
Saturday, November 8, 2014

On Tour with The Match Maker by Karey White + a $25 Giveaway

  Match Maker Book Cover
The Match Maker by Karey White (The Husband Maker #2) (Summary contains spoilers if you have not yet read book #1 The Husband Maker) It’s been six months since Charlotte and Kyle broke up, and the Husband Maker strikes again. Kyle is officially engaged, while Charlotte is still nursing a broken heart. In an effort to get Charlotte out of her rut, she and her best friend decide it’s time for some good old-fashioned matchmaking. While Aleena arranges for Charlotte to meet up with a handsome Scottish tourist, Charlotte gets her two best friends together. But when sparks start to fly between Aleena and Angus, Charlotte is left feeling more alone that ever--at least until the charming Scotsman becomes more than just a safe, rebound guy and teaches her that maybe, just maybe, she can dare to open her heart again.
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So, this is the second book in this series and if you haven't read the first book, Husband Maker, you really need to before reading this book.  They are a "must read in order" series.

I have such mixed emotions about this book just as I did with the first book.  I liked it, but I'm in a constant state of frustration with the the main character, Charlotte, and with the how slowly the resolution is in coming.  Now, in all fairness, this is totally a personal thing and not a problem with the author or the writing.  I just have a hard time being patient with a romance series through three books.  It's not like there is world saving or zombie escaping going on in addition to the drama of romance and relationships to distract me from the romantic elements.  It's just straight up romantic drama.  One book I can handle that way but three?  I can already tell you that the third and last book will be my favorite.  I'm more than ready to reach a conclusion and get my happily ever after.  At least, there better be a happily ever after!!  :)

As I said before, I liked this book.  The characters are all well developed and I especially enjoyed my trip via book to Scotland.  I really want to go there.

Enjoy the following excerpt:

“Have you heard from Flynn?” Aleena asked between bites.
“We talked last night for a while.”
“You’re still talking to him?” Angus asked. He sounded surprised.
“They’ve been talking a lot,” Aleena said.
“I don’t know if I’d say ‘a lot.’” I really didn’t want to talk about this.
“I think he really likes Charlotte,” Aleena said.
“We’re friends.”
“How much do you talk?” Angus asked.
“A couple of times a week, I guess.”
“Maybe at the beginning it was a couple of times a week, but hasn’t it picked up lately?” Aleena asked.
I shrugged and kept chewing, even though I had already swallowed.
“Have you seen that new Reese Witherspoon movie?” I asked.
“Nice try,” Aleena said. “Let’s talk about Scotland. When are you going?”
“I’m not,” I said.
“You really should,” Aleena said. “What a great chance to see another part of the world.” Aleena turned to Angus. “He’s invited her over and over and she keeps putting him off.”
“Why?” Angus turned to me.
“I’m busy. I’ve got lots of projects going on at work.”
“Oh please. That’s not why you’re not going.”
I gave Aleena a pointed look, but she wasn’t looking at me, so she didn’t see it.
“Why aren’t you going?” Angus asked.
I took another bite of salad. “I think she’s not going because she’s afraid she’s falling for him and a boyfriend in Scotland is pretty inconvenient.”
“I’ve never said I’m falling for him, but you’re right. Scotland isn’t convenient.”
“Maybe he’ll move back here,” Angus said. “His brother did.”
“And that’s why he won’t,” I said. “He doesn’t want to leave his mom and the family business.”
“Maybe you could split your time between here and there.” Finally, Aleena looked at me and I gave her a “shut up” look. “What? I’m just trying to help you work things out. Maybe the fortune meant long-term romance.”
“What fortune?” Angus asked.
“Charlotte’s fortune cookie that said ‘romance will come to you from foreign lands,’” Aleena said.
“First of all,” I said, “that was your fortune. Second, I don’t believe in fortunes. Third, let’s talk about something else.”
“Why?” Angus asked. “He seemed like a nice guy.”
I sighed. “He is a nice guy. A nice guy who lives in Scotland.”
“Who’s invited you to come visit,” Aleena said.
“I think you should go,” said Angus. I stared at him. When I realized my mouth was hanging open, I hurried and clamped it shut. “What?” Angus looked at my surprised face. “Has he asked you to marry him and move there forever?”
I shook my head. For some reason, I had expected Angus to discourage me from going. I would have thought he would disapprove. I’d have imagined him saying, “Don’t follow a guy halfway around the world unless you mean business.” But instead he was telling me I should go.
Angus and I looked at each other for longer than was comfortable. I could feel Aleena’s eyes on us, and I wanted to look away, but I needed to read what was behind Angus’s words. Finally, he lowered his eyes. “Just go. There’s nothing here to stop you.”
What did he mean? My family was here. My friends were here. My job was here. There was plenty here to stop me.
I laughed, but it sounded fake. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you want me to move to another country.”
Angus shrugged. “Just want you to be happy, Charlotte, and you don’t seem to be happy with what you’ve got here.”

Have you read the first book in the series?
The Husband Maker by Karey White
Husband Maker Cover
Grab your copy from
Coming Spring 2015
The conclusion to The Husband Maker Series
The Wife Maker by Karey White
Wife Maker 2  

  Karey White
Author Karey White Karey White grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist. She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.

    $25 Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 11/30/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Match Maker
Blog Tour hosted by I Am A Reader November 4th to 21st Tour Schedule

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