
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Suspect's Daughter (Rogue Hearts Series, #4) by Donna Hatch + Giveaways!

The Suspect's Daughter: Regency Romance (Rogue Hearts Book 4)
The Suspect's Daughter
(Rogue Hearts, #4)
by Donna Hatch
Adult Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 298 pages
December 15th 2015 by Mirror Lake Press

Determined to help her father with his political career, Jocelyn sets aside dreams of love. When she meets the handsome and mysterious Grant Amesbury, her dreams of true love reawaken. But his secrets put her family in peril.

Grant goes undercover to capture conspirators avowed to murder the prime minister, but his only suspect is the father of a courageous lady who is growing increasingly hard to ignore. He can’t allow Jocelyn to distract him from the case, nor will he taint her with his war-darkened soul. She seems to see past the barriers surrounding his heart, which makes her all the more dangerous to his vow of remaining forever alone.

Jocelyn will do anything to clear her father’s name, even if that means working with Grant. Time is running out. The future of England hangs in the balance...and so does their love.


I just loved this book.  I had to start out with that and I'll probably end with that too.  This series (Rogue Heart) is one of my favorites.  These Amesbury brothers are a little thick headed to begin with but their transformations are awesome and when those boys let go and love, boy are they a force to be reckoned with!

Finally Grant has his story told.  I've been waiting for Grant's story- I just knew it would be good.  And it was.  Grant is one closed up guy.  And I mean closed up.  Sealed up tight.  Poor Grant.  He doesn't even know how shriveled up his soul has become denying himself love and comfort from family and friends.  But Grant has a good heart.  He tries to protect people from bad guys and he offers help to people where he can.

Jocelyn is so easy to like.  Even Grant has trouble disliking her and that's something.  The characters in this book are developed and I really felt like I knew them well by the end of the book.  I craved interactions between Grant and Jocelyn because they always made me smile.

This book was romantic and had a bit of intrigue.  I was happy to see glimpses of the Amesbury brothers throughout, still happy and well.  Now Grant's story has been told and I can't wait to see where we go next with Donna Hatch.  Wherever it is, I will be there.  I loved this book.  It took me to my happy place!

Donna Hatch 2014

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty five years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

Tour Giveaway

$10 Amazon eGift Card
2 ebooks of A Winter's Knight
2 ebooks of Mistletoe Magic
Open internationally
Ends December 19th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

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  1. Adult Historical Romance is my favorite genre to read and I really look forward to reading The Suspect's Daughter.

    1. I think you will enjoy it. This whole series is fantastic!

  2. I love history, especially the Regency and Victorian era's. On the author's page she mentioned several factoids about the history in the book, which of course made me immediately put this on my want to read list! The research and commitment to details always impresses me.

    1. I agree. It's the research that really helps the story come alive. It impresses me as well. I hope you enjoy reading this book!

  3. Thanks so much for reviewing my book on your blog! I really appreciate it! And I'm so glad you liked my book :-)


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