
Friday, November 7, 2014

A July Bride (A Year of Weddings Novella) by Beth Wiseman

A year's worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed.
Can she forgive the man who left her at the altar?

Alyssa Pennington dated Brendan Myers for three years before she accepted his proposal. For almost a year, Alyssa's friends and family helped her plan a lovely wedding to take place in the church she'd grown up in. It was the happiest day of her life when she walked down the aisle to be united with the man of her dreams. But when Brendan left her at the altar, Alyssa was consumed by humiliation, embarrassment, and a broken heart that wouldn't allow her to trust anyone. Especially Brendan.

Brendan Myers knows he will spend the rest of his life regretting what he did to Alyssa, the only woman he's ever loved. Without her, his life is empty. In one fateful moment, he'd panicked, destroyed their future, and ruined everything. Now he plans to win her back.

But winning back his bride might prove much more difficult than he can imagine. And even if he does get her to the altar again, will she think turnabout is fair play?

Here is another novella from the Year of Weddings series.  I love the blue color on this cover.  It's so pretty!  What I love about this series is that each novella is written by a different author.  You don't have to read them in order to understand because each is as individual as the author.  You can just enjoy 12 great novellas that are sweet and clean.

This book was good and I really loved Brendan.  Yes, he made an awful mistake but you have to love his efforts to win Alyssa back.  Even if they are overboard.  His heart is in the right place.  Alyssa's hurt is deep and very real.  You can't blame her for not trusting Brendan.  It all comes down to good communication and forgiveness in the end.

I loved the plot and the storyline.  I think this book would have been better as a full length novel though.  I felt like there was just too much missing.  I felt like Dalton didn't have time to develop enough and I didn't really like him.  I'm not sure if that was the author's intent or not.  I wish I could have had more encounters with Brendan and Alyssa or even with Dalton and Alyssa.  Lots of time passes in the book that leave big holes and I felt like I was missing out on important stuff that could have made the difference in my understanding and attachment to the characters and story.

I did like this story and I was very interested in it.  I just felt like I was missing out on a lot in the end.  I'd love to read this as a full length book though!

My thanks to the publisher who provided a copy of this book for review.

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