
Friday, April 21, 2023

Royal Rebel (Fate of Eyrinthia #4) by Heather Frost and an Interview with Grayson!!


A PRINCE fighting to save a princess
A SERJAH torn between duty and desire
A PRINCESS willing to sacrifice everything
A DECOY with nothing to lose
A WORLD about to be torn apart

After his father’s latest punishment, Grayson isn’t at his full strength. Trapped in Ryden and surrounded by enemies, he knows escaping with Mia will be more complicated than anticipated. Tyrell is determined to claim Mia for himself, and Henri’s plans for the rest of Eyrinthia are more horrific than Grayson ever imagined. Despite the increased danger, he and Mia must return to Mortise and warn Desfan of what’s coming—even though it may already be too late.

In Mortise, the palace is still reeling from the brutal attack that left many dead and even more wounded. Regardless of the chaos, Desfan is determined to continue with his coronation. As serjan, he hopes to bring stability to his country and solidify the peace with Devendra. But things in Eyrinthia are always complicated. When Prince Liam reveals they may be facing dangers from old enemies, Desfan will have to decide what kind of ruler he will be.

Devastating news from home has left Clare broken. Despite her heartache, she must once again be Serene’s decoy when a terrifying report sends the princess on an unexpected mission to Zennor. Left at the palace, Clare helps Desfan build trust with the elite in Mortise while guarding a treasonous secret. Because as her grief transforms into a burning desire for vengeance, she is finally ready to embrace a new role—rebel.

Eyrinthia is consumed by uncertainty. Duty. Desire. Sacrifice. Every rebellion has its cost.

If you follow me at all you know that I LOVE this series.  It really encompasses all the things I love when I pick up a book.  Well, I don't love cliff hangers, but I guess that's what you get in a series.  You can't have it all at once.  It's worth the wait in between because these characters are so familiar to me.  I know them.  I want good things for them.  I NEED to see them safe and happy.  I am clearly emotionally connected to them.

This book is yet another in the ongoing saga of many characters in many places.  They intersect at times and join forces at times but still the danger and political intrigue takes them to various places.  So many terrible things are happening.  The characters struggle and suffer.  It makes my heart hurt.  But there are small victories and growing love that makes it feel happy too.  I really can't say too many specific things because I don't want to give anything away.  Just know that I loved this book.  I started reading it the day I got it because I just couldn't wait.  It was everything I knew it would be and once again left me desperate for more.  

My favorite character is Grayson.  It's honestly hard to pick just one favorite but he's really the one I'm most emotionally attached to which is why I'm SO EXCITED to share with you an interview with Grayson!!  Woot!!

Hello, Grayson. So excited to sit down with you today. I think everyone is anxiously awaiting catching up with you in Royal Rebel. We left you in a very terrible place. Can you tell us how you’re doing? 

I’m fine. And I’m back with Mia, which means I can finally breathe again. And I’m just as determined to rescue her from my family, no matter what my father has done to me.

A lot has happened to you since you left Ryden. How do you think you’ve changed?

I think I gained perspective, and I certainly gained confidence while being away from Ryden and my parents. I’ve learned a lot about myself and the world. I’ve wanted to rebel against my parents for a very long time. But now I’m finally ready to do it. I will not be their pawn anymore.

Mortisian culture is very different from your own. What was the biggest difference for you?

Honestly, everything. The entire atmosphere is completely different. There’s a life and vibrancy in Mortise that doesn’t exist in Ryden. Maybe it never did, or maybe my family just managed to smother it. But everything in Mortise is colorful and alive. It can be overwhelming, and chaotic, and I’m not always comfortable with it. But there is a part of me that enjoys it.

What was your favorite food you tried in Mortise? What was your least favorite?

Some of the breads are nice. I hate fish, though. It tastes wrong, no matter what they do to prepare it. Actually, I think the spices they sometimes use make it worse.

You have developed an unexpected friendship with Imara, and I personally have really enjoyed seeing that play out. What three words would you use to describe her?

Oh fates, Imara is . . . How can I describe someone like Imara in three words? Her presence is larger than life. But if I had to pick three . . . Enthusiastic, kindhearted, and bold.

 What keeps you awake at night?

Fear for those I care about. Mia has always topped that list, but the list keeps growing, which means I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights.

A confrontation is coming between you and your family—specifically your parents. Are you nervous about that?

Yes. Of course. It would be foolish of me not to feel nervous. But I think I’ve known for a long time that this would be my fate. I’m not like them, and a confrontation was inevitable. I don’t know how everything will play out, and my priority right now is Mia’s safety. But that confrontation is coming, and I think a part of me is eager for it. I’m ready to stand up to them. I’m ready for them to be afraid of me.

You recently learned that Tyrell saved Mia’s life, and he’s been her defender while you’ve been in Mortise. More than that, you know he has developed feelings for her. How does all of this make you feel?

I’m grateful that he protected her, but I don’t trust him, and I never will. I can’t. I can’t fully blame him for being drawn to Mia—anyone would be—but from what I’ve seen of Tyrell . . . I just don’t think he’s capable of loving someone.

Mia has admitted that she considers Tyrell a friend. How does that make you feel?

Confused. Maybe a little hurt, as well. Even taking me and my history with Tyrell out of this, I don’t understand how Mia could feel anything but hatred for Tyrell. He abused her. She may have found a way past that, but I never will.

Your father gave Tyrell an order to hurt Mia. Do you really think he could have refused? You’ve been put in terrible situations before. Don’t you have sympathy for him in that situation?

No, I don’t. Because there’s a very big difference between Tyrell and me. Yes, I’ve been forced to do terrible things for my father. Things I will never forgive myself for. But everything I’ve done, I’ve done to keep Mia safe. Tyrell chose to hurt Mia because he wanted to please our father. Period. And that is despicable in every way.

You’ve got some complicated family dynamics. How are you feeling about your brother Liam?

Complicated is a good word for my family, and it definitely applies to Liam. He was the one brother I thought I could trust, and then he betrayed me. He threatened me by threatening Mia’s life—but then I got to Ryden and learned he never sent orders to kill her. He wanted to abduct her. I’m not sure why, and I’m not sure if it even matters. I can say that I’m glad he’s locked up in Mortise, because he is definitely dangerous. But I’m hoping I can talk to him at some point and learn why he’s done what he has.

Thank you for speaking to us today, Prince Grayson! I can’t wait to check in with you again in Royal Rebel!

Wasn't that awesome?!  Sigh, I just love Grayson.  I need his happily ever after so badly!!  It sure doesn't happen in this book but I have hope that it's coming.  Some day.

The first book in the Fate of Eyrinthia series, Royal Decoy, is on sale right now for just $.99!  If you haven't started, this is a great time to pick up the first book and get reading!

Content for Royal Rebel:  violence, death, drug addiction, peril, kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Author Bio

Heather Frost is a #1 Amazon bestselling author who writes magical stories with breath-stealing romance. She is the author of the Seers trilogy, the Fate of Eyrinthia series, and Esperance. Her books have been Whitney Award and Swoony Award Finalists. She has a BS in Creative Writing and a minor in Folklore, which means she got to read fairy tales and call it homework. When she’s not writing, Heather likes to read, travel, and re-watch Lord of the Rings. She lives in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains in northern Utah. To learn more about Heather and her books, visit her website:

 Heather’s Social Media Links






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