
Monday, November 7, 2016

Not A Word by Stephanie Black + $25 and Book Giveaway

Psychologist Natalie Marsh is a pro at keeping secrets. She not only guards her clients’ confidences but also expertly hides her own pain after being disinherited by her dying mother. As fresh personal challenges begin heaping on top of professional ones, Natalie’s best friend, Camille, confides that she thinks someone is stalking her. Natalie suspects that stress, not a stalker, is shadowing Camille—but Camille’s fear only continues to grow when the widow of a local businessman starts whispering that her husband was murdered and a new client of Natalie’s seems to be concealing something much more frightening than her inability to stand up for herself. Soon a shattering crime proves the danger is real. But when everyone has something at stake, is there anyone Natalie can trust? Or will she fall victim to a killer who will do anything to keep secrets hidden?

If mystery/suspense is a genre you love, you really need to read this book.  Stephanie Black is so good at weaving a mystery where I am constantly trying to guess who and why.  Every chapter has me looking at people and events differently, suspecting everyone, and I love that.  

There were quite a lot of characters in this book.  It took me a good third of the book to feel like I had a good grasp on each character and who they were but it did happen and by the end of the book I felt like I knew each person and I could give a detailed description to the police.  Ha!

I loved the pacing of this book that had me interested and involved in the plot from the beginning.  There was never a dull moment.  The ending was gangbuster and had my heart pounding.  I was reading so fast I had to stop myself and go back to read more slowly so I didn't miss something!  Awesome, right?

Content:  Some violence but otherwise clean.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  A favorable review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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