
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Second Chance (Griffin Force #5) by Julie Coulter Bellon


Griffin Force tracks a dangerous terrorist to Libya, but the only man on their team that can infiltrate the terrorist's lair is Augie---their computer tech. They'll take a huge risk with an undercover asset who gets Augie in and assures them he won't be killed.

But who can the team really trust when the op goes sideways?

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Wa-hoo!  It's release day for this book and I feel like I've been waiting forever for it!  I mean, it hasn't REALLY been forever, but you know what I mean.  It seems like so long ago that this author revealed the cover for this book and I was SO excited.  Julie Coulter Bellon is one of my favorites in this military suspense genre.  She has written in other genres too and I like that but this is my first love.  I loved being back with the Griffin Force team with the spotlight on Augie, the computer tech genius.  Time to really shine, Augie!!

And shine he did.  

Even in the dark moments, Augie was shining.  He really came through as a protector and a defender.  I loved his bravery and his kindness.  Rian has a great presence in this book- who doesn't love a strong woman?  She was amazing.  And of course, seeing old friends was nice too.  I love how this team works together.

I loved how the story unfolded.  I stayed up way too late last night to finish it because I didn't want to sleep until knew everything.  Of course, now I am desperate for the next book because I was left with a "to be continued . . . "  Boo.  I sure hope the author is writing that next book!!

Content:  peril, violence, kissing

This book is on KU!

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