
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kept Secrets by Traci Hunter Abramson + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Unexpectedly reunited after six years, high school sweethearts Devin Shanahan and Grace Harrington cross paths and have a whirlwind wedding. A lot can change in six years, however, and they must figure out how to make their two independent lives mesh.

Unable to disclose his CIA job to his new wife, when Devin is assigned a top-secret mission to Hong Kong, he tells Grace part of the truth: that he is going to work abroad for six months in finance. But when the mission turns deadly and Devin doesn't know whom to trust, he must make the most difficult decision of his life in an effort to keep Grace safe. Will the seeds of deception prove destructive to their newly formed marriage? And will the love that brought them together be the very thing their enemies use to tear them apart?

I was excited to sign up for this blog tour.  Traci Abramson has always been an author I've enjoyed reading.  Her books are probably what I would call romantic suspense and they are clean.  That's a great combination in my opinion.

The books starts with a bit of foreshadowing- and look into the evil that is to come.  It gave me a little shutter of dread.  Then we are immediately transported to Las Vegas with friends getting together for a wedding.  Devin and Grace are reconnected after many years apart.  I got pulled into their whirlwind re-connection and romance.  It was such a drastic change from the first bit of the book.  But I couldn't forget that evil blip at the beginning.

Then the plot just takes over and things go crazy.  I didn't know who to trust.  I felt anxious and wondered how Devin was going to get out of the mess he was in.  It was so good.  I loved the varied settings as well.  I was never in one place for too long but each place rang true and I could easily picture what was going on.

I read this book in one day.  Actually, it was more like half a day.  I just couldn't put it down.  I love when that happens!  

Content:  some violence

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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