
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Evie's Knight by Kimberly Krey: Review/Giveaway/Guest Post

On tour with Prism Book Tours
Up For Grabs? $50 Amazon Gift card, book swag, and much more!

Evie’s Knight
by Kimberly Krey
Paperback, 391 pages
Published September 11th 2012 by Kimberly Krey


When Evie falls in love with Calvin Knight, their young, virtuous romance conjures a truly wicked spell.

Evie always thought her eighteenth year would be magical, but so far it's not what she hoped for. Her best friend has gone wild, her love life is void, and she misses her mom more than ever. But life for Evie is about to change. Calvin Knight, the object of her fascination, is about to fall madly in love with her. Just one problem: Their love conjures a murderous woman from beyond the grave who wants Evie dead. The same demon who has haunted the Knight men for over four generations. Soon Calvin is forced to make a choice: Set Evie free and hope to evade the wrath of The Raven- haired Ghost, or use his newly gifted strengths to fight against her. If he chooses to fight and wins, Calvin will free the Knight men of this demonic witch. If he loses, Evie will become her next victim.

Get Your Copy:

Barnes & Noble
The Book Depository
Amazon: ebook just $2.99 for a limited time.

I'm so, so happy to be a part of this blog tour for Evie's Knight.  I was super excited when I joined in and I've been looking forward to reading this book.  The draw for me was the "clean romance" because that is my favorite kind of read.

I just loved the opening scene at the gas station.  It seriously hooked me right there.  I just knew there were going to be steamy things to come with Calvin and Evie.  And I was right!  Calvin is a good guy.  Plain and simple.  He has that protective nature that you love but also hate.  (because seriously?  leaving a girl to protect her?  that just never ends well and it's just dumb.  such a waste of time.)  I'm sure you can tell that I did in no way become emotionally involved with this book. . .  Honestly, I just loved Calvin.  I just wish at some moments he didn't have to be so, um, knightly.  :)

I liked the paranormal twist with the freaky witch ghost girl.  There were some good give you chills moments.

I really liked the kissing.  Sometimes I was as frustrated as Evie when she didn't get more kisses.  :)  Overall, a very enjoyable read.  The supporting characters were great and the interactions and dialogue felt real and flowed well.  I'm going to be looking for more clean romance from this author.  I sure hope she is busy writing!  Like, right now.  :)

In the mean time, I have an awesome excerpt/guest post from Kimberly.  This is a scene I just loved so I hope you enjoy it!  Oh, and as far as content, there are a few instances of mild swearing.

Clean Romance, Part Two of Three
Excerpt from Evie’s Knight

I’m a big fan of romance in fiction, but I really prefer clean romance to anything else. Especially when it involves the youth. I think a lot can be lost in downplaying tender words, soft touches, and timid –or not so timid – first kisses. Not to mention the second and third kiss. That’s why I love writing, as I say, romance that’s clean without losing the steam.

In Evie’s Knight, nineteen-year-old Evie plans to remain a virgin until she’s married. Calvin is trying to respect her decision the best way he knows how - by rarely kissing or even touching her. (Of course, guilt over putting her at risk with the family curse plays a part as well, but she doesn't know anything about that.)

As you can imagine, Evie isn’t exactly feelin’ the love from him. So here in, Clean Romance, part two, Evie confronts Calvin about her need for a little more in the relationship. Because the excerpt was too long for one blog post, I split it in half. This is the second part. You’ll find the first part to this excerpt in Clean Romance, part one. And in part three, we hear what reviewers thought of the clean romance in Evie’s Knight. Now for the excerpt:

“No, I don’t get it. I’m sorry, Evie. What exactly are you wanting from me?” Frustration tensed his tone. His chest rose and fell with each angry breath as he waited for an answer.

“You,” Evie shouted. “Your kiss. I want you to kiss me like you did on my birthday, or at the bowling alley, or the few other times I managed to nearly seduce you out of your senses.” Her voice cracked in a humorless laugh. “You know, I get that you don’t want to make out on the doorstep each night Cal, or get all…carried away every time we’re together. Fine. Good, in fact. But if you never bother giving me even the smallest amount of passion, I’ll be left to assume there’s just…something wrong with me. What else is there?”

Calvin pressed his eyes closed, ran a tense hand through his hair. “Evie, I’ve done everything I can to make it clear that I’m good with waiting. It hasn’t been easy, trust me. And now suddenly your saying ... what?”

“I’m saying that you can’t expect me to be some robot, some ... thing with no physical wants or needs. I’m seriously supposed to just lay on your bed, watch you strut around here with your shirt off, and not feel anything?”

He tilted his head. “Strut around?” An amused chuckle coated his words.

Evie glared at him, hating that he’d managed to find humor in the moment. With an infuriated grunt, she strode toward the doorway, bumping his shoulder as she passed.

“Wait. Don’t leave.” Calvin caught her by the arm, reached over to close his door.

She turned away from him as tears gathered in her eyes. “I had no idea-”

“Well how would you, Calvin?” she interrupted coldly. “How could you possibly know what it’s like for me unless you felt the same? Obviously you don’t want me the way–”

“I do want you,” he said sternly, grabbing her other arm. “You’ve had enough of the gentleman?” he asked in a low growl. “Huh?”

“That’s not what I said.”

His voice rose. “I’d be a better lover if I took lessons from Parker.” He pressed his unyielding body against her, strong and heated. His hands encircled her waist.

Her next breath nearly escaped her.

“Parker just takes what he wants, whether it’s his or not. And I want you.”

The threatening sound of his voice caused her shoulders to tense. An untamed thrill shot through her. She wanted to be angry with him, nearly wondered if she should fear him, but she didn’t. And to have his hands so firmly on her body, his declaration of desire spoken seductively in her ear, it filled her with a yearning that made her limbs warm and weak.

He whispered it again, “I want you, Evie. Always.” The softness of his tone made her wonder if the passion had fled him. But in the next moment, his hands slid longingly up her sides, then back down to her hips.

Author, Kimberly Krey:

Writing Romance That’s Clean Without Losing the Steam!

I’m a reader of good, clean romance, a lover of family time and Diet Coke, and the ultimate hater of laundry.
I’m not patient enough to enjoy a yoga class, or tall enough to be great at basketball, but I do love to run – anywhere but on a treadmill. I love the sound of a rainstorm when I have no place to go, the feel of Soft Lips chap Stick on my lips, and the first peek of blue water as we round the mountains toward our favorite getaway in Bear Lake.

Find & Follow Kimberly Krey:

Super Swag-a-licious Giveaway.

Grand Prize: $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of Evie's Knight, SoftLips chapstick, recipe cards, E.K. calendar card, postcard of The Storm, and bookmark.

2nd Prize: $25 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of Evie's Knight, SoftLips chapstick, recipe cards, E.K. calendar card, postcard of The Storm, and bookmark.

3rd Prize: $10 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback of Evie's Knight, SoftLips chapstick, recipe cards, E.K. calendar card, postcard of The Storm, and bookmark.

Five more winners will receive an ebook version of Evie’s Knight!
Paperback winners may choose between old cover (shown below) or the new cover, featuring Calvin Knight (shown above).

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Colorimetry & Rafflecopter as well as emailed to winners who will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Laura, Burgandy Ice, @ and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Catch the Tour:

1 - Min Reads and Reviews – Blast!
1 - Passion and Life – Blast!! – English/Spanish
1 – Kelly Fox – Goodreads Review
1 – I Am A Reader, Not A Writer – Clean Romance I
2 – Monique Morgan – All You Need is Love I
2 - Letters to the Cosmos – Review
3 – Getting Your Read On – Review - Clean Romance II
3 – Reading with Anacrasia - Interview
4 - Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review
6 – Passion and Life – Peaches Recipe & Excerpt – English/Spanish
6 - Paulette’s Papers – All You Need is Love II
7 - Bookworm Lisa – Review - Clean Romance III
7 – Pages of Forbidden Love – Review
8 - Proud Book Nerd – Review
8 - Vanessa Morgan – All You Need is Love III
9 - Kari’s Crowded Bookshelf – Review - 
10 - Geo Librarian – Review
10 - The Literary Forest - Review, Exerpt
11 - InfectedLoser – Review
14 – One A Day YA – Drafts Guest Post
14 - Little Miss Bookworm – Review
15 – Musings of a Reader Happy – ART excerpt Raven-haired Ghost
15 -  Magical Manuscripts – Review 
16 – Proud Book Nerd – Ultimate Grilled Cheese
17 - Books, Books, the Magical Fruit – Interview
17 - Book Sake – Review
18 - Kari’s Crowded Bookshelf – Aromatic Noodles Recipe
20 - A Life Bound by Books – Excerpt I
21 - Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Reviews – Excerpt II
21 - Oh, The Books You’ll Read – Review
22 - A Backwards Story – Review, Excerpt III
22 - Passion and Life – Review – English/Spanish
23 - Framed In Words – ART Guest Post
23 - Colorimetry – ART Guest Post
24 – Unputdownable Books – ART Guest Post
24 - Living a Goddess Life – Crepe Cake
25 – icultgen – Review, ART Guest Post
25 – Pieces of Whimsy - Review
27 – The Reading Diaries – Review
27 - Icefairy’s Treasure Chest – Excerpt
28 – Stressed Rach – Review
28 - Literally Jen – Review
29 – Min Reads and Reviews – Review
29 – Colorimetry – Grand Finale, WINNERS drawn


  1. Haha!! I love this post!!! I agree with your review. This is such a fun excerpt, too. Matches your review. Doubly-nice!!!

  2. Oh, gorgeous covers. I had the honor of reviewing this book for InD'tale and it's a great book as well.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Love the new cover with Calvin on it!Love the book and author too!! :)

  4. Thanks for sharing the great post, seems like it'll be a good read ..


  5. Seems like a nice book. I would love to read and review it, too!

  6. Thanks for taking part in the tour, and for the awesome review! I WAS, in fact, writing today. Making lots of progress on Fiona's Fight! :)
    Good luck to you all, and thanks for your comments.

  7. Sounds like a great book!:) Thanks for the great review and giveaway:)

  8. You weren't lying when you said awesome prizes!! This book sounds fantastic, and like one that I could really enjoy :) Thanks for sharing your review!
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com


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