
Thursday, April 27, 2023

What Dreams May Come Dana LeCheminant


In a bid to escape the incessant attentions of a man she does not love, governess Lucy Hayes embarks on a journey to begin a new post. But when she’s stranded in a storm, her plans go shockingly awry. Desperate times call for desperate measures: against her better judgment, she agrees to a foolhardy scheme presented by a handsome stranger, known to her as only William. But when her mysterious benefactor falls ill, she finds herself unwittingly drawn into his family home in a case of mistaken identity: they believe she is William’s betrothed. Though she realizes she should admit the truth, the family’s warmth and welcome make it all too easy to play along, just for a while. Until she meets Baron Lord Simon Calloway, William’s older brother.

Simon is suspicious of his lovely future sister-in-law, a woman who seems completely unsuited to his self-important brother. As they wait for William to awake, Simon and Lucy are drawn ever closer together. But danger draws closer too, in the form of her unwanted suitor. Lucy knows that when Simon discovers the truth, he will despise her. Now she must find a way to keep herself safe . . . and avoid falling hopelessly in love with a man she can never have.

 * Amazon * Goodreads * Deseret Book *

First, I have to say that I love the cover of this book.  It's so pretty.

Have you ever watch the movie "While You Were Sleeping"?  This book is so much like that story but set in a regency time period.  All those vibes were there.  Mistaken identity, mistaken betrothal, some uncorrected assumptions and just like that, Lucy is in quite a predicament.  She needs help so she lets the Calloway family continue in their assumptions but always feels so guilty about it.   As she should.  The growing friendship and awareness between Simon and Lucy was well done and I loved it.  The last bit of the book picked up in pace and made for a very satisfying ending.

This story was endearing.  There were so many likable characters who filled up the spaces in between and around Lucy and Simon.  It was so easy to love them all.  They made such a pretty familial picture.  I really hope a story about Nick is in the works.  He's a character I'd really love to know better.

This book releases on May 2nd.  There is a special launch bundle if you pre-order the physical book.  Just purchase and then fill out this form!

Content:  very mild peril, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, April 24, 2023

That Time I Kissed The Groomsman Grump by Julie Christianson



Yeah, I shouldn’t have kissed Natalie Slater.

Not on the porch. Or at the beach. Or in the storage closet. Especially not the storage closet. But to be fair, she kissed me first. Six months later, I’m still thinking about it.

Trouble is, I’ve made promises that tie me to our small town, while Natalie can’t wait to escape. I’ve got no business pursuing her or my secret ambitions. My future’s set, and good people here are depending on me. Too bad my gut’s not listening to reason, and I'm being pulled toward different dreams: the career I’ve always wanted, and the woman whose smile I can’t forget…


Brady Graham and I used to be friends. For a while there, I was even the teensiest bit attracted to him. But Brady’s sister is marrying my brother, and my brother is Brady’s best friend. How awkward would family dinners be if things went south? We need to let our mutual attraction fizzle out.

Except…nothing seems to be fizzling. With all the time we’re spending together as Maid of Honor and Best Man, our attraction’s just burning hotter. Then the guy decides to show me his secret soft side. Hot and vulnerable? So. Not. Fair.

Because the only heat I need in my life is the sunshine in Los Angeles. I’ve made commitments on the west coast, and I can’t risk being sidetracked by Broody Brady.

I just need to put three thousand miles between me and his so-not-fairness…

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

If you are looking for a light hearted, fun diversion, look no further.  This book was all those things and more.  There was great, snappy romantic tension and attraction that I could feel, pulling me in.  The family and side characters brought lots of comedic moments, bouts of jealousy and ultimately support for Brady and Natalie.

I loved Brady and Natalie.  We are first introduced to them in a previous book so it was fun to get their love story here.  They are both kind and hard working.  They are supportive and good to their friends.  They felt like people I would want as friends.

Some other things I loved:

* save the doggies!

* closet writer

* hole in the ceiling/floor 

* kissing

I have read many books by this author but I don't think I've ever reviewed one on my blog.  That's because I've been enjoying her books on my own without being asked for an official review.  I'm excited to introduce her here now, to my blog friends.  She's a great author that you should check out if you haven't already!

Content:  mild peril, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Royal Rebel (Fate of Eyrinthia #4) by Heather Frost and an Interview with Grayson!!


A PRINCE fighting to save a princess
A SERJAH torn between duty and desire
A PRINCESS willing to sacrifice everything
A DECOY with nothing to lose
A WORLD about to be torn apart

After his father’s latest punishment, Grayson isn’t at his full strength. Trapped in Ryden and surrounded by enemies, he knows escaping with Mia will be more complicated than anticipated. Tyrell is determined to claim Mia for himself, and Henri’s plans for the rest of Eyrinthia are more horrific than Grayson ever imagined. Despite the increased danger, he and Mia must return to Mortise and warn Desfan of what’s coming—even though it may already be too late.

In Mortise, the palace is still reeling from the brutal attack that left many dead and even more wounded. Regardless of the chaos, Desfan is determined to continue with his coronation. As serjan, he hopes to bring stability to his country and solidify the peace with Devendra. But things in Eyrinthia are always complicated. When Prince Liam reveals they may be facing dangers from old enemies, Desfan will have to decide what kind of ruler he will be.

Devastating news from home has left Clare broken. Despite her heartache, she must once again be Serene’s decoy when a terrifying report sends the princess on an unexpected mission to Zennor. Left at the palace, Clare helps Desfan build trust with the elite in Mortise while guarding a treasonous secret. Because as her grief transforms into a burning desire for vengeance, she is finally ready to embrace a new role—rebel.

Eyrinthia is consumed by uncertainty. Duty. Desire. Sacrifice. Every rebellion has its cost.

If you follow me at all you know that I LOVE this series.  It really encompasses all the things I love when I pick up a book.  Well, I don't love cliff hangers, but I guess that's what you get in a series.  You can't have it all at once.  It's worth the wait in between because these characters are so familiar to me.  I know them.  I want good things for them.  I NEED to see them safe and happy.  I am clearly emotionally connected to them.

This book is yet another in the ongoing saga of many characters in many places.  They intersect at times and join forces at times but still the danger and political intrigue takes them to various places.  So many terrible things are happening.  The characters struggle and suffer.  It makes my heart hurt.  But there are small victories and growing love that makes it feel happy too.  I really can't say too many specific things because I don't want to give anything away.  Just know that I loved this book.  I started reading it the day I got it because I just couldn't wait.  It was everything I knew it would be and once again left me desperate for more.  

My favorite character is Grayson.  It's honestly hard to pick just one favorite but he's really the one I'm most emotionally attached to which is why I'm SO EXCITED to share with you an interview with Grayson!!  Woot!!

Hello, Grayson. So excited to sit down with you today. I think everyone is anxiously awaiting catching up with you in Royal Rebel. We left you in a very terrible place. Can you tell us how you’re doing? 

I’m fine. And I’m back with Mia, which means I can finally breathe again. And I’m just as determined to rescue her from my family, no matter what my father has done to me.

A lot has happened to you since you left Ryden. How do you think you’ve changed?

I think I gained perspective, and I certainly gained confidence while being away from Ryden and my parents. I’ve learned a lot about myself and the world. I’ve wanted to rebel against my parents for a very long time. But now I’m finally ready to do it. I will not be their pawn anymore.

Mortisian culture is very different from your own. What was the biggest difference for you?

Honestly, everything. The entire atmosphere is completely different. There’s a life and vibrancy in Mortise that doesn’t exist in Ryden. Maybe it never did, or maybe my family just managed to smother it. But everything in Mortise is colorful and alive. It can be overwhelming, and chaotic, and I’m not always comfortable with it. But there is a part of me that enjoys it.

What was your favorite food you tried in Mortise? What was your least favorite?

Some of the breads are nice. I hate fish, though. It tastes wrong, no matter what they do to prepare it. Actually, I think the spices they sometimes use make it worse.

You have developed an unexpected friendship with Imara, and I personally have really enjoyed seeing that play out. What three words would you use to describe her?

Oh fates, Imara is . . . How can I describe someone like Imara in three words? Her presence is larger than life. But if I had to pick three . . . Enthusiastic, kindhearted, and bold.

 What keeps you awake at night?

Fear for those I care about. Mia has always topped that list, but the list keeps growing, which means I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights.

A confrontation is coming between you and your family—specifically your parents. Are you nervous about that?

Yes. Of course. It would be foolish of me not to feel nervous. But I think I’ve known for a long time that this would be my fate. I’m not like them, and a confrontation was inevitable. I don’t know how everything will play out, and my priority right now is Mia’s safety. But that confrontation is coming, and I think a part of me is eager for it. I’m ready to stand up to them. I’m ready for them to be afraid of me.

You recently learned that Tyrell saved Mia’s life, and he’s been her defender while you’ve been in Mortise. More than that, you know he has developed feelings for her. How does all of this make you feel?

I’m grateful that he protected her, but I don’t trust him, and I never will. I can’t. I can’t fully blame him for being drawn to Mia—anyone would be—but from what I’ve seen of Tyrell . . . I just don’t think he’s capable of loving someone.

Mia has admitted that she considers Tyrell a friend. How does that make you feel?

Confused. Maybe a little hurt, as well. Even taking me and my history with Tyrell out of this, I don’t understand how Mia could feel anything but hatred for Tyrell. He abused her. She may have found a way past that, but I never will.

Your father gave Tyrell an order to hurt Mia. Do you really think he could have refused? You’ve been put in terrible situations before. Don’t you have sympathy for him in that situation?

No, I don’t. Because there’s a very big difference between Tyrell and me. Yes, I’ve been forced to do terrible things for my father. Things I will never forgive myself for. But everything I’ve done, I’ve done to keep Mia safe. Tyrell chose to hurt Mia because he wanted to please our father. Period. And that is despicable in every way.

You’ve got some complicated family dynamics. How are you feeling about your brother Liam?

Complicated is a good word for my family, and it definitely applies to Liam. He was the one brother I thought I could trust, and then he betrayed me. He threatened me by threatening Mia’s life—but then I got to Ryden and learned he never sent orders to kill her. He wanted to abduct her. I’m not sure why, and I’m not sure if it even matters. I can say that I’m glad he’s locked up in Mortise, because he is definitely dangerous. But I’m hoping I can talk to him at some point and learn why he’s done what he has.

Thank you for speaking to us today, Prince Grayson! I can’t wait to check in with you again in Royal Rebel!

Wasn't that awesome?!  Sigh, I just love Grayson.  I need his happily ever after so badly!!  It sure doesn't happen in this book but I have hope that it's coming.  Some day.

The first book in the Fate of Eyrinthia series, Royal Decoy, is on sale right now for just $.99!  If you haven't started, this is a great time to pick up the first book and get reading!

Content for Royal Rebel:  violence, death, drug addiction, peril, kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Author Bio

Heather Frost is a #1 Amazon bestselling author who writes magical stories with breath-stealing romance. She is the author of the Seers trilogy, the Fate of Eyrinthia series, and Esperance. Her books have been Whitney Award and Swoony Award Finalists. She has a BS in Creative Writing and a minor in Folklore, which means she got to read fairy tales and call it homework. When she’s not writing, Heather likes to read, travel, and re-watch Lord of the Rings. She lives in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains in northern Utah. To learn more about Heather and her books, visit her website:

 Heather’s Social Media Links






Thursday, April 13, 2023

Blind Trust (The SNAP Agency #3) by Natalie Walters


Lyla Fox knows she has a reputation at the SNAP Agency for impulsivity, but when she receives a threatening letter from a man she helped put in prison, she can't stop herself from going all in to find out why he's coming after her. Unfortunately, she's going to need the help of the one person who questions her reckless choices more than anyone else.

Explosives and weapons specialist Nicolas Garcia agrees to help Lyla in order to keep her safe, but her recklessness continues to be a major concern, especially when her investigation into a conspiracy puts a target on her back. Dealing with bombs is dangerous. Working with Lyla is proving to be just as treacherous--to both the mission and his heart.

Natalie Walters closes out her SNAP Agency series with a bang with this nail-biting story of a deadly government conspiracy, an unlikely couple, and an ending that will leave you breathless.

It's the last book in this SNAP Agency series.  Boo.  I've really enjoyed this one so it's sad to see it coming to an end.  I know and like these characters.  They are familiar to me with the whole series feeling like community, family and trust.  

The ongoing series has been dancing around Lyla and Nicolas from the beginning so it was quite the build up getting here, to their story.  I feel like they had the slowest burn romance ever.  Like turtle pace.  Shying away and dancing around feelings of attraction and love which I get because they are coworkers.  But it was agonizing.  But, luckily, the crazy plot had me distracted so I wasn't completely wallowing in their lack of romantic action.

I am firmly team Nic.  Lyla's personality is so different from mine that it was hard to relate to her completely but I admire her determination and courage.  She definitely kept things lively.

I feel like there were a couple loose ends for me.  Things that were brought up but not fully resolved.  (Like if you are going to give a character a point of view in this story, then at least tell me what happened after everything went down.  To his family.  Which you brought into this story.)  This one wasn't my favorite of the series but I did still enjoy it.  The whole series overall is a good one.  I would recommend reading this series in order although I do believe each book could be read as a stand alone.  

I absolutely love reading romantic suspense and I'm glad for an author who is writing it so well.  I'm looking forward to what comes next!

Content:  moderate violence, death, peril.  

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Under the Cover of Mercy by Rebecca Connolly


November, 1914.

The Great War has come to Brussels, the Germans have occupied the city, and Edith Cavell, Head Nurse at Berkendael Medical Institute, faces an impossible situation. As matron of a designated Red Cross hospital, Edith has sworn an oath to help any who are wounded, under whatever flag they are found. But Governor von Luttwitz, the ranking German officer, has additional orders for her. She and her nurses must also stand guard over the wounded Allied prisoners of war and prevent them from escaping.

Edith feels that God called her to be a healer, not a jailer. How can she heal these broken boys, only to allow them to be returned to the hands of their oppressors to be beaten again?

So when members of the Belgian resistance, desperate for help, bring two wounded British soldiers to her hospital in secret, she makes a decision that will change everything: she will heal the soldiers, and then attempt to smuggle them out of the hospital to freedom.

With her loyal friend and fellow nurse, Elizabeth, by her side, Edith establishes her hospital as a safe house for the resistance, laboring tirelessly to save as many soldiers as she can. Working under the watchful eyes of the German army, Edith faces challenging odds and charges of treason--which carries the death penalty if she is caught--as she fights alongside the resistance to bring--and keep--hope to her small corner of a war-torn world.

Based on a true story, Under the Cover of Mercy is the remarkable account of one woman who defied an entire nation in order to heal those who needed her help the most.

Here's the thing about historical fiction.  It is awesome to learn about events and people from the past but sometimes it is heart wrenching.  The lessons from the past always come at a cost.  But, I love it because these people deserve to be remembered.  Especially, in this particular instance, Edith Cavell.

Edith Cavell.  Dedicated, brave, kind.  She was a born healer and care taker of humans no matter who they were.  I loved her ability to defuse situations and bring calm.  Her contribution to saving people and helping the cause during the war was selfless.  Inspiring.  Would I do the same?  Could I?  I really don't know.  I'm not sure I could.  It really gave me food for thought while reading this book.

This book is told in dual perspective from Edith and her trusted friend and fellow nurse, Elizabeth.  This isn't a romance.  It is set during war so while there are many successes for Edith and those helping her but there are also many losses.  Prepare your heart.  This one will have you thinking and feeling all kinds of thoughts and emotions.

I loved the pictures in the back.  Putting a real face to a real name and real events is priceless.  So awesome.  

I just learned of you, Edith Cavell, and I admire you.  Thank you for saving people and making a difference in the world.  You are not forgotten.

Content:  war time peril and violence but nothing graphic in nature.  Christian elements.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

About the Author: 

REBECCA CONNOLLY is the author of more than two dozen novels. She calls herself a Midwest girl, having lived in Ohio and Indiana. She’s always been a bookworm, and her grandma would send her books almost every month so she would never run out. Bookfairs were her carnival, and libraries are her happy place. She received a master’s degree from West Virginia University. Learn more about Rebecca and her books at

Friday, April 7, 2023

The Words We Lost (Fog Harbor #1) by Nicole Deese

 Three friends. Two broken promises. One missing manuscript.

As a senior acquisitions editor for Fog Harbor Books in San Francisco, Ingrid Erikson has rejected many a manuscript for lack of defined conflict and dramatic irony--two elements her current life possesses in spades. In the months following the death of her childhood best friend and international bestselling author Cecelia Campbell, Ingrid has not only lost her ability to escape into fiction due to a rare trauma response, but she's also desperate to find the closure she's convinced will come with Cecelia's missing final manuscript.

After Ingrid jeopardizes her career, she fears her future will remain irrevocably broken. But then Joel Campbell--the man who shattered her belief in happily-ever-afters--offers her a sealed envelope from his late cousin, Cecelia, asking Joel and to put their differences aside and retrieve a mysterious package in their coastal Washington hometown.

Honoring Cecelia's last request will challenge their convictions and test their loyalties, but through it all, will Ingrid and Joel be brave enough to uncover a twice-in-a-lifetime love?

Confession.  I didn't ever read the blurb for this book.  It's a thing for me with authors that I know I love.  I trust them to write fantastic stories and I want to be completely surprised going in so yeah, no reading the blurbs for me.  This book was the best surprise for me.  I'm so glad I didn't know anything about it going in.

There is a dual timeline happening in this book as Joel and Ingrid read a memoir of sorts that takes them back in time to memories of their youth.  I really loved this because I had the chance to connect the people before and the people now.  The shift in time was seamless.

Emotions of all kinds were swirling in this book.  Sorrow and loss, pain and regret.  Love and laughter, healing and peace.  And plenty of misunderstanding.  It was quite the journey.

I loved the setting and the characters.  Second chance love stories are so satisfying to read and if I had to pick a favorite?  It's Joel.  Unwavering, steady, devoted and protective.  His love was his walk and his talk.  I'm all in for that.

The story had so much book talk- from writing to editing and then publishing.  It was fun to be immersed in that side as well.  I love book talk!!  This is another fantastic book from this author.  I enjoyed it top to bottom, beginning to end, all the way through.

Content:  death, drinking (alcoholism),  depression.  Kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Unassuming Curator by Sian Ann Bessey


Emily Norton loves nothing more than losing herself within the pages of a good book. But the solitary pastime is poor preparation for participating in the dreaded London Season. Her trepidation over formally entering Society is all-encompassing, until she stumbles upon an enigmatic gentleman digging up flowers in a hedgerow. Before she can learn his name or the reason for his unusual activity, however, she is whisked into a carriage bound for London.

Henry Buckland has a secret: he cannot discern the difference between certain colors. It’s a particularly difficult disability for the curator of natural history at the British Museum, but no more challenging than his repeated attempts to outmaneuver the machinations of the town’s most notorious matchmaker. At his parents’ dinner party, he receives assistance in outwitting the persistent busy-body from a surprising source: the intriguing young lady he met on the country lane. As Emily and Henry become formally acquainted, they discover a shared love of science and nature that makes them ideally suited. However, Henry is not alone in his admiration for the young woman. As the competition to woo Emily escalates, so, too, do tensions at the museum. When an unexpected danger threatens Henry’s livelihood―and life―it appears he may not have the chance to win Emily’s heart after all.

 * Amazon * Goodreads * Deseret Book *

As per usual, author Sian Ann Bessey has crafted another heartwarming story in this Georgian Gentlemen series.  It was gentle in nature, flowing easily through the story of a museum curator and a lady who loves to learn and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.  Literally.  In the dirt with worms.  Of course Henry loves this because that's his favorite thing to do as well!  It's a match made in heaven.  Both Henry and Emily are so easy to like.  From the very beginning I was enamored by them.  They are both smart, easy going and pleasant.  The whole story felt soft and gentle all the way through.

The end of the book brings a bit of a ruffle scuffle which was a nice change of pace from the rest of the book.  It was still relatively mild, but it got me reading a bit faster in anticipation. I enjoyed this book just as I have all the books in this series.  

The Unassuming Curator releases on April 11th.  The ebook, through Amazon, is currently on pre-order sale for just $1.99!  That's a great deal for a book by this author and publisher.

Content:  mild peril, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.