
Monday, May 14, 2012

ReVamped Review and GIVEAWAY!

A simple mission turned deadly.
Nineteen-year-old vampire Dawn has led a sheltered life within the confines of her father’s presidential headquarters. Upon being sent on a mission to revamp four goofy misfits into guardians of a peaceful little town of Angel Creek, Dawn believes that all her dreams have finally come true. What starts off as a simple task, turns into something unexpected, changing Dawn’s life forever and leading the action-loving, thrill-seeking vampire teen on a path of mystery, danger and intrigue.
When a human girl is kidnapped by a group of rogue vamps, Dawn discovers that there is more going on in Angel Creek than meets the eye. And it all connects to Ethan, the cute newcomer who seems too perfect to be true, Sebastian, the mysterious vampire with a turbulent past, and even Dawn herself. Dawn must not only succeed in revamping the troubled recruits, but must also prevent the vampire race from being overtaken by a malevolent villain who has a strange and obsessive fascination with her. As threat escalates, romance blooms, and ghosts from her past begin to surface, Dawn is sure of only one thing: her life will never be the same.

First off, my thanks to Ada for sending her book over for me to review and for providing for the giveaway today.  I love being able to read books and then give one away so you have the chance to read it too.  Sharing books is awesome!

ReVamped turned out to be a bit different than I was expecting.  Which is sometimes a very good thing.  There are a lot of vampire books out there right now.  The paranormal scene is big and I think it's hard to find a place within that scene.  What was I expecting?  Something a bit darker, a bit edgier?  I don't know.  What did I get?  I'll tell you.

Dawn is a tough chick.  She's been taught her whole life is the defensive arts.  Sheltered and secluded, she focuses on training under the direction of her emotionally detached father.  When finally the time comes for her first assignment into the "real" world, Dawn is over the top happy.  Time to put her mad skills to use!

I felt like the book kept things lighter and fun.  I liked the unlikely group of vampires that Dawn found in Angel Creek.  They had character.  As they work together and get to know each other, they create a bond and I love how they all step it up and care, together.

The book took me some places I wasn't expecting.  Those little twists and turns kept things interesting and made for a great ending.  I'm hoping book two includes a bit more romance and picks right up where book one ended.  (wink, wink)

Overall, a fun read.  I really enjoyed this one and I'm looking forward to the next book.  

Oh, and you can read a couple of extra scenes from the book here.  They are actually scenes from the book, only from different point's of view.  The first is Ethan's and the second is Sebastian's.  It was fun getting into their heads for a minute.  :)

As far as content, there were a few exclamations involving Deity, some violence and some alcohol use.  

Find out more about the book at the official website.

Here are some purchase links:

About the Author:
"Many people sing in the shower. I write scenes in my head and act them out."

At age five, Ada read her first chapter book - "Pippi Longstocking". Ever since that moment, she developed an intense passion for the stories and characters found within the pages of literature.

In her career as an actress and a writer, Ada currently spends most of her days immersed in imaginary worlds. Much like the characters she enjoys playing and writing about, Ada is a martial artist with a Black Belt in Shotokan Karate. She is also a big proponent of lifelong learning, and has attained a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (it aids in creating characters with unique quirks!) as well as a Masters of Science in Education.

Ada strives to bring a fresh voice and perspective to fiction. She has been writing creatively for many years, and is an editor of a global fashion/literary magazine called VEUX. "ReVamped" is her debut novel.

She lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys adventurous nature hikes with her adorable puppies Cara and Oreo.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Kind comment huh? Okay, how about you're pretty cool, and I adore your reviews?...all true :)

  2. I really want to read this book! It sounds great! :)

  3. This book sounds great I would love to read it!

  4. The cover is really pretty :)

  5. It sounds great. I love when books surprise me like that, being different than I expected, but in a good way.

  6. A vampire story that is fun ..well then I'd like to read that! Thanks for the chance.

  7. Haven't read a vamp book in a while, but hope to read one soon! Awesome giveaway (:

  8. Book sounds fantastic! Thanks ever so much for a fantastic giveaway!

  9. I'm excited to read this one. Should be awesome based on all the great reviews!

  10. I read and reviewed this book when it first came out! You can check out my review on

    Ada weaves a great story with a unique twist and I loved it!

  11. I'm very excited about this book, but am low on book funds. Hope I win!

  12. Thanks for the great giveaway! This book sounds great from all I have read:)

  13. I would love to read this book!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  14. The cover totally draws you right in...

  15. Thanks for the chance to win, sounds like a great read

  16. Oh gosh, I keep seeing great reviews for this book and I want to read it so badly now! Fab review and thank you for the giveaway :)

  17. This sounds like a fantastic read!

  18. this book has been on my TBR list. the cover is great. the twists and turns would keep me hooked! hope to have a copy of this real soon!


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