
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Sense & Second Chances by Brittany Larsen + $25 and Book Giveaway

Emily Carter is on the fast track to success when the unthinkable happens: a tragic accident claims the lives of her parents. Now Emily must set aside her dreams and raise her two younger siblings, Annie and Bryce. Emily and Annie are sisters, but that doesn’t mean they are anything alike. Whereas Emily reacts to the tragedy with her characteristic stoic calm, passionate Annie spirals into depression. Just when things seem like they can’t get any more difficult, Emily’s older half-brother and his fiancĂ©e arrive not to help, but to claim the family home he’s inherited from their parents. Without a place to call their own, Emily must take action—and fast. When an exciting employment opportunity arises in Utah, the displaced Carters decide to build a new life in a new home. But it soon becomes clear that their future prospects will go far beyond professional, as each sister is faced with an unexpected romance. Yet love is never simple, and in matters of the heart, one sister must proceed with caution while the other needs to take a leap of faith . . .

 * Amazon * Goodreads * Deseret Book *

First, I have to note that this is an LDS fiction book and in this one, there are a lot of references to things very specific to the LDS religion.  

I love a good, new spin on an old classic and that's what this book is.  A modern setting, a few twists on the plot but not so much that you cannot recognize the parallel to the original story.  I was quite caught up in the drama of it all.  The characters were well defined and had recognizable strengths and weaknesses which gave them the very human element that we can all relate to.  Especially Emily.  She was the glue keeping everything together and she definitely felt the pressure of that.  She was so strong when it came to others and helping them deal with tough situations but when it came to herself, she was much weaker.  I felt a lot of connection to Emily because of that.

This was a fun book!  I think this is the second book I've read by this author and I'll be on the lookout for the next one!  

Content:  Religious matters, some kissing

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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