
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Take My Heart by Kaylee Baldwin


I will NOT fall for my best friend this Christmas (no matter how good he looks in a tux).

Cardiologist Holly Whitacre wishes she could bypass the entire Christmas season and its painful memories. But when Holly learns that the free clinic has lost official funding, she's determined to think creatively, even if it means turning to the Scroogiest doctor on staff, Jack Shay.

The last thing Jack wants is to let Holly play online matchmaker for him as a fundraiser. Have the woman he's been in love with since medical school set him up with someone else? Hard pass.

Except, he never has been able to tell her no.

When Holly's fundraising and matchmaking plans go awry, she scrambles to fix it before she loses everything, but it seems her heart has plans of its own.

Take My Heart is a heartwarming, swoony, holiday romance.
**Previously titled One Great Christmas Love Story**

This book isn't new, just for the record.  It's a re-release under a new title and cover but I hadn't read it before so it's new to me and I have to say, I loved it.

I loved the whole connection of Holly being a cardiologist, running a Vlog about great love stories and dealing with her own broken heart.  She believes there is only one great love for everyone and she already had hers.  Hard pill to swallow for Jack, who is her best friend but wants to be more.  It was fun to get Jack's perspective- his devotion, his frustration, his love and he patiently waits for Holly to get a clue.  It was a good set up and I really enjoyed this story from beginning to end.  It made MY heart happy.

This book is just $.99 right now, and is also on KU if you have that.  It's set around Christmas so perfect for this month!  Happy reading!

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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