
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

When the Right One Comes Along by Kate James + BIG Giveaway!

On tour with Prism Book Tours.

When the Right One Comes Along (K-9 Trilogy, #1)When the Right One Comes Along
(K-9 Trilogy #1)
by Kate James
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 293 Pages
October 1st 2015 by Harlequin

Brought together by disaster. Kept together by love.

In the aftermath of a deadly earthquake, it's chaos for trauma surgeon Jessica Hansen. Among the many victims, one patient stands out—San Diego Police K-9 search and rescue officer Cal Palmer.

Cal vows to help Kayla, a child orphaned by the disaster. But he needs Jessica's help. Will their shared concern for Kayla and for Cal's canine partner, Scout, allow them to put aside their personal torments and discover the difference love can make?

Amazon - Barnes & Noble - Harlequin - iTunes - Kobo

Have I ever mentioned before that I love the Harlequin Heartwarming line?  Ha!  Only every single time I read a book from this line, right?  Well, it's worth mentioning again.  If you love good, clean romances that focus on relationships and growing love, then Harlequin Heartwarming is the perfect place for you.  It's the perfect place for me.  I like my romances clean.  :)

There were so many different things going on in this book with the characters.  Some were separate, some were together.  I love how everything sort of melded together and connected.

Cal is a search and rescue officer with a K-9 companion.  He works hard and is very good at what he does.  The book starts off with a daring and heart wrenching rescue of a little girl trapped in the rubble of an earthquake.  Cal has a big hero's heart but it is often closed off because of hurts and frustrations from his past.  Saving that one little girls sets off a chain of events that lead Cal to bigger and better things.

Jessica tries to stay impersonal but she just cannot.  Some people just pull at your heartstrings no matter how hard you try to close yourself off.  Jessica is a helper by nature and so helping Kayla and then Cal happens whether Jessica likes it or not.  Jessica has some big demons to fight but she has been running instead of fighting.  The time comes when she has to either fight or lose everything.

This was a great book to settle in with.  I loved the characters and I loved the struggle.  The chemistry was there between Jessica and Cal- they knew it and I knew it too.  The forward progression of this book was good and the characters were solid.  I read through this book quickly because I just didn't want to put it down.  Yay for a good, clean romance!

Kate James 2.jpg
Kate James spent eight years of her childhood living in foreign countries as her professional parents travelled on business. She lived in four countries and spoke five languages before settling down in Canada again to attend university. After graduating with a degree in civil engineering, she held a variety of positions in the field of real estate development and operations, and ran three substantial organizations. While her writing during this period was mostly business related, including presentations and speeches she delivered both nationally and internationally, her passion is and always has been fiction.

Kate's business and personal experiences enable her to write fiction with a deep, often first-hand knowledge of what she is writing about. This approach makes Kate's stories richer and more vivid.

Kate’s goal is to entertain you with well-written, engaging stories, set in intriguing places and with strong, likeable characters. “I hope my stories bring you pleasure and entertain you. Nothing pleases me more than receiving feedback from people who have chosen to spend their valuable leisure time with one of my books,” notes Kate.

Kate married her husband, Ken, in an elegant, ocean-front wedding on a tropical island. When they are not traveling, they split their time between their properties in southern and central Ontario in Canada.

Grand Prize: Spa Gift Basket and a print copy of When the Right One Comes Along (US/CAN only)

2nd Prize: $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of When the Right One Comes Along (print if US/CAN, ebook if international)

3 – 3rd Prizes: copy of When the Right One Comes Along(print if US/CAN, ebook if international)

Ends October 16th

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  1. Thank you for hosting me on your blog.

    Happy reading!


  2. This sounds like an interesting book. Great review, draws you in quickly.

  3. I've been hearing great things about the Heartwarming line. I usually just read the Love Inspired line but I've become interested in these books too now!


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