
Friday, March 31, 2017

Moss Forest Orchid (Silver & Orchids, Book One) by Shari L. Tapscott

What happens when a feisty adventuress, a lord looking to make his own way in the world, and a handsome sea captain set out to find Kalae's rarest and most valuable flower?

Trouble—and lots of it.

Lucia needs a job, and she needs one fast. Looting dragon hordes hasn't proven profitable lately, and she's tired of waiting tables. Her business partner usually finds the work, but Sebastian isn't speaking with her, and Lucia's getting desperate.

Luckily, Lucia finds a simple request posted on a community board. All the man wants is an orchid. Nothing to it.

Except the flower only grows in a montane cloud forest in Grenalda... And Lucia must take a ship through sea serpent-infested waters to get there... And her new helpful friend—the one and only, dashing Captain Avery Greybrow—just might be a pirate.

At this rate, Lucia's not sure if she'll ever reach the orchid. But she's determined to try.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

Shari Tapscott is one of my favorite authors.  I literally gobble up her books.  My obsession started with the Eldentimber Series and I've been a fan ever since.  I've been looking forward to this new series since I heard about it and even more so when I read the prequel novella last week.  I love that Shari writes books that I enjoy and that I feel comfortable passing on to young teenager readers and up.  Her books are fun, adventurous and clean.  

The characters in this book are so great.  They are distinct and their voices shine through.  I fell in love with them.  Lucia is trouble with a capitol T.  She finds herself in the worst scrapes, mostly because she just cannot control that mouth of hers.  She is impulsive and I just loved her.

Sebastian and Lucia share the same sense of adventure, but other than that, they are pretty much polar opposites.  Sebastian is methodical and deliberate.  He plans and prepares.  He is constantly getting Lucia out of her many scrapes.  Sebastian and Lucia have known each other since they were little and that history, that level of knowing each other, keeps them bound together.

Now that I've read this book, I want a pocket dragon!  Lucia has one in this book but he turns out to be more than she expected.  I can't wait to see what that dragon becomes in the follow up books!  

I loved this book and I'm so excited for this series!  If you haven't read anything by Shari, you really, really must.  

Today is release day for Moss Forest Orchid!  You can pick it up on Kindle Unlimited if you have that.  Happy Reading!

Content:  Clean, some mild action and violence

- I received a copy of this book from the author but have also purchased my own copy.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Rise of Miss Notley (Tanglewood #2) by Rachael Anderson

To escape an undesirable match, Miss Notley must give up her riches for rags.

When Miss Coralynn Notley’s father barters her off to the first titled gentleman to come along, she realizes she must flee her home or be forced to wed a despicable man. Driven by desperation, she applies for the position of housekeeper at Tanglewood Manor, the home of the handsome Mr. Jonathan Ludlow.

The moment Jonathan sees Miss Notley, he is intrigued. She is far too young and inexperienced, yet there is something about her that that inspires a certain hope within him. Does he dare offer her the position of housekeeper or will doing so result in catastrophe?

This book made me happy!  I love Rachael Anderson's books- she is one of my favorite authors.  Her delve into regency romance has been fantastic but I hope she won't give up her contemporary romances.  I love those too.  This is the second book in this Tanglewoood series and can stand alone but you will feel more connected to the secondary characters if you read the books in order.

Jonathan is a goner from the first moment he sees Coralynn.  Her arrival in his home throws everything off course.  Coralynn is a ray of sunshine but has a knack for getting herself into the middle of every mess in the house.  I love how Coralynn sees the good and defends the underdog.  She cannot let any injustice go and marches a bit to the beat of her own drum- no matter what.  So many of the scenes between Jonathan and Coralynn were amusing to me.  Poor Jonathan didn't know what way was up half of the time.

The characters were fun and so easy to settle in with.  By the end of the book I felt like I knew them well and they were old friends.  Rachael has a knack for doing this in all of her books.  We get a little taste of what's to come in the next book in this series and I cannot wait.  I bet sparks will be flying all over the place!

Content:  Clean

- I received a copy of this book from E-books for Review.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Courting Carrie in Wonderland by Carla Kelly

Struggling through college and balancing her summer job in Yellowstone Park with the Wylie Camping Company, Carrie McKay simply doesn't have time to consider romance. Spanish American War Veteran Sergeant Major Ramsay Stiles also isn't looking for love, busy with his own complicated affairs. But as the magic of Yellowstone starts making its way into their hearts, both begin to see love move up their priority list.

In honor of full disclosure, this book started out really slowly for me.  It took a good while for me to become fully invested and interested, but by about half way through, I couldn't put it down.  This book is written in true Carla Kelly form and if you've ever read anything by her, you will know what I am saying.  She has a writing style that is distinctly hers.  I can always expect well researched settings that bring surroundings and characters to life and no nonsense personalities in characters.

This book is set in Yellowstone National Park.  I'm so glad I've been there so I could easily visualize the places that were described and talked about.  Yellowstone is a beautiful place and this book really showcased it's history.  

Ramsay and Carrie and great characters who both have pasts that haunt them but in different ways.  They are both generous and kind with a strong moral sense.  They cannot let injustices in any way go by without acting.  They are both upstanding individuals who I would be happy to have as friends in this real life.  This love story was gentle and sweet.  Ramsay and Carrie are perfectly suited for each other.  There was really no resistance where their love was concerned and that was awesome.

Very enjoyable!

Content:  clean

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Lake Town (Solstice #2) by Jane Redd

Jezebel James is on the run after her true abilities are discovered by the Legislature, and the only one who can protect her is Sol. In order to survive, Sol sends her into an underground hideout where she quickly discovers all that she thought was true in her dying world is false. Jez reunites with Rueben and his band of insurgents, and together they escape to Lake Town, only to find that the entire island is preparing to invade the City.

But Sol has been left behind and forced to join the ranks of the Faction, who are working against the Legislature from within. As Jez works with the insurgents and their plan to destroy the City, she learns that attacking the City might save thousands of lives, but it will destroy Sol, the man she knows she can’t live without.

Lake Town is the second book in the Solstice series.  If you haven't read book one, Solstice yet, it is free on Kindle Unlimited or just .99 cents to buy!  Yay!

This is a dystopian series and Lake Town picks up right where Solstice left off.  Jez is on the run and Sol's friends are helping her.  They escape the Legislature and make their way to Lake Town where Jez learns more about the rebellion and her place in it.  Sol and Jez spend most of this book apart, fighting and planning in different places.  I wished they were together on more than one occasion but that's okay.  I'm hoping the next book finds them fighting together.

All kinds of crazy things happened in this book that kept me on my toes.  I was invested and interested and really hoping things would work out.  Of course, resolution didn't come in this book so I guess I'll just have to wait for the next book!  I'm not very good at waiting.

A few years ago paranormal and dystopian books were everywhere and I was reading them all the time.  Now I'm only picking up a few here and there.  I've missed this genre and it was good to get my hands on one that I really enjoyed reading.

Content:  some violence

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Unexpected Love: A Marriage of Convenience Anthology by Heather Chapman, Mandi Ellsworth, Paula Kremsler, Ashtyn Newbold

Around the turn of the century, matches were made for all sorts of reasons--whether to keep a family together or simply to make ends meet. But love has a way of turning up in the most unexpected places! With four historical romance stories in one, this fun anthology will sweep you from the dance floors of aristocracy to the hearths of country living, leading to love through the most unusual circumstances.

I love reading marriage of convenience stories.  In this book, you get four stories by four different authors.  The stories are novella in length, which is just perfect when you are looking for a quick fix.  (Which I didn't do.  I read one right after the other- sort of like a binge and felt oh so satisfied after!) Each of these stories are well done and I loved them all.  While they are all marriage of convenience stories, each felt different and unique.  The settings were varied and ranged from England to New York City and the western frontier.  The characters were fantastic.  I had no problem settling in with each one and letting the movies play out in my head.  Sometimes marriage of convenience stories can feel rushed, especially in a novella, but I didn't feel way that with any of these.  This was such a fun book and I'm so glad I had the chance to read and review it!

The book includes the following stories:

Ashbrook Abbey by Heather Chapman

First Comes Marriage by Paula Kremser

The Price of Her Heart by Mandi Ellsworth

Beauty and the Beholder by Ashtyn Newbold

Content:  kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

On Tour with The Wedding March by Tara Randel + $25 Giveaway and More!

The Wedding March
(The Business of Weddings #4)
Tara Randel
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
March 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

The help only he can offer…

Cypress Pointe, Florida, is a long way from LA, where pop singer Cassie Branford needs a hit to prove she's not a two album wonder. But her case of writer's block could be over when the struggling songwriter meets Luke Hastings at a family wedding.

The legendary musician walked away from success at the height of his career. Yet Luke is already inspiring Cassie with his dedication to building a permanent community outreach center for troubled teens. Volunteering to help bring music into these kids' lives is also bringing her and Luke closer. Maybe they're not as different as he thinks…

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

Today I'm tour with The Wedding March by Tara Randel.  This book is part of a series, but you do not have to read the books sequentially in order to understand.  Each book can stand on it's own.  This is another fabulous partnering of author and Harlequin Heartwarming.

I really love when music is woven into a story and is such a vital part of who the characters are.  Cassie is an active musician stuck in a bit of a rut and Luke is a hiding musician, once famous for his songwriting abilities.  Both Cassie and Luke are struggling just in different ways.  I loved Cassie's generous nature.  She genuinely wants to help other people and keeps a mostly positive attitude.  She is easy to like and as a reader, that just feels good.

The incorporation of the community outreach center brought variety and life to this story.  The teenagers, their personalities and struggles were spot on and believable.  

I enjoyed the natural progression of Cassie and Luke's relationship.  They were both so wary in the beginning but slowly became friends and confidants.  It didn't feel rushed or over the top.  It was just a gentle and sweet story.  I really enjoyed it!

Content:  Clean, some kissing.

-I received a copy of this book through Prism Book Tours for review.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Other Books in the Series


About the Author

USA Today Bestselling Author Tara Randel has enjoyed a lifelong love of books, especially romance and mystery genres, so it didn't come as a surprise when she began writing with the dream of becoming published. Family values, mystery and, of course, love and romance are her favorite themes, because she believes love is the greatest gift of all. Tara lives on the West Coast of Florida, where gorgeous sunsets inspire the creation of heartwarming stories, filled with love, laughter and the occasional mystery.

Tour Schedule

March 12th: Launch

Tour Giveaway

- US PRIZE PACK: Signed copies of the first three books in The Business of Weddings series by Tara Randel, a $25 gift card for Dunkin’ Donuts, a coffee mug with an inspirational message: "Something beautiful is on the horizon," and a Harlequin Heartwarming tote bag. (US only)
- $25 Amazon eCard (open internationally)
- Ends March 28th

Monday, March 20, 2017

How to Love a Dog's Best Friend : Must Love Dogs by Cami Checketts

Attacked as a child, Brikelle Manwaring is terrified of dogs. When Colt Jepson's huge Great Dane chases her up a canyon, she tells him off and prays she'll never see either of them again.

When Colt and Brikelle are forced to pretend they are married, Colt discovers there’s more to Brikelle than a feisty beauty who likes to tell him off.

Their deception grows until neither of them are sure what is reality and what is fiction. The only thing they know is if they don’t tell the truth soon, they might lose their careers and any chance to be together. 

Can Brikelle ever learn to love a beastly dog, or his owner?

Ooh, ooh, I loved this book!  I love when books start right off with instant attraction and a kiss.  This one jumped right into sparks flying- even if they were a bit hot and angry to begin with.  The attraction was still there.  Yummy kisses in this one!

There's nothing like a pretend marriage to get a couple close and into each other's business!  Colt and Brikelle were able to progress their relationship quickly due to the unexpected situation they found themselves in.  Colt was all in and not afraid to let Brikelle know just how attracted to her he was.  I liked that he knew what he wanted and went after it.  

I read through this book so quickly and I want to go back and read it again!  It was fun and light and made me smile.  Cami Checketts is one of my favorites and I'm always happy to see a new book from her!  

Source:  Kindle Unlimited

Content:  kissing

Friday, March 17, 2017

$50 Book Blast: Arizona Forever by Jaclyn M. Hawkes


Dr. Jessie Benn has everything—except Mr. Right. There’s only one problem. The one guy who intrigues her is completely wrong. She’s a veterinarian specializing in horses with a thriving practice nestled between her family’s Arizona ranches, looking for a nice, dependable guy who can take her to the eternities. He’s a visiting Australian business tycoon who’s just a touch bitter, a touch wild, and way more than a touch fascinating. What’s a girl to do?


What Readers Are Saying About Jaclyn’s Books:

Jaclyn M Hawkes ROCKS! I love all of her books! This was another great story that had it all; great characters, fun, happiness, love, suspense, sadness, triumph, family, and joy. I'm not worried about letting my teenage daughters read anything Jaclyn writes. Thanks for another great read and please keep them coming! Karen
Fantastic as always! Fantastic, magnificent and beautifully written. Amazing! I have never read a book before that had me captive from the beginning. I cried, have laughed and felt her deep grief and confusion. What a wonderful book and a wonderfully exceptional writer. I can't wait to read more of Jaclyn Hawkes books! Lorraine
I love the way she writes! I love it! A fun read that warms your heart and makes you feel just as awesome as the characters!   Jaclyn Hawkes was delightful! A love story with depth and characters you want to meet. I find myself reading halfway into the night if I don't set a reminder to stop and sleep when I get her new books. Janie  
Be sure to read Jaclyn’s other books Journey of Honor A love story The Outer Edge of Heaven The Most Important Catch Healing Creek Rockland Ranch Series Peace River Above Rubies Once Enchanted For Joey Warrior’s Moon The Sage After Rain After The Wind Wildflowers And Kisses


Excerpt - Arizona Forever


  Six year old Jessie Benjamin did what she always did when she was afraid—she ran to her big brothers. Hurrying, she went two doors down the hall to Josh’s room where her other brothers, Brennan and McCade, would most likely be as well. It was where the four of them usually met whenever there was something wrong. Only this time, she knew something was really wrong because her brothers didn’t smile and tease her before they gathered around her like they usually did. They swallowed her into their jostling group hug, but this time there was the same scary feeling here in Josh’s room that she could hear in her parents’ raised voices coming from their room further down the hall. She couldn’t tell what they were fighting about. She only heard a word here or there, her mother’s voice loud and angry, while her dad’s had calmed down to sad and almost pleading. This bickering had been going on for a couple of days now, but nothing like tonight’s fighting. It was so strange. Her mother got fussy pretty often, but her dad never got like this. Ever. He was typically calm and soft spoken. Even when someone did something big, like when Brennan broke the garage window, he never got too riled. Whatever this bortion thing was her mother was hollering about had made him truly upset. Jessie looked up into the serious faces of her brothers and hid her own face against Josh’s chest. She wished her mother would calm down. That shouting couldn’t be good for the baby in her mom’s tummy. They’d just found out she was expecting. Jessie was praying it was a girl and couldn’t have been more excited for anything! Ever since she was little, she’d imagined she had this little blonde sister named Jennifer who did everything with her. She’d even dreamed about her and it felt like she’d waited forever. Even a baby brother would be wonderful! The fighting spilled out of their parents’ room into the hallway and her father almost seemed to be begging as he said, “Please, Clara, don’t do this. Just hang in there four more months. Even three and a half. Then you can leave and won’t ever even have to see it. I know it’s your body, but please . . . It’s my baby too.” Storming past Josh’s bedroom door, her mother shouted something they all clearly heard, “I’ll do what I want! It’s my body! In four months I’ll have missed the two biggest shows of the season. I missed shows for years to get the four we have. They’re plenty. It’s too much to ask that I do it again. This was your mistake, Ken—not mine! I shouldn’t have to pay for it and you can’t make me!” The front door slammed and a moment later Jessie heard a car squeal away and then there was only silence. For some reason, that scared her more than the arguing. Finally, her dad went into his office and stayed on the phone with someone for a long time and when he came out, he actually looked like he’d been crying. Of course, that couldn’t have been true. Dads didn’t cry. But he looked like it. That night, after everyone else was gone to bed, Jessie snuck into Josh’s room and sat on his bed and whispered, “Josh, what are they fighting about? What does bortion mean?” He was almost ten. He would know. At her question, Josh began to cry. He pulled Jessie into a gentle hug. When he could finally speak, he said so softly and so sadly that Jessie could hardly hear the words that shattered her world into pieces, “Dad says it means Mom’s going to have the baby taken out of her tummy and then it will die, Jessie.”    

Chapter 1

  21 years later   Jessie slid onto the bench on the edge of the soccer field beside McCade and gave an exaggerated sigh of exhaustion as she began to unlace her cleats and said, “Man, you schooled me out there this morning, Muck. I thought I had you until that sweet juke before the half and then I was toast. My calves are killing me!” McCade smiled and batted at her blonde ponytail. “That’s what you get for working too much and playing too little. Juked by the king of jukage!” He reached a hand over her head to fist bump Brennan who sat on the other side of her sucking on a water bottle. “She’s getting old and slow, Bren. Adulthood’ll do that to ya if you let it!” Brennan stopped drinking and squirted her in the face with the water bottle. “I don’t know. She’s still got some moves of her own. You forget she scored on me like I was standing still. She even got around Suki. And you know she’s got some moves.” Brennan winked at his wife Suki and McCade rolled his eyes. Jessie opened her mouth to catch some of the water Brennan was squirting, then smiled and said, “Twice. That would be twice I scored on you, bro. And that second one was world class. Christiano himself would have been jealous. Old and slow? I may be overworked and under played, but I’ll always be younger than the three of you. And we did win. I love this deal where the winners get taken to breakfast.” She pulled off her socks and wiggled her toes. “It’s already insanely hot out here. You two seem to be buying a lot lately. I’m having blueberry waffles. Think they’d care if I walked into the Wagonmaster bare footed? My feet can’t face shoes yet. They need air.” As if on cue, all three of her brothers held their noses and Josh’s wife, Lucy, laughed from where she was standing beside the bench. “Just ignore them, Jessie. They’re only sore losers. Nice toenails, by the way. Love the polka dots.” Jessie stretched her foot out to admire her pedicure. “They are cute, aren’t they? Ryley did them for me yesterday while I was finishing my patient log. You have a very artistic son.” Josh turned to her from the other end of the bench with a look of horror. “You let my son paint your toenails? Jessie!” Jessie laughed. “What? He did a great job for a three year old. Well, once I’d showered the excess polish off my skin. For awhile there it looked like I’d been attacked by an ax murderer with a foot fetish. But he did much better on his own toes. I think mine gave him some practice. His didn’t look nearly so gory.” This time it was Lucy who was horrified. “You let him paint his own toes, too? Jessie! That’s a terrible thing to teach a little boy. You are never babysitting again!” “Okay. Fine. I won’t do it again. Don’t ground me from your kids. They’re my favorite nephew and niece.” “They’re your only nephew and niece.” Jessie stood up and picked up her bag. “True, but they’re still my favorites.”She gave a wide smile. “So . . . Hustle up people. I’m starving and my fans are waiting. I have a 7:30. Justison is bringing in that boneheaded buckskin gelding of his with the speed index of 106.” Josh grimaced. “Some fan. He’s likely to try to kick your head off. Justison thinks if they try to strike, they’re just feeling good and ready to run.” McCade shook his head as they headed to their trucks. “There’s probably nothing wrong with the horse. Justison just needs an excuse to visit Doc Jessie again. Don’t take any of his crud, Jess. You know how he is.” At the restaurant while they waited for their food, Josh began fooling with his phone. After a second, he gave a low whistle and then said, “Unbelievable! You know that guy from my mission, my friend Riordan Kane? From up in Brisbane? The one we taught forever and got to be such good friends with, but he would never join even though he basically agreed with all the principles. He’d had that LDS girlfriend who had played him so bad and he always said it all sounded great, but he’d already been baptized and didn’t need to do it again. Remember he came over for a visit a couple years ago? Elder Burton says the Wall Street Journal reported that he’s selling his company for $168 million dollars! Holy crud! That’s a hunk of dough! He’s only like twenty-nine years old! How does a guy do that?” Brennan only shook his head as he built sugar packets into a cube. “Apparently very deliberately. You said he was a business machine. Didn’t you say he was ruthless? He was in software, right?” “Oh, I don’t know about ruthless. Well, actually, yeah, he was pretty ruthless in business. But I don’t think he’d always been that way. He’s a nice guy. I think he started out developing the software of some of his computer geek friends, but somewhere along the way he became ruthless. Awhile back his girlfriend, who he thought he was going to marry, started sleeping with the enemy—literally. So he wiped the other guy out. Apparently his company was built on solid technology, mostly phone apps I think, and it snowballed.” Brennan nodded. “Yeah. I’d say it pretty well snowballed. Why’s he selling?” “Who knows why Riordan Kane does anything he does? You’d think he had it made, but he doesn’t seem very happy sometimes. Last time I talked to him he distrusted every woman on the planet. Talk about your disenchanted. He had tons of money, no smile, and no idea of his purpose in life.” Brennan raised his eyebrows. “I’d say if you built a company to $168 million dollars before your thirtieth birthday that you had some purpose in life.” “Well, that seemed to be his only purpose. Other than to fish. He does like to fish. I hope once the sale is final he throws himself into something else and doesn’t just go all billionaire playboy. That’s the last thing Riordan needs. He’ll never join the church.” Lucy patted his hand. “Relax, honey. It’s hard to go all billionaire playboy with only a paltry $168 million. He can hardly do much damage on that pittance.” She smiled at him. “Didn’t you say he was coming to the National Stock Show and bringing his fancy reining horse?” Josh put his phone away and grinned. “He is. He’s bringing a guy named Quinn something, who’s some famous goalie for a pro soccer team over there. Riordan got him into reining as well. He says Quinn is a maniac.” Jessie accepted her plate of blueberry waffles from the server, smiled her thanks and then said sweetly, “Well, you’d better not have them stay at your house then. That’s all Ryley would need is an aunt who lets him paint his toenails and a resident maniacal pro soccer goalie for role models. My, but this breakfast bankrolled by the losers looks wonderful, don’t you think, Lucy?” Lucy smiled just as sweetly. “Indeed it does, Jessie. Bon appétit, Bren.”


Author Jaclyn M. Hawkes Jaclyn M. Hawkes grew up in Utah with 6 sisters, 4 brothers and any number of pets. (It was never boring!) She got a bachelor’s degree, had a career and traveled extensively before settling down to her life’s work of being the mother of four magnificent and sometimes challenging children. She loves shellfish, pizza, the out of doors, the youth, and hearing her children laugh. She and her incredibly handsome husband, their younger children, and their happy dogs now live in a mountain valley in northern Utah, where it smells like heaven and kids still move sprinkler pipe.

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Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 4/4/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Dragonwatch (Fablehaven Adventure #1) by Brandon Mull

In the long-awaited sequel to Fablehaven, the dragons who have been kept at the dragon sanctuaries no longer consider them safe havens, but prisons and they want their freedom. The dragons are no longer our allies....

In the hidden dragon sanctuary of Wyrmroost, Celebrant the Just, King of the Dragons, plots his revenge. He has long seen the sanctuaries as prisons, and he wants nothing more than to overthrow his captors and return the world to the Age of Dragons, when he and his kind ruled and reigned without borders. The time has come to break free and reclaim his power.

No one person is capable of stopping Celebrant and his dragon horde. It will take the ancient order of Dragonwatch to gather again if there is any chance of saving the world from destruction. In ancient times, Dragonwatch was a group of wizards, enchantresses, dragon slayers, and others who originally confined the majority of dragons into sanctuaries. But nearly all of the original Dragonwatch members are gone, and so the wizard Agad reaches out to Grandpa Sorenson for help.

As Kendra and Seth confront this new danger, they must draw upon all their skills, talents, and knowledge as only they have the ability to function together as a powerful dragon tamer. Together they must battle against forces with superior supernatural powers and breathtaking magical abilities.

How will the epic dragon showdown end? Will dragons overthrow humans and change the world as we know it?

It's finally here!!  The long awaited sequel series to Fablehaven is FINALLY here.  Fablehaven fans rejoice!!  :)  ha.  That would be my family.  When I told them this book was coming out and I had been offered a chance to review it they were so excited.  I told them I wasn't sure I would review and they almost lynched me.  I was just teasing, of course, because why would I pass up a chance to get my hands on Dragonwatch?!  One of the best things about this series is that it appeals to all audiences- young and old.  It's a fabulous series to read aloud with your kids or grandkids, and it's great for younger readers and adults alike.  I love that.

If you haven't read the Fablehaven series, I would highly recommend you start there.  BUT, I don't think you HAVE to.  It would just help so, so much.  You will have a better understanding of the characters, the past events that have led up to this book, and why things are happening.

This book picks up just as the last book left off.  All your old favorite characters are here with Kendra and Seth leading the way.  You get to meet some new friends as well.  This book is a fantasy adventure so there are so many creatures with special abilities, magical lands and lots of amusing and dangerous situations.  (I would sure love to have a nipsie pledging allegiance to me!)

And while some things are resolved with this new conflict with the dragons, there are plenty of things left wide open for the next book.  And so the wait begins again. . . 

Content:  some mild peril

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Statistically Improbable (Dating by Design #2) by Jennifer Peel

Two professional matchmakers. One fake relationship. He's a playboy. She's a good girl. What could possibly go wrong?

According to Binary Search's matchmaking service, Meg and Zander's odds of ever having a successful relationship are statistically improbable. Meg has run the numbers and knows the probability, but for some reason she can't quit thinking about her coworker, Zander--the self-proclaimed eternal bachelor.

To make matters more interesting, Zander approaches her with an unusual proposition. He's in need of a pretend girlfriend. Meg thinks this could be the answer to get him out of her system, and maybe knock the arrogant man down a few notches in the process. But what she doesn't realize is there is more to this man, something he carefully hides behind his arrogant exterior. And when her feelings begin to be anything but pretend, she knows the odds of getting hurt are more than probable.

Will they let the odds over come them, or will they find that all the reasons they are wrong for each other are exactly what make them a perfect fit?

Ugh.  I just finished this book and I was so wrapped up in it and now all I can think is I WANT MORE!  I feel like throwing a toddler tantrum.  MORE, MORE, MORE!  WAAAAH!  Is that inappropriate?  Hum.  I just loved this book so much.  I wasn't ready for it to end.  I may have a slight addiction to Zander.  I NEED more.  Oh.  See?  Now that I know it's an addiction and I've admitted it, it's progressed from a want to a need.  Oh gee.  I may need an intervention.  Or more Zander.  Either way.

If you haven't read the first book in this series, you should really start there.  Zander plays a large role in that book and it sets the stage for this book.  Plus, the first book is awesome as well.  You simply cannot go wrong reading anything by Jennifer Peel.  She is at the top of my most favorite authors.

This book will bring out all kinds of emotions but mostly swoony ones.  Ha.  What?  Zander addiction, remember?!  He is an ego maniac.  But so sweet.  He will drive you nuts but then make your heart melt.  Poor Meg is on an emotional roller coaster.  I'm right there with you Meg.  And that is what makes Jennifer Peel so great.  She pulls you in so that you feel like you are right there and part of her books.  You smile, you growl in frustration, you laugh, you feel the pull of attraction.  It's fantastic.

I wish I had time to go back and read this book again.  I really want to.  Sigh.

Content:  Clean.  Some kissing.

- I received a copy of this book free.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Sanctuary Cove by Kate James + Giveaway!

Sanctuary Cove
by Kate James
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
March 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can his safe haven be enough for her?

Emma Meadows never imagined that sticking to her principles against an act of corruption by a New York senator would cost her her job as VP of communications. Heartbroken, she retreats to her cottage in the Adirondacks to lick her wounds and, in the process, rescues an injured dog that only Josh Whitmore can save.

The veterinarian works diligently to bring dog and woman back to full fighting form, until allegations against the senator become more serious. Seeing Emma's reaction to the increasing pressure, Josh realizes that inevitably she'll find a way back to the top…and he'll likely lose her for good.

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I always look forward to books by Kate James.  Her K-9 Trilogy was one of my favorites.  And there is no denying that I love books in the Harlequin Heartwarming Line.  These two are a perfect combination.

Emma is a kind hearted character.  Her love for animals is endearing and ultimately what draws Josh to her.  Emma and Josh are so good together.  I loved the moments when they were close and helping each other.  Josh is an excellent supporter of Emma- strong and capable.  I just really liked them both.  I'm also coming to realize that with Kate James, there is probably going to be a dog or two involved in the story as well!

It's always fun to have a bit of light suspense thrown in a romance.  In this case, it helped things move along more quickly.  I wasn't a fan of how the information regarding the conflict came about- a couple times I felt like I was in the middle of an information dump.  I will admit to skimming through some of that.  I wish it would have been woven into the story in a less dumpy way.  Other than that, I really enjoyed this book just as I suspected I would.

Content:  mild swearing, profanity (using God, Lord as exclamations)

- I received a copy of this book through Prism Book Tours for review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

About the Author

Kate spent much of her childhood abroad before attending university in Canada. She built a successful business career, but her passion has always been literature. As a result, Kate turned her energy to her love of the written word. Kate's goal is to entertain her readers with engaging stories featuring strong, likable characters. Kate has been honored with numerous awards for her writing. She and her husband, Ken, enjoy traveling and the outdoors, with their beloved Labrador Retrievers, Harley and Logan.

Kate would love to hear from you! You can connect with her by email, through her website, her Facebook pageTwitter, or mail at PO Box 446, Schomberg, ON, L0G 1T0, Canada.
US/CAN PRIZE PACK, which consists of:
- San Diego K-9 Series T-shirt (winner’s choice of size S, M or L)
- San Diego K-9 Series tote bag
- San Diego K-9 Series mug and a small pack of gourmet coffee
- Signed copy of When Love Matters Most (second book in the San Diego K-9 Series)
- Signed copy of The Truth About Hope
When I Found You (third book in the San Diego K-9 Series) key chain
- An assortment of bookmarks and bookplates
Open to US/CAN only
Ends March 21st

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Monday, March 13, 2017

Love, Jane by Ranee S. Clark + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Jane Reeves and Sean O'Callaghan seem to be a match made in heaven—but the timing is all wrong. Jane has her heart set on serving a mission, and she can't delay telling Sean the news any longer: not only has she quietly submitted her mission papers, but she's also leaving in a month ... for Alaska. Shocked and devastated, Sean struggles to come to terms with Jane's decision. Unable to deny the depth of their feelings for one another, Sean makes a promise to wait for her.

Life unfolds for both Jane and Sean, with communications limited to weekly e-mails. But with just a few months left in Jane's mission, Sean's messages stop. When she receives the dreaded "Dear Jane" breakup along with the news that she has been replaced by Sean's former flame, Jane knows the future she envisioned now belongs to another woman. But upon her return home, Jane quickly realizes some things are worth fighting for—perhaps, most of all, a shot at true love.

This book is written for and geared towards the LDS audience. ( Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)  The characters are LDS and a good part of this story focuses on Jane serving a mission for her church.  Praying and faith are a big part of this book.

I've read previous books by this author and really enjoyed them.  Ranee Clark is a fun writer.  This book wasn't my favorite of hers and I'm not completely sure why.  I think I didn't really love Jane but I did admire some of the growth she made by the end of the book.  The first part of this book is about the beginnings of a relationship for Jane and Sean.  The second part is while Jane is on her mission and Sean is dealing with life back home.  The third section is Jane returning home.  I guess for me, this book felt more disconnected because even in the first part of the book, Jane and Sean have a rocky start.  Jane is hiding things, she comes off wishy washy, lacking a backbone and she doesn't treat Sean all that great.  The second section is the two apart.  Jane is still struggling with all the same things, just in a new setting and Sean is drifting.  Both have things going on in their own worlds that cause frustration.  I think I just didn't connect to the characters the way I wanted to.  I didn't love them.  I felt like I was on the outside looking in.

Even saying that, I did like the book, I just didn't love it.  Like I said before, Ranee Clark is a fun writer and I always look forward to her books.  I will keep coming back because I know what to expect from her and I like it.

Ooh, and I love the cute cover on this book!

Content:  religious situations and talk, some kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  I positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

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