
Monday, January 26, 2015

It's a Rough Edges Release Day Party! Review, Excerpt AND a Three Book Giveaway!!

Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday dear Rough Edges.  Happy Birthday to you!

It's a good day when I get to read a new book by Kimberly Krey.  Yeah, she's one of my favorites.  I'm not even going to try to contain my happy dancing.  When I'm in the mood for some good romance, Kimberly is my go-to gal.  And, honestly, I'm always in the mood for a good romance.  ;)  I'm so excited!

Rough Edges kicks off the beginning of a new series by Kimberly.  I like the second chances theme in this book.  I liked the older characters, the added situations of older kids and divorce in the mix and how Allie had to navigate those issues.   It was good stuff.  

Allie and Braden share some intense chemistry.  There are some steamy make out sessions (but nothing beyond that).  Let's just say that I never knew kissing in a wood shop could be so, um, steamy.  Sizzle, Crackle.   Kim's motto is "keeping it clean without losing the steam".  She really sticks to that motto.  This book does contain kissing and it is steamy but it never goes farther than that.  There is also a few instances of mild swearing.

I'm so happy to be posting along with Kimberly today.  Did I mention she is one of my favorite people?  Here's what she has to say about all this:

Allie Emerson gets her happy ending at last in my new release, Rough Edges, available now on Amazon.

Rough Edges starts off my newest series, Second Chances – a companion to the Sweet Montana Bride series. Featuring some of the characters you know and love, this series will give Allie, Logan, and a new character, Bree, (you'll meet her in Allie's story) a second chance at romance. If you haven't read the Sweet Montana Bride series, no worries. This series, as well as each book within, will stand alone just fine. Now for a bit about the book.

Divorced mother, Allie Emerson, never imagined she’d be raising two teenage girls on her own. Between parenting and paying the bills, she hasn’t even thought about meeting a man. That changes once she hears local carpenter, Braden Fox, is in need of a secretary. Back in high school, Allie had done all she could to deny the sparks burning between her and Braden; but would the chemistry still be there after all this time?

Braden has heard all about what Terrance did to Allie and the girls. He’s been planning to stop by and see how she’s getting along, but Allie beats him to it by showing up at his shop in search of a job. Her unexpected visit reignites the old flame Braden used to torch for her; trouble is, old feelings of resentment return as well. Allie did choose Terrance over him, after all. And as much as Braden wants Allie in his life, he’s not sure he can open his heart to her again.

With a second chance at romance, will the bumps in their relationship be too much to get over, or will this carpenter learn to smooth out the past?

  * Amazon * Goodreads *

Now for an excerpt from the book:

Their eyes met once more, and a shot of heat flooded his chest like a liquid bolt of lightening, forcing his pulse to rush. “I’ve missed you,” he blurted.
Her eyes widened in response, and Braden wondered if he’d been too bold. He’d hardly meant to speak it. It’d been more of a thought. A longing, really.
At last she nodded. “Yeah,” she said, her voice soft and low. “I … I’ve been wondering about you too. How you’ve been over the years. I kept asking Terrance who you were dating. If you were close to marrying anyone…” Her words drifted off for a breath, but then she spoke up again. “You admitted that you’d turned down our offers to come to dinner and catch up.” She studied him for a moment, a challenge presented in her gaze. “All those years. Why didn’t you just come?”
“You know why.” He’d nearly spoken over her, but he couldn’t help it.
“No, Braden, I don’t.”
He nodded adamantly, taking a step back and folding his arms. “Think about it, Allie.” ...
“I have thought about it –”
“Not nearly enough, apparently,” he snapped.
“I’ve thought about it all these years. It hurt my feelings. I thought we were friends.”
... Braden bit back his words and broke into a pace.
“Braden,” she said, “I wanted you to stay a part of our lives. You were the best influence Terrance had and you just stopped being his friend? Why would you do that?”
Braden froze in place. “I was a better friend to him than you’ll ever know.” Or possibly the worst, he realized. He strode back, his gaze set on her. “And I didn’t want to be your friend, Allie. I wanted more than that and you know it.”
Her face fell flat. Her lips parted. But no words came. She cleared her throat, casting her eyes to the floor. “Yeah,” he said. “Don’t pretend that you don’t know. I made it clear. And as soon as I did you started setting me up with every friend you had. Including Kayla.”
“That’s not…” Her face flushed red. Her lips tightened. “That’s not how it went, Braden.” The silence that followed was painful. The tension wedged in each passing second pressed at Braden’s last nerve.
“Well,” he said, “this has been a nice trip down memory lane, but if you don’t mind I’ve got to get back to work. Come on out when you’re ready.” He turned away from her in one quick jerk and walked out of the kitchen, one long stride after the next.

To celebrate the release of Rough Edges, I'm giving away THREE FREE paperbacks! After entering here, you may enter again by leaving a comment HERE Good luck, my friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yay! Thank you for being a part of the celebration! It wouldn't be a party without you. Literally - great idea! And the feeling is mutual - you are definitely one of my favorites, too. :)

  2. I don't think I have a favorite second chance story (although, aren't they all!?), but right now I'm reading "So Fair a Lady" by Amber Lynn Perry and I'm LOVING it!

    1. Oh, I'll have to check that one out. Love the name of it already. :)

    2. I haven't heard of that one, NaDell. I'll have to check it out!

  3. I love Sleepless in Seattle! Isn't that the best second chance story ever?!

    1. Katie, I love that one too! Just watched it with my teenage girls and they loved it as well. Though, they didn't bawl the way I always do while watching it. ;)

    2. That is a good one! Kinda makes me want to watch it instead of going to work today... :)

  4. Currently reading The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell.

    1. I haven't read that one, Linda. Hopefully you are loving it!

    2. I haven't read that one either, but the name is really intriguing!

  5. I love all the Hallmark movies. They're all about 2nd chances.

    1. Me too. Hallmark movies are my favorite. I'm loving the new shows every Saturday this month!

    2. Oh, yes! Bring on the Hallmark movies! I'm a total sucker for them. And yes, they totally are about second chances, aren't they?

  6. I love The Notebook! I think that's a second chance :)

    1. I LOVE the Notebook too! I always cry. So good.

    2. That's one movie I will never ever get sick of even though I've watched it a million. Totally a second chance story, and so well done!

  7. My favorite second chance romance movie is Sweet Home Alabama.

    1. Oh, yes! I love that one so much! I also love that I can watch it with my teenage girls! :) Sweet, clean, and so romantic!

  8. There's so many to choose from! The Notebook and Sweet Home Alabama are two of my favorite movies ever :) I still puddle up watching The Notebook lol

    1. Me too! Those are both winners in my book too. :)

    2. Looks like we could have a puddle party- the lot of us. ha!

  9. I am reading Snow Angel by Melanie Shawn. New author for me, but good so far.

  10. I am reading The Blue Coyote by Karen Musser Nortman. I do like the movie called The Lucky One. :)

    1. I thought I had seen that movie but I looked it up and now I'm thinking I haven't! Why haven't I watched this movie?! I need to.

  11. i'm not reading anything right now.i do like sleepless in seattle and i loved watching all the hallmark movie that were on during christmas time.

    1. Looks like you need to win this book so you have something to read! :) I recorded all the Hallmark Christmas shows. I haven't watch them all yet but I will!

  12. Just finished reading The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks


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