
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Sale of Woodhouse Glass by K.J. Watters

“Touching and intelligent, The Sale of Woodhouse Glass isn't your ordinary romance. Kali Woodhouse is a widowed mother-of-two who spends her days running her deceased husband's business, Woodhouse Glass, and flirting with the town police officer, who is exactly right for her in every way. He's certainly a better choice than the bad-boy, screw-up she's known since childhood, and who just so happens to need a job and has the necessary skills for Woodhouse Glass.

“No, this isn't the generic storyline you've seen before with flat characters who play their roles according to the formula. Watters eschews cliche and instead tells a touching story about love, loss, family, and finding happiness again after tragedy.”

-Author of "Someone Else's Fairytale" E.M. Tippetts

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

I was so pleasantly surprised by this book.  This is an author that is new to me and whenever you agree to review books by authors you do not know, it's a risk.  Sometimes it turns out to be a risk well worth taking though and I'm glad I had the chance to read this book.  For me, the cover is the only negative to this book.  It is so generic and doesn't represent the inside at all.  Please, please don't be swayed by the cover for this book.  

What I loved most about this book was how real it felt.  The characters are all as large as life in my head.  They hurt, they struggle, they make mistakes.  There was emotion and I couldn't help but feel things all the way through this book.

Kali knows loss.  She is a struggling widow with two young children.  She has a business to run and decisions to make and it all seems like too much.  Then she meets a man who helps to pull her up out of her funk.  He is charming and steady and so kind to her and her kids.  Kali surprised me a few times with her choices and her ability to forgive.  She displays a strength of character that is impressive.

There is a love triangle in this book- not usually my favorite, but it worked for this book.  It was all the way at the end and I still wasn't sure what Kali was going to ultimately choose.  
I really enjoyed my time in this book.  I'll be on the lookout for more by this author.

Content:  references to alcohol and drug use and casual sex outside of marriage but nothing described in detail.  Kissing.

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