
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Life Flight (Extreme Measures #1) by Lynette Eason



EMS helicopter pilot Penny Carlton is used to high stress situations, but being forced to land on a mountain in a raging storm with a critical patient--and a serial killer on the loose--tests her skills and her nerve to the limit. She survives with FBI Special Agent Holt Satterfield's help. But she's not out of the woods yet.

In the ensuing days, Penny finds herself under attack. And when news reaches Holt that he may not have gotten his man after all, it will take all he and Penny have to catch a killer--before he catches one of them.

Bestselling and award-winning author Lynette Eason is back with another high-octane tale of close calls, narrow escapes, and the fight to bring a nefarious criminal to justice.

 * Goodreads * Amazon

Hold on just a second, I need to catch my breath.  <deep breath in, deep breath out>  Seriously, I was holding my breath for about half of this book.  I had to keep telling myself to breathe.  From the very first page, I am in the middle of an emergency situation and it's scary.  Not scary enough that it can't get worse.  Because it does.  And then, what?  Scary squared.  This was nonstop, action packed, no breathing type of storytelling.  And I was ALL.  IN.  From the beginning to the end.  Invested.  Because of this, I read through this story in a day.  It couldn't be helped.  There was no way I was leaving Penny and Holt in dire circumstances in my mind.  Nope.  

Penny and Holt are heroes if ever there were any.  Human and dealing with the nasty stuff life throws at them, but heroes.  I liked them so much.

I'm so glad this is the start to a new series.  I can't wait to read the next book! 

Content:  violence, death, peril.  Kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own. 

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