
Monday, April 6, 2015

Miss Burton Unmasks a Prince by Jennifer Moore + a $25 Giveaway

1812 Southern belle Meg Burton is her parents last hope of avoiding financial ruin, and a distant cousin's kind gesture seems an ideal solution: He will sponsor Meg for a London Season. The pursuit of a wealthy husband was not exactly how the bookish young woman had envisioned first trip abroad after all, what does a girl from Charleston, South Carolina, know about being a lady? Amidst the stunning gowns and extravagant balls of the ton, Meg feels like an imposter. Thankfully, she has one friend who knows her true self Carlo, handsome stable hand. Despite their difference in station, love blossoms between the unlikely pair, and Meg is sure of one thing: She wants nothing to do with the insufferable European aristocracy.

Prince Rodrigo de Talavera has lost everything to Napoleon. Jaded by war, he has become bitter and miserable until he meets Meg, an American woman whose eccentric schemes and passion for life remind him what it is to laugh and to love. If only she knew him for himself and not as Carlo the stable hand. With the shadow of deception looming over their happy acquaintance and the dangers of war drawing evermore near, can Meg and Rodrigo find the courage to put aside their pretenses and discover if they can beloved as they truly are?

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I love curling up with a good, fluffy, feel good romance.  This one was such a fun diversion.

Meg is adventurous and a bit fiery.  She is smart and engaging.  She longs for exciting adventures but becomes disappointed by the English society and their stuffy ways.  When Meg meets the prince, she doesn't know he is the prince.  She mistakes him for a stable hand and the prince is happy to let her assume this because it allows him the freedom of getting to know Meg in a more relaxed manner.

This book has all the classic romantic elements in it.  Misunderstanding, adventure, growing attraction and some lovely kisses.  I love how the Prince tries to give Meg the things that he hopes will make her happy.  He listens to her and then acts on what he hears.  It is so, so sweet.

I really enjoyed this book.  It was easy to settle into and get lost for awhile.  This book was lighter and fluffier than Jennifer Moore's last book but still good.  It made my romantic heart smile.

This is a squeeky clean romance book.  My thanks to Covenant for allowing me to read and review books for them.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read this. I loved Jennifer Moore's other books. Keep writing please.


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