
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Trespassers by Stephanie Black


Rayna Kirkpatrick has lived her entire life with a secret: she possesses dangerous paranormal abilities. But she’s carefully kept her powers hidden from the world―or so she thinks. When new struggles in her life prompt her to seek information about her abilities, her internet search sends up red flags. Without her knowledge, she is placed under surveillance by a government team who monitors people with unique gifts like hers, individuals known as Trespassers. There are only two options for those manifesting such supernatural abilities: submit to regulation and scientific study or be eliminated.

Damon Hale is an invaluable asset to the government. As a Trespasser himself, he is perfectly positioned to determine how to handle others like him. When a series of unexplained deaths is connected to Rayna, Damon is assigned to go undercover to her California hometown to determine whether she’s the killer they suspect she is. As he gets to know this kind and charming woman, he’s determined not to allow his growing attraction to her to shake his objectivity. But the deaths surrounding her are no coincidence, and as his suspicions about her guilt begin to fade, he realizes he and Rayna must work together to discover the truth or risk becoming the next victims.

 * Amazon * Goodreads * Deseret Book *

First, I have to say that I think the cover on this book is super cool.  I love how it represents this book so perfectly.  Yeah, very cool cover.

The story is pretty cool too.  All mystery and a bit of suspense.  The plot thickens with every turn of the page while I suspect everyone at some point or another.  There is a big cast of characters but I never felt overwhelmed or lost in keeping track of them all.  That's a huge credit to the author.

Rayna has a crazy supernatural, paranormal type of ability.  I can't even imagine how that would be but it was fun to be immersed in a world that was nothing like my own for a bit.  It all felt so real, so plausible.  It was good stuff.

I'm hoping this has set us up for a whole new series by this author.  Rayna's story definitely isn't over so it better continue on!  Also, as a note, there is no romance in this book.  Just in case that is a make or break for you. 😉

Release day is September 5th!  You can pre-order now.

Content:  peril, mild violence, death.  Mention of miscarriages, divorce, abuse.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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