
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rise of the Fire Tamer Blog Tour: Review and $25 Giveaway

Rise of the Fire Tamer by Kailin Gow
After winning a contest for a popular game called Wordwick Games, five teens Gemma, Sparks, Rio, Kat, and Jack, are invited to stay at Wordwick Games inventor Henry Word's mysterious castle and play the newest level of Workwick Games. Little do they know, the castle is the doorway to a wondrous world call Anachronia where words can be used as weapons, power, and commodity. There is unrest in Anachronia, and if the five teens can follow the rules of Wordwick Games and prove to be the best player, one of them will be crowned Ruler of Anachronia.


There were many good things about this book.  I always appreciate a good middle grade book that contains no swearing.  This book was an adventure.  It started out a bit Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-ish when the kids get a special invitation to a mysterious castle to meet Henry Word.  That's about where that parallel ended though.  :)

The five teens invited to the castle are all so different.  Their personalities really came through in the book.  I could picture and hear them in my mind which is a great thing.

I loved the idea of using words as weapons or power.  Knowing smart words to use to your benefit is awesome.  I was really glad I was reading this book on my Kindle so I could instantly see the dictionary meanings of these words.  Some of them I didn't know!  This is a fun way to learn new words and I love the concept.  There was a glossary of words in the back of the book as well.

My biggest problem with this book is the editing.  It drove me a bit mad.  This book needs a full professional edit.  Or maybe two.

Overall a good book though.  I'm glad I was a part of this blog tour.  Check out this book trailer and the excerpt following.  Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the very end!

Book Trailer

Gem recognized the voice instantly as that of Henry Word. After his online announcements, she was hardly going to forget. He must have come into the hallway through a side door. She turned to greet him with the others, expecting to look up into the already half-familiar face, and had to adjust the direction of her gaze when it turned out that Henry Word was sitting down.
He was sitting down because he was in a wheelchair.
It was quite a high tech wheelchair, obviously custom made and designed around Henry Word, but there was no escaping the fact that it was there. From the waist up, Mr. Word was dressed conservatively, even elegantly, in a suit and silk tie. From the waist down, his legs disappeared beneath a tartan blanket. They didn’t appear again on the other side.
“A small accident from my army days,” Henry word said, and Gem found herself wondering if he’d read her mind in the second it took to decide that the others probably looked just as surprised as she did. Gem realized that, in all the pictures she had seen of Henry Word either online or in magazines, not one had shown more than his head and shoulders.
Henry Word laughed then.
“I can see I’ve caught you all rather by surprise. Still, before I turn into the main topic of conversation, can I take a moment to welcome the five of you?’ his gaze flicked to each of them in turn, and Gem guessed that he was matching names to faces in his mind. “You are all here, of course, because you have turned out to be some of the biggest fans of my little game. Congratulations on that. For the next week, you’ll be staying in what I hope you’ll find to be extremely comfortable surroundings, and you’ll get the benefit of a very special surprise.”
“What surprise?” Rio asked from behind Gem. Henry Word chuckled again.
“Ah, Riordan Roberts, I take it? Well, there is nothing to be suspicious about. In fact, I think that as fans, you will all enjoy this particular surprise. I have simply decided to allow you access to the tenth level of my game while we are here.”
Gem felt her brow furrow.
“But Mr. Word, aren’t there only nine levels?”
“That’s true at the moment,” Henry Word answered. “Anachronia is rather new. You will be among the first to play it. Still, let’s not focus on that too much now, shall we? Chef has excelled himself in the Great Hall, and I’m sure you must all be hungry after your journeys.”

Author Kailin Gow

Kailin Gow is the award-winning, international bestselling author of over 80 distinct books.

Kailin Gow is also the President of a media company, a media personality, and has been writing full-time since she was first published. Holding a Masters in communications management and leadership positions in Fortune 500 corporations, she puts her leadership abilities, her experience, and desire to help others into her fiction books. As a result, she has written the forthcoming, Finding the Heroine in You book which is also a national tour. She is a mother and spends whatever spare time she has volunteering at the Red Cross, Battered Women's Shelters, and other organizations.

Currently her Frost Series is in development for a major international MMO Game, and she has over 14,000 and growing Frosters on her facebook fan page.


Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 1/31/12

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule

January 7th
Tour Kick Off - I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
A Dream Within A Dream * The Bunny's Review * The Book Diva's Reads * icefairy's Treasure Chest * Chapter By Chapter * Cuzinlogic * Nikki's Book Blog * Promiscuous Diva * Beck Valley Books * Blkosiner's Book Blog * Books, Books the Magical Fruit * Peace from Pieces * The Mod Podge Bookshelf * Julie Reece * Froze8's Blog

January 8th
Book Blast - Multiple Blogs

January 9th
Ever and Ever Sight - Review
Magical Manuscripts - Review

January 10th
Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf - Review
Of Thoughts and Words - Review

January 11th
Parsimonious Posh - Review
Read My Breath Away - Review

January 12th
A Bit of Dash - Review
Sher A Hart: My Written Art - Review

January 13th
The College Crawl - Review

January 14th
Bookworm Lisa - Review
Vonnie's Reading Corner - Review

January 15th
Always YA at Heart - Review
Getting Your Read On - Review

January 16th
StoreyBook Reviews - Review

January 17th
My Book Mark Blog - Review

January 18th
Hardcover Feedback - Review
3Ps in a Pod - Review

January 19th
Scribbler's Sojourn - Review
A.D. Duling's Diddley Doodle Dandy Writings - Review

January 20th
Pieces of Whimsy - Review

January 21st
GeoLibrarian - Review
A Casual Reader's Blog - Review

January 22nd
Mom with a Kindle - Review
Indie Author How-to - Review

January 23rd
Lovey Dovey Books - Review

January 24th
Oh the Books You'll Read - Review
Debbie's Inkspectations - Review

January 25th
Every Free Chance - Review
Fiction Prediction - Review


  1. I enjoyed the excerpt, thank you.


  2. Loving the sounds of this book, been on my want to read list for awhile now :) Thank you!
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  3. The book sounds great and the cover is soo beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Nice review I have this book on my to read list. I'll definitely read it when I can :)

  5. Sound like a great book! I hope this gets a lot of exposure. :)

  6. Words ARE power. Like the concept of the book, but the editing problems would drive me up the wall.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com


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