
Friday, February 26, 2016

A Season to Love ( A Love in Lenox Novel) by Nicole Deese

At this point in her life, bravery is not a trait Willa Hart would readily claim. She believes her seven-year-old daughter, Savannah, who never knew her father and successfully tackled chemotherapy, is truly the courageous one. Yet after Willa has a fateful encounter with handsome young doctor Patrick McCade, her outlook—and her view of herself—begins to change.

Patrick, a thrill-seeking world traveler and temporary resident of Lenox, Oregon, sets out to show Willa the value of adventure, even within her tiny town. But just when their friendship shows signs of turning into something more, Patrick’s life as a traveling doctor calls him back. Will his last days in town signal the end of their journey, or will Patrick and Willa find the courage to transform a single season into a lifetime?

When your book world friends start raving about a book and an author, you listen.  Then you run as fast as your fingers can take you to every review place you have access to in order to secure a review copy to read for yourself.  Well, this may not be how it works for you but this is how it works for me and this is exactly how it happened for me and this book.  (Thank you NetGalley and Waterfall Press!)

A Season to Love is just classic clean romance.  It has all the elements I look for when reading.  The characters were real and personable.  They had strengths and flaws.  They make mistakes and they have moments of absolute awesome.  There was emotion and feeling that drew me in and kept me so invested in not just the characters, but the story and most especially, the ending.

Willa is scared.  There isn't any other good way to put it.  She has been through an awful lot and to some degree it's understandable, but the problem is, once you start shutting people out and living life in a bubble of fear, it becomes habit and you become even more scared.  That's how Patrick finds Willa and because of his adventurous life- full of living and exploring- he is determined to help Willa break out of her cage and really live.

Friendship is the base of Patrick and Willa's relationship.  They move slowly because that is the only way Willa can move.  It was so good, so satisfying, to see Patrick's patience and Willa's transformation.  

There is also great cast of supporting characters in this book.  That's so important.

I really enjoyed reading this book.  I ran out right away and picked up a previous book by this author ( A Cliche Christmas) which I am looking forward to reading.  I actually got it from Amazon and added the audible for only $1.99.  This will be one for the car!  :)

Content:  kissing

1 comment:

  1. I totally do that too ;) I was surprised by how much I loved this book! I got the first book in the series too and can't wait to read it! I want to see how Georgia and Weston got together, they seem like a volatile couple...


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