
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Review: Painted Blind by Michelle Hansen

Seventeen years old and agoraphobic, Psyche Middleton vows her dad will never see the risqué photos she took during a summer modeling stint abroad, but one of them ends up on a billboard in her Montana hometown. Now everyone—especially her dad—can see it. And yet, somehow, those are the mundane things in her life because she is about to fall unexpectedly, head-over-heels in love with Erik, a mysterious young man who rescues her from a crowd of admirers, and who she’s never actually seen because…he can make himself invisible.

As strange as this may seem, it’s about to get even stranger. Erik takes her to his palace in an idyllic kingdom, and she is swept into the beauty and culture of his world, but his affection has one condition: she may not see him. Overtaken, intrigued, and still not wholeheartedly believing he’s real, Psyche is going to have to decide if she can love him blindly; because if she can’t, she may lose him forever.

I read a few reviews for this book and decided to check into this book.  I picked it up at Amazon for four dollars for my kindle.  Yesterday afternoon when I sat down to read I decided to take a peek at it before I started back into the books I'm supposed to be reviewing.  I stayed up until after midnight to finish this book and I never got back to the books I was supposed to be reading.  oopsy.  That should tell you how much I was enjoying the book though!  :)

I was pleasantly surprised by this book.  It had romance, mythology, and that suspense element that keeps you wanting to know more.  Very enjoyable writing.  I'm really looking forward to reading more by Michelle Hansen.

It's funny though, the different takes on mythology in different books.  I just read Goddess Interrupted where Hades is a good guy and Persephone harmless (mostly) and this book Hades and Persephone have gone bad and the underworld is horrible, evil and scary place.

If you enjoy Mythology you really ought to check this book out.  

There were a few instances of mild swearing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Closed Hearts- Review, Giveaway and Author Interview!

(Book Two of the Mindjack Trilogy)
When you control minds, only your heart can be used against you.

Eight months ago, Kira Moore revealed to the mindreading world that mindjackers like herself were hidden in their midst. Now she wonders if telling the truth was the right choice after all. As wild rumors spread, a powerful anti-jacker politician capitalizes on mindreaders’ fears and strips jackers of their rights. While some jackers flee to Jackertown—a slum rife with jackworkers who trade mind control favors for cash—Kira and her family hide from the readers who fear her and jackers who hate her. But when a jacker Clan member makes Kira’s boyfriend Raf collapse in her arms, Kira is forced to save the people she loves by facing the thing she fears most: FBI agent Kestrel and his experimental torture chamber for jackers.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be a part of the blog tour for Closed Hearts. I just loved Open Minds (you can find my review of Open Minds here) and I was so excited to get my hands on the next book, Closed Hearts.  I'm loving this series!

This book is filled with heart pumping action and emotion. I was all in from beginning to end.

I'm happy to see Kira in a newer, confident state. Of course she has moments of self doubt and uncertainty, but she is more comfortable with herself. She is finding her place and knowing her own mind.

The introduction to some new characters was interesting.  I'm very interested in Julian and his group of allies.  I still love to hate Kestrel.  He is bad, bad guy.  In this book we learn about jackers with special abilities.  That's some pretty cool stuff.

And the ending?  Oh, I can't even tell you.  My heart has been wretched out and thrown on the floor and stomped upon.  That's where it ends.  Such a mean way to end a book.  Now I have to wait in sad desperation for the next book.  

As for content, there was one use of hell and one exclamation involving deity.  There is a fair amount of violence and some torture.  

Check out my interview with Susan!

Susan, thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for me. It's great to learn a little more about you and the books you are writing.

Thanks for having me!

First, you have to know that I'm loving this Mindjack series. I'm completely pulled in and invested the whole time I'm reading. What sparked your imagination for this book series? Was there one moment or thing that was the springboard for you?

I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! Seriously, connecting with readers is what it’s all about for a writer. The idea of a mindreading world came to me in a flash one night as I was settling down to sleep. You know that hazy time, when you’re half-awake, half-asleep and your brain refuses to let go of the puzzles of your day? I was working on an idea for a 1st paragraph contest: I wanted to write something new, not from one of my current novels, and I was wrestling with the idea of a boy who was a touch empath and very isolated because of his ability. Then an image popped into my head of a girl sitting in a classroom filled with mindreaders, only she couldn’t read minds. She was achingly, painfully isolated, like the empathy boy, only in this case because of her apparent disability. I had to get out of bed to write that 1st paragraph, and several weeks later I stopped trying to fight it, and sat down to write the novel. It wasn’t until 15,000 words in that I realized she was a mindjacker.  The story evolved from there.

What sort of a writer are you? Early morning or late at night? Music playing or nice and quiet? Snacks?

Tea, no cream, no sugar. Quiet, unless I’m drowning out the sounds of my boys fighting with a little Green Day on my iPod. I write during the day, while my kids are at school, so the main source of noise is usually my two cats, making their demands.

You are like a brainiac with all your Engineering degrees. My husband is an Engineer so I know first hand what kind of a brain it takes to get through that. What made you choose Engineering? Over say, English and writing? (which you are obviously so good at)

Aw, thanks! I was always good at science and engineering, and I grew up wanting to be an astronaut (actually applied, too. They said no.). My father worked on the original Apollo Space program as an engineer, and I totally wanted to go into space. At the time, you either had to be a scientist/engineer or a pilot (through the military). I seriously considered signing up for the Navy’s pilot program straight out of high school, but back then (I’m an oldster) they didn’t allow women to fly combat, which was the only way to work your way up to piloting a Space Shuttle. So I decided to be an engineer instead. But I always loved to write – my SAT’s for college were exactly equal on the math and English sides, but my writerly inclinations took a back seat as I pursued my engineering degrees. One of the reasons I think writing is like crack for me now is that I’m finally unleashing my creative side. Hard to put that genie back in the bottle. 

Where is your favorite travel destination?

Someday I’m going to Italy. I’ve never been, but I’m going to take my notebook, drink excessive amounts of red wine and eat lots of pasta. Normally, my life consists of driving to school and the Target.

Can you tell me the character in your books that you love writing the most and why?

I usually have one favorite character per book. It’s almost always a secondary character. I’m not sure why – my main character and I tend to have a love/hate relationship. Probably because of all the mean things I do to them. You can tell which character I love most because they always get the best lines. Other than that, I won’t bias you by naming names.

You sure left me hanging in Closed Hearts. My heart has been wrenched out. When can I expect the next book?

I’m working on Free Souls now, but still early in the first draft. I hope to have it out by the end of the year or early 2013. Summer is tricky with my kids out of school and I’m never quite sure how much writing I’ll be able to do then. But in-between drafts of Free Souls, I plan to write a series of short stories from the point-of-view of different characters from Closed Hearts. The first is from Raf’s point-of-view and is a prequel to Open Minds – it’s already out, called Mind Games (Mindjack Origins). The second one will be from Julian’s point-of-view, from a time before he makes his debut in Closed Hearts. I’ll be releasing them as I write them, and hopefully Julian’s will come out over the summer.

Closed Hearts is now available (released 5/23)!
$2.99 Ebook at Amazon (and Amazon UK) and Barnes and Noble
Paper copies available at Amazon or get signed copies from the author (see sidebar)

And now for the giveaway!  Yipee!  Susan is offering an ebook copy of her new book, Closed Hearts to one lucky reader!  If you win and you haven't read Mind Games yet, you can opt to have that book instead.  Sweet! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Looking for more Raf? Try this short prequel to Open Minds from Raf's point of view:
Raf, a regular mindreader, is in love with Kira, the only girl in school who can't read minds. Raf struggles to keep his thoughts about her private, but secrets are something that only zeros like Kira can keep. As he works up the nerve to ask Kira to the mindware Games, his friends have other games in mind for him.
PRAISE FOR MIND GAMES "I loved Kira in Open Minds ... but getting Raf's POV in Mind Games was a real treat." -TwiMom101 Book Blogger

Available for $0.99 at Amazon and Barnes and Noble or FREE at Smashwords (which has formats for all e-readers).

Susan Kaye Quinn, Author
Susan is the author of the bestselling YA novel Open Minds, Book One of the Mindjack Trilogy, which is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes. The sequel Closed Hearts was just released 5/23. Susan's business card says "Author and Rocket Scientist," but she mostly plays on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Mind GamesOpen MindsClosed HeartsIn His EyesLife, Liberty, and PursuitFull Speed Ahead

Thursday, May 24, 2012

B&N Free Book for Kids- Summer Reading Program

Here is a link to the Barnes and Noble summer reading program.  It's a great way to keep kids reading through the summer and what is better than a free book?!  I love programs like this!  Thanks B&N!
B&N Summer Reading Program

Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop!

Hello Everyone!  Are you ready for summer?  I am.  I wish it would get here.  We didn't even hit 60 degrees yesterday.  Crazy.  I'm ready to be warm and enjoy the sunshine!

I'm doing my usual giveaway this time.  One book of your choice, $12.00 or less, from Amazon if you are US and Book Depository if you are INT (as long as they ship to your country).  Just fill out the rafflecopter form below.  Oh, and check out the sidebar for other giveaways going on right now.  Thanks for stopping by my blog!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Review: Daisy by Josi Kilpack

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. And no one knows that better than Daisy. Raising two kids as a divorced, single mom, Daisy has faced each and every one of the obstacles in her life with courage and determination.

Now with her oldest daughter ready to have a baby of her own, her youngest daughter ready to graduate from high school, and her new husband, Paul, ready to embrace the life of an empty-nester, Daisy feels like she might finally be able to check "motherhood" off her list of things to do.

Except life often has a mind of its own. When, at age of forty-six, Daisy suddenly finds herself facing a very different future than the one she had planned--and an uncomfortable evaluation of the past she thought she understood--she realizes that there is still some growing up she needs to do.

Looking for a distraction to escape the growing tension at home, Daisy joins the Newport Ladies Book Club, where she meets Paige, Athena, and Olivia--unlikely friends who offer encouragement and support when Daisy's perfectly crafted life is turned upside-down.

I'm so excited to be a part of the continuing reviews for The Newport Ladies Book Club.  I love this idea of writing books that are set in the same point in time but from the life and view of four different ladies.  Daisy is the second book released.  Olivia was the first book and you can find my review for that book here.  One of the great things about these books is that you can pick them up and read them in any order.  

I really loved Daisy.  The book and the character.  I  think Daisy has the experiences and mind set that many women will relate to.  I was pulled into her emotions and really felt for her.  Rarely does life go the way we hope and plan for and Daisy's life is proof of that in bucket loads.  She faces mistakes, misunderstandings, strained family relationships, betrayal and hurt but also new friendships, healing and hope.

I hate to say too much or give too much away.  The one thing I was sad about was the ending.  I knew coming into this series that not every story had a happily ever after ending but I was hoping for at least some resolution.  Daisy is just left hanging.  I wasn't ready for the book to end.  I wasn't ready to give Daisy up.  I wanted more.  I still want more.  Maybe I'll get to hear more about Daisy later in another book?  I really, really hope so.  I need to know what happens with Daisy!

You really ought to give this series a try if you haven't already.  So far it's been fantastic!  Paige is the next book in the series, coming out in August.  Something fun to look forward to.  I just love this concept of writing with the overlapping and connecting stories.

You can check out the official website for The Newport Ladies Book Club by clicking here.

For more information on how this series works, you can click here.

Purchase Daisy at the following places:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Review: Playborhood by Mike Lanza

Decades ago, most neighborhoods buzzed with kids playing outside daily. Today, hardly any neighborhoods have kids playing outside at all. Electronic media has essentially squeezed outdoor play out of the lives of American children to the detriment of our children's wellbeing and our immediate communities. How can moms and dads help our kids today to bond with a neighborhood play activity instead of with an indoor screen activity??

In Playborhood: Turn Your Neighborhood Into a Place for Play, you’ll find inspiring stories of innovative communities throughout the US and Canada that have successfully created vibrant neighborhood play lives for their children. You’ll also get a comprehensive set of step-by-step solutions to change your family and neighborhood cultures, so that your kids can spend less time in front of screens and in adult-supervised activities, and more time engaging in joyful neighborhood play.

I was interested in what author Mike Lanza had to say about this "playborhood" idea.  I grew up playing outside, making up games and exploring the canal bank for asparagus to sell to the neighbors.  That's not the way things are today though.  I'm always encouraging my kids (in the maybe 4-5 months of the year they CAN) to go outside and play.  I'm fortunate to live in a neighborhood that is full of kids.  In the summer, kids are everywhere.  Our neighborhood is off the main street and I feel like we have a good start on the kids playing outside thing.  I have awesome neighbors and I think we all want our kids to have fun outside together.  We have neighborhood get-togethers.  People bike and walk and socialize.  Unfortunately, the winter months are long and we all tend to hibernate.  

I like a lot of the ideas in this book.  I agree with a lot of them, but some of them I'm not sold on.  Mike states his case about kids spending way too much time sitting in front of screens.  I totally agree.  My kids think I'm the meanest mom in the world because I really limit the amount of time the spend on the wii, computer and in front of the television.  

I would also agree that kids need more unscheduled time to play.  Not planned and not arranged play dates.  There is a sort of freedom in having time to play and being able to do whatever you want with that time.

However, creating a "playborhood" takes money no matter how you look at it.  Not everyone has the money at their disposal to create the sort of ideals that Mike has.  He has made his yard what it is by choosing to spend his money there instead of on the inside of his home or other things.  Not all of us have the same freedoms with income. But, I do think we can do small things to encourage children to play together outside and that it doesn't have to cost a ton of money.

Mike does have a lot of cool ideas though.  

Outdoor whiteboards on the fence, in ground trampoline, fountain, river structure, playhouse, picnic benches in the front yard.  Sounds like a fun hangout to me!  The neighborhoods he has spotlighted in his book are all doing some cool things too.  It's nice to know that people care about kids and make efforts to make the world a better place for them.  I think it's so important to know your neighbors and establish relationships with them.  When we all work together respectfully we can accomplish so much.

In this book you will find all kinds of good advice and ideas for starting your own "playborhood".  If you are looking for a home to raise kids, he gives lots of tips for finding the right kind of neighborhood and home for establishing a "playborhood".

You can find out more about Mike Lanza, his book and ideas at his website,

You can purchase Playborhood at Amazon by clicking here.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quick Review: Goddess Interrupted



Becoming immortal wasn't supposed to be the easy part. Though Kate is about to be crowned Queen of the Underworld, she's as isolated as ever. And despite her growing love for Henry, ruler of the Underworld, he's becoming ever more distant and secretive. Then, in the midst of Kate's coronation, Henry is abducted by the only being powerful enough to kill him: the King of the Titans.

As the other gods prepare for a war that could end them all, it is up to Kate to save Henry from the depths of Tartarus. But in order to navigate the endless caverns of the Underworld, Kate must enlist the help of the one person who is the greatest threat to her future.

Henry's first wife, Persephone.

I was kind of unsure if I wanted to read this.  I really liked the first book and I was looking forward to the second book.  I've read a lot of not so good reviews for it though.  People say Kate is whiny and annoying.  BUT, I'm glad I read it.  I liked it and I think it's a perfect set up for the third book which I wish I could read TODAY.

I gobbled this book up.  It kept me interested.  I felt Kate in this book.  I felt her insecurities and self doubt.  For me, it was a good thing.  I think it's the times that life feels hardest and you feel the most doubt but choose to carry on that tells the real tale of who you are.  I felt like Kate had this going on.

Yeah, Henry is kind of a dumb head.  Not so brilliant when it comes to love.  But, I have hope that he'll figure it all out in the end.  

Persephone is a character I hope we continue to get to know better.  

That's all really.  :)  Do you agree with me?  Disagree?

Content:  some mild swearing and talk about sleeping around and sexual encounters.

Monday, May 14, 2012

ReVamped Review and GIVEAWAY!

A simple mission turned deadly.
Nineteen-year-old vampire Dawn has led a sheltered life within the confines of her father’s presidential headquarters. Upon being sent on a mission to revamp four goofy misfits into guardians of a peaceful little town of Angel Creek, Dawn believes that all her dreams have finally come true. What starts off as a simple task, turns into something unexpected, changing Dawn’s life forever and leading the action-loving, thrill-seeking vampire teen on a path of mystery, danger and intrigue.
When a human girl is kidnapped by a group of rogue vamps, Dawn discovers that there is more going on in Angel Creek than meets the eye. And it all connects to Ethan, the cute newcomer who seems too perfect to be true, Sebastian, the mysterious vampire with a turbulent past, and even Dawn herself. Dawn must not only succeed in revamping the troubled recruits, but must also prevent the vampire race from being overtaken by a malevolent villain who has a strange and obsessive fascination with her. As threat escalates, romance blooms, and ghosts from her past begin to surface, Dawn is sure of only one thing: her life will never be the same.

First off, my thanks to Ada for sending her book over for me to review and for providing for the giveaway today.  I love being able to read books and then give one away so you have the chance to read it too.  Sharing books is awesome!

ReVamped turned out to be a bit different than I was expecting.  Which is sometimes a very good thing.  There are a lot of vampire books out there right now.  The paranormal scene is big and I think it's hard to find a place within that scene.  What was I expecting?  Something a bit darker, a bit edgier?  I don't know.  What did I get?  I'll tell you.

Dawn is a tough chick.  She's been taught her whole life is the defensive arts.  Sheltered and secluded, she focuses on training under the direction of her emotionally detached father.  When finally the time comes for her first assignment into the "real" world, Dawn is over the top happy.  Time to put her mad skills to use!

I felt like the book kept things lighter and fun.  I liked the unlikely group of vampires that Dawn found in Angel Creek.  They had character.  As they work together and get to know each other, they create a bond and I love how they all step it up and care, together.

The book took me some places I wasn't expecting.  Those little twists and turns kept things interesting and made for a great ending.  I'm hoping book two includes a bit more romance and picks right up where book one ended.  (wink, wink)

Overall, a fun read.  I really enjoyed this one and I'm looking forward to the next book.  

Oh, and you can read a couple of extra scenes from the book here.  They are actually scenes from the book, only from different point's of view.  The first is Ethan's and the second is Sebastian's.  It was fun getting into their heads for a minute.  :)

As far as content, there were a few exclamations involving Deity, some violence and some alcohol use.  

Find out more about the book at the official website.

Here are some purchase links:

About the Author:
"Many people sing in the shower. I write scenes in my head and act them out."

At age five, Ada read her first chapter book - "Pippi Longstocking". Ever since that moment, she developed an intense passion for the stories and characters found within the pages of literature.

In her career as an actress and a writer, Ada currently spends most of her days immersed in imaginary worlds. Much like the characters she enjoys playing and writing about, Ada is a martial artist with a Black Belt in Shotokan Karate. She is also a big proponent of lifelong learning, and has attained a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (it aids in creating characters with unique quirks!) as well as a Masters of Science in Education.

Ada strives to bring a fresh voice and perspective to fiction. She has been writing creatively for many years, and is an editor of a global fashion/literary magazine called VEUX. "ReVamped" is her debut novel.

She lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys adventurous nature hikes with her adorable puppies Cara and Oreo.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 10, 2012

LDS Authors Giveaway Hop

Time for another giveaway hop!  This is a fun one for me, but so very, very hard to pick what books to give away.  There are so many talented LDS authors out there writing not only in the LDS genre, but also in the national market.  It is almost impossible to choose what to do.  But, here is what I came up with.  I'm giving away one book, print if you are US, ebook from Amazon if you are INT.  If you don't have a Kindle, you can read the book on your computer.  You can choose between these three books:


I own the first two books and really enjoyed reading them.  Rachel Renee Anderson is one of my favorite authors.  The last book I'm hoping to pick up soon myself.  I haven't read it yet, but I'm hearing a lot of good things about it!

If you want, take a look at my other giveaways going on right now.  The Most Important Catch is also an LDS based fiction book and was a fun read.  The Shapeshifter's Secret is published by Cedar Fort and was also a good read.  

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the hop!  :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Most Important Catch Review & Giveaway!

She knew too much, and she’d seen too much. And the police refused to help. Knowing that she was to be the next scheduled death, Kelly Campbell hid under head to toe black leather and a tinted motorcycle helmet and ran for her life.

When the weather turned cold, she turned south. She ended up in North Carolina, home to one of the most famed and eligible NFL football stars in the whole league; only she didn’t know that. She thought he was a businessman. Not being a huge fan, all she knew was that he was incredibly attractive, kind, generous, and that she was safe with him. Or was she?

His brand of fame proved to be all but deadly, but his fame wasn't nearly as lethal as his attraction. He kept her safe and protected. All except her heart.

I'm happy to be a part of the blog tour for The Most Important Catch.  This book sounded so interesting to me, something right up my indulgence alley.  My thanks to Lexi over at BookBug for allowing me to participate.  

The premise of this book is a good one.  I liked the beginning and the anticipation that built with Kelly and what she knew.  Kelly is a smart one and very resourceful.  I love the fighter spirit in her.  She seems almost too good to be true as she can fix anything, build anything, move anything.  She repairs and builds a whole house?  Mostly by herself?  Wow.  And just by reading a book.  That's some kind of girl, right?  She cooks, she cleans, she bottles tomatoes and she rocks the formal wear.  Don't be jealous.  I'm not.  ;)

I think it was Robby who stole the show though.  He seemed more "real" to me, even though he was the super star.  Kind, generous and wholly attractive.  My, my, my.  His imperfection?  He didn't kiss Kelly soon enough.

The middle of the book dragged a bit for me.  I wanted something more than fixing up the house.  The time that Kelly and Robby spend together is sweet but hearing all about the framing and tile work got a bit old.  I guess I was looking for a bit more action?  A bit more romance?  I don't know.  

The ending was good.  Satisfying and happily ever after.  That's the way I like 'em.  Oh, and I think the cover of the book is great too.  :)

This is an LDS based book.

The author is generously providing for a giveaway here today so you can have a chance to read The Greatest Catch as well.  The giveaway will be open INT as an ebook or a print book for US residents.  

Here is where you can purchase this book:

Author bio:
Jaclyn M. Hawkes grew up in Utah with 6 sisters, 4 brothers and any number of pets. (It was never boring!) She received a Bachelor’s degree, had a career, and traveled extensively before settling down to her life’s work of being the mother of four magnificent and sometimes challenging children. She loves shellfish, the outdoors, the youth, and hearing her children laugh. She and her fine husband, their family, and their sometimes very large pets, now live in a mountain valley in northern Utah, where it smells like heaven and kids still move sprinkler pipe.

Twitter: @JaclynMHawkes

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, May 7, 2012

Review: Simmer by Kaitlyn Davis

"Slowly, like a whisper almost blown away in the wind, two words streaked across her mind: 'Kiss me.'"

Kira may have survived the eclipse, but her troubles are far from over. She's headed to Sonnyville with one goal in mind: to learn more about her parents. But with Luke and Tristan competing for her heart and Diana gunning for her head, time is running out on the search for her mother. And the closer Kira gets to answers, the more terrified she becomes. The conduits fear her, the vampires fear her, and Kira is starting to wonder if maybe they're right...

Simmer is the second book in the thrilling Midnight Fire Series.  You can read my review of the first book, Ignite, here.

I'm so excited that Kaitlyn asked me to do follow up review with Simmer.  I really enjoyed reading Ignite and was really looking forward to following Kira into the next part of her story.

You want action?  Check.
You want a steamy kiss or two?  Check.
You want vampires?  Check.
You want some hot guy competition?  Check.

I'm telling you, Simmer was good.  I'm loving Kira's conduit power and her link with Luke.  Just not saying anymore there because you've got to read it!

Here is one of my favorite quotes from the book.  "Well this is going to be fun, she thought into the complete silence of the car.  Sixteen hours and not a single thing to talk about... bring on the party."

You can find Simmer for purchase at Amazon or Smashwords.  Both Ignite and Simmer are priced at .99 cents on Amazon right now so that's a fabulous deal! Wow.

As far as content goes, there were a few exclamations involving Deity and a few uses of bad ass.

Find the author, Kaitlyn Davis a the following places:
blog -
facebook -
twitter -!/DavisKaitlyn
pinterest -
goodreads -

Captain America Love~ Hello Avengers!

I went to see The Avengers on Friday with my husband.  I have a little bit of Captain America LOVE going on. 
Good movie, right?  Have you all been to see it yet?
Oh yeah.  Captain America.  Front and center.  Hello.  It was a good weekend.  ;)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Review & Giveaway: The Shapeshifter's Secret

She tried telling herself to stop, but it was useless. Something had fully claimed her mind and body. A sound began to erupt from inside her chest, a deep sort of growl that seized her entire being. She felt as if there was a grizzly bear inside her, trying to escape. And then a deafening roar echoed from her mouth, only inches away from Lancer’s face. It took everything inside of her not to attack him.
In Julia’s life, timing is everything. Like the time her paranoid father put bars on her window so she wouldn’t sneak out at night—even though she’s never given him a reason not to trust her. Or the time this weird new kid showed up at her school and pretty much every girl in sight instantly and inexplicably fell in love with him. What was up with that?
But as time moves on, things in Julia’s life go from strange to seriously impossible. Now it’s all she can do to keep herself and the life she’s always known from falling apart.
This fast-paced action-adventure story is packed with humor, romance, and enough twists and turns to keep you guessing to the very last page. Get lost in a world of hidden royalty, shifting alliances, and dangerous vendettas, but don’t ever forget: nothing is what it seems.

I am always happy to be a part of Cedar Fort blog tours.  They put out some fantastic books and they are always so generous to provide for a giveaway.  Thank you Cedar Fort!

The concept behind this book is good.  I really like the whole shape shifting idea.  As you can see from the cover, Julia has a bit of tiger going on!  I was interested in the book from start to finish.

I have to say though, that I was left a bit frustrated.  I felt like we had all sorts of "things" that were left open ended or not really explained.  As a reader, a bit of mystery is good, but I felt like I was left in the dark about a lot of things.  

Caleb, Caleb.  Who is Caleb?  I feel like he is a major player in this, but I'm still wondering in the end what his exact role is.  There were some vague suggestions of some things, but nothing concrete and if I was explaining Caleb I would have a big question mark.  ??  He seems strong and capable.  He seems smart.  But I never really formed a solid character in my mind of who he is.  I am not attached.

Terrence.  Don't like him.  I'm not sure if that's the feeling I was supposed to get from him or not, but I don't like him.  I don't think he's all that.  

And we hear about a truth ring.  But, it never comes into play.  At all.  Why did you tell me about that ring?  If it comes into play in the next book, I don't know, but I just felt like it was one more thing I didn't know about.

What about Julia's mother?  And Julia's friends?  Why were they always fighting?  What were they fighting about there at the end?  I'm not sure I really knew what was going on there.  Oh, and what about the teacher that didn't like Julia?  It seems like such an emphasis was placed on that but I didn't see how it really related to the book.

Having said all that, I would probably pick up the next book.  I'd really be hoping for some answers.  I really want to know how the history, the different people (sirens, for example) and the places all fit together.  I liked the bits of action and I think the story is a good one.

I'd love to hear what you thought of this book.  If you haven't read it yet, enter to win a copy of this book.  This giveaway will be an e-book for an INT winner and a US winner will have the choice of a print copy or an e-book.  If you do win, I'd really like to hear your feelings on this book.

You can check out other reviews on this book by clicking here.  See what other people are saying.  This book won't be released until June 12th but you can purchase it at Amazon by clicking here.

You find out more about this book and it's author at the following places:
Author Website:
Author blog:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cover Reveal: The Torn Wing by Kiki Hamilton

Tiki’s greatest fear suddenly becomes all too real: the fey have returned to London seeking revenge. As war escalates in the Otherworld, Queen Victoria’s youngest son, Prince Leopold, is attacked. In order to protect her family and the ones she loves, she needs to know the meaning of an fáinne sí, the birthmark that winds around her wrist. But will Tiki be brave enough to face the truth?

A bloody escape, a deadly threat, a shocking revelation… Available October 2nd, 2012

Here is one of the books I'm really looking forward to reading. Cover reveal today and isn't it beautiful? Love it.

THE FAERIE RING - Available Now!

A stolen ring, a broken truce, a kingdom in peril...

THE TORN WING - Coming October 2nd, 2012

A bloody escape, a deadly threat, a shocking revelation...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An Unexpected Date~ Check it out!

How do you summarize a short story?!  I don't think I can.  But, here is the low down:
Contemporary Romance Short Story by one of my favorite people, Susan Hatler.  Hi Susan!  (waves)
An Unexpected Date was my 5 minute treat today.  It was like the little spoon they give you at the ice cream store to try a flavor.  Well, I tried the flavor and I'm buying the 3 scoop ice cream cone.  :)  I love Susan's writing.  If you haven't tried any of her books, you really ought to.  Start out with this little treat.  It totally made me smile.  Who couldn't use a bit of that on any given day?!

Look for An Unexpected Date at Amazon.  It is amazingly priced at $.99!