
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Review: Painted Blind by Michelle Hansen

Seventeen years old and agoraphobic, Psyche Middleton vows her dad will never see the risqué photos she took during a summer modeling stint abroad, but one of them ends up on a billboard in her Montana hometown. Now everyone—especially her dad—can see it. And yet, somehow, those are the mundane things in her life because she is about to fall unexpectedly, head-over-heels in love with Erik, a mysterious young man who rescues her from a crowd of admirers, and who she’s never actually seen because…he can make himself invisible.

As strange as this may seem, it’s about to get even stranger. Erik takes her to his palace in an idyllic kingdom, and she is swept into the beauty and culture of his world, but his affection has one condition: she may not see him. Overtaken, intrigued, and still not wholeheartedly believing he’s real, Psyche is going to have to decide if she can love him blindly; because if she can’t, she may lose him forever.

I read a few reviews for this book and decided to check into this book.  I picked it up at Amazon for four dollars for my kindle.  Yesterday afternoon when I sat down to read I decided to take a peek at it before I started back into the books I'm supposed to be reviewing.  I stayed up until after midnight to finish this book and I never got back to the books I was supposed to be reading.  oopsy.  That should tell you how much I was enjoying the book though!  :)

I was pleasantly surprised by this book.  It had romance, mythology, and that suspense element that keeps you wanting to know more.  Very enjoyable writing.  I'm really looking forward to reading more by Michelle Hansen.

It's funny though, the different takes on mythology in different books.  I just read Goddess Interrupted where Hades is a good guy and Persephone harmless (mostly) and this book Hades and Persephone have gone bad and the underworld is horrible, evil and scary place.

If you enjoy Mythology you really ought to check this book out.  

There were a few instances of mild swearing.


  1. I enjoy when you can find a great book on Amazon through reviews like this one. It sounds like a really interesting read. I love mythology and like the idea that it's different (I haven't read the Goddess Test yet). Great review!

  2. Oh, an update of the classic Cupid and Psyche love story. That's a nice spin on things.

    Talk Supe

  3. Thank you, Aimee. You made my weekend!

  4. Se ve genial el libro :) , espero comprármelo pronto. Suena demasiado bien y siempre he leído de Perséfone y Hades , pero de Psique no :) , así que ya pronto le daré una oportunidad.
    ¡Saludos desde Perú :D!


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