
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Song of Salzburg (Romance on the Orient Express #4) by Jen Geigle Johnson



When talented violinist Freya Winter is chosen to take part in a musical celebration alongside some of the best instrumentalists in the world, she is thrilled. Performing in front of royalty is a breathtaking opportunity, but her true motivation for traveling to Salzburg is to fulfill an unlikely dream: to meet and train under the renowned Salzburg Maestro, a master musician shrouded in mystery.

Freya travels aboard the Orient Express to practice with the newly formed orchestra in Salzburg, and nothing can distract her—not her mother’s illness, nor her father’s domineering ways; however, when a handsome passenger becomes a regular fixture on her journeys, Freya feels her focus blurring. Conversation with Erich is easy, and their shared love of music draws them undeniably closer. But even as they open their hearts to each other, the harsh realities of her family life intrude on the future she’s envisioned, and Freya feels her dreams slipping through her fingers, threatening to rob her of everything she cherishes most.

 * Goodreads * Amazon

Ooh, I love books that capture not only my attention and feelings but my senses as well.  I felt like I could hear the music in this story.  Freya's passion for her violin and music was contagious and it really helped me connect with her in new and different ways.  I think music is something everyone can relate to and connect with emotionally and this author does a great job of bringing that element into her book.  So many of my life's memories are connected to music and it was like this for Freya too.

Freya is awesome.  I enjoyed her journey so much- and not just her journey on the Orient Express.  😉  Erich is a great contributor to her journey and I loved discovering him right along with Freya.  It was a great classic love story that felt worthy of a movie.  So, so good.  

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.


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