
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

His Hometown Girl by Karen Rock + Giveaways Galore!

On tour with Prism Book Tours...

Welcome to my Book Tour stop for
His Hometown Girl

His Hometown GirlHis Hometown Girl
by Karen Rock
Mass Market Paperback, Large Print, 331 pages
March 1st 2014 by Harlequin

He'd always managed to best her…

Jodi Chapman will do whatever it takes to get top care for her autistic son. If that means going home and convincing local farmers to sell their land, so be it. Even if her biggest opponent, childhood rival Daniel Gleason, is equally determined to convince farmers to buy into his co-op plan. And he's not playing fair.

Facing off against Daniel is the last thing Jodi wants. The attraction that's always fueled their competitiveness is as strong as ever and just as distracting. But with both their futures on the line, and years of distrust between them, how can they ever be on the same side?

I'm happy to be a part of this blog tour for His Hometown Girl by Karen Rock.  My thanks to Prism Book Tours for allowing me to hang with them.

This book has the perfect small town, country summer setting.  I loved the feel this lent the story.  Daniel fit perfectly into this setting and I could easily picture him around the farm and interacting with the people he had known all his life.

Jodi is a mom desperate to help her child.  Her focus is to get enough money to send her son to the very best school to help him with his autistic struggles.  Being a single mother is hard and even harder when you are dealing with a child that has special needs.  I think the author did a good job of portraying Jodi's loyalty and desperation.  I really felt for her.

The battle between Daniel and Jodi is very real.  It goes on for what feels like forever when you are a reader wanting them to figure things out and get together.  That's my impatience talking.  I really enjoyed this book and I will admit that when Daniel and Jodi call a semi-truce of sorts and start being nicer to each other I breathed a sigh of relief.  This was a fluffy read, and a great distraction with a happily ever after that I loved.

This is a sweet, clean romance.

Karen Rock has adored romance since receiving Harlequin Presents books from her grandmother each summer. She formed her Young Adult writing partnership, J.K. Rock- pseudonym for the CAMP BOYFRIEND series, with her sister-in-law and Blaze author, Joanne Rock in 2011. When Karen heard of a call for submissions to Heartwarming, Harlequin’s latest line, she was inspired by the possibilities of writing unforgettable, deeply romantic, tender love stories that mothers would feel comfortable sharing with their daughters. When she’s not writing, Karen loves scouring estate sales for vintage books, cooking her grandmother's family recipes, hiking the ‘high peaks’, and redesigning her gardens. She lives in the Adirondack Mountain region with her husband, daughter, and two Cavalier King cocker spaniels who have yet to understand the concept of “fetch” though they know a lot about love. 

For more information about Karen's upcoming books, check out her website, Facebook page, or follow her on twitter. She’d love to hear from you!

Tour-Wide Giveaway

Grand Prize: Hand-stitched, authentic Amish quilt (uses their overlapping heart-stitching- pattern), with matching dust ruffle for a king-sized bed, signed copies of Wish Me Tomorrow & Camp Boyfriend, and some surprise swag (US Only)
1 - Paperback/ebook copies of Wish Me Tomorrow and Camp Boyfriend (format is winner's choice, paperback for US Only) and $20 Amazon gift card
2 - ebooks of Wish Me Tomorrow and Camp Boyfriend (INT)

3/16 - Tour Grand Finale

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  1. I lived in a little town (graduated with 60 kids) and have plenty of stories and WAY too many crushes to count. I was so boy crazy.

  2. Didn't live in a small town, and had some crushes back then, but only one now :)


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