of her cousin’s new husband. Max has all the makings of a Prince Charming in soccer cleats, and Charlotte’s happily ever after seems to be within reach. But love is a funny thing, and soon Charlotte finds herself wondering: could it be that her true love has been right in front of her all along?

First of all, I really love this cover.  It's so bright and happy.  And, like the character in this book, my grandma had lilacs in her yard and I loved them.  I planted a lilac bush in my yard and it always reminds me of her.  

This is an LDS fiction book.  There are religious elements in it- more than just casual Christian mentions.

I loved the characters in this book.  I think Charlotte and Jack are fantastic and I would love to have them as my friends!  They have so much personality and it's well defined so that I feel like I know them.

The book takes a location change to Brasil and it was fun!  It made me want to visit there myself.  I loved the bracelet and wishes part of the book too.  It made Charlotte's life feel a bit magical.

The story lost some momentum for me in the middle when the more religious elements came into play.  I'm a religious girl, but I felt like this just slowed the story down and went on too long.  That's just me though.  The HEA ending happened VERY fast.  Over in an instant.  I guess I just wanted more between the couple AS a couple- I waited so long for it.  No epilogue.  <sigh>  It's okay though.  I really did enjoy this book for the most part.  

Content:  Just the religious themes mentioned above.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the review! I appreciate your comments. I want to send you a Wish bracelet!

  2. One of my favorite authors! Crossing all my fingers, toes... Eyes!! 😊

  3. This looks so fun. I look forward to reading.


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