
Monday, March 13, 2017

Love, Jane by Ranee S. Clark + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Jane Reeves and Sean O'Callaghan seem to be a match made in heaven—but the timing is all wrong. Jane has her heart set on serving a mission, and she can't delay telling Sean the news any longer: not only has she quietly submitted her mission papers, but she's also leaving in a month ... for Alaska. Shocked and devastated, Sean struggles to come to terms with Jane's decision. Unable to deny the depth of their feelings for one another, Sean makes a promise to wait for her.

Life unfolds for both Jane and Sean, with communications limited to weekly e-mails. But with just a few months left in Jane's mission, Sean's messages stop. When she receives the dreaded "Dear Jane" breakup along with the news that she has been replaced by Sean's former flame, Jane knows the future she envisioned now belongs to another woman. But upon her return home, Jane quickly realizes some things are worth fighting for—perhaps, most of all, a shot at true love.

This book is written for and geared towards the LDS audience. ( Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)  The characters are LDS and a good part of this story focuses on Jane serving a mission for her church.  Praying and faith are a big part of this book.

I've read previous books by this author and really enjoyed them.  Ranee Clark is a fun writer.  This book wasn't my favorite of hers and I'm not completely sure why.  I think I didn't really love Jane but I did admire some of the growth she made by the end of the book.  The first part of this book is about the beginnings of a relationship for Jane and Sean.  The second part is while Jane is on her mission and Sean is dealing with life back home.  The third section is Jane returning home.  I guess for me, this book felt more disconnected because even in the first part of the book, Jane and Sean have a rocky start.  Jane is hiding things, she comes off wishy washy, lacking a backbone and she doesn't treat Sean all that great.  The second section is the two apart.  Jane is still struggling with all the same things, just in a new setting and Sean is drifting.  Both have things going on in their own worlds that cause frustration.  I think I just didn't connect to the characters the way I wanted to.  I didn't love them.  I felt like I was on the outside looking in.

Even saying that, I did like the book, I just didn't love it.  Like I said before, Ranee Clark is a fun writer and I always look forward to her books.  I will keep coming back because I know what to expect from her and I like it.

Ooh, and I love the cute cover on this book!

Content:  religious situations and talk, some kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  I positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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