
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Accidental Text by Becky Monson

Wrong number. Right guy?

Once upon a time, Maggie Cooper lived for adventure. Jumping out of planes was child’s play. Now she can’t even work up the nerve to ask out her coworker. For a bit of self-therapy, she begins to text her recently deceased mother’s phone—the only problem is that the number has been reassigned and for weeks she’s been unknowingly texting a stranger her deepest thoughts and feelings. There have also been some not-so-deep texts, like the ones about her appreciation for her coworker’s butt.

When Chase Beckett, the unsuspecting stranger who has more in common with Maggie than he’d like to admit, texts back, Maggie is beyond mortified. But message after message and night after night, Maggie realizes that Chase’s wit, charm, and advice are exactly what the doctor ordered. Is it enough, though, to get her back up in the sky? And what about her heart? Can she risk taking a leap of faith for the man on the other end of her accidental texts?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

 Woosh!  This book! ๐Ÿ’— It wasn't quite what I was expecting but I love to be happily surprised.  Author Becky Monson typically writes books full of humor, sarcasm and wit and while there was witty banter and some humor, this book definitely had subdued overtones.  Not in a bad way at all.  Maggie lost her mother and I could feel her struggle with sorrow and missing that vital piece of her life.  

I fell in love with Maggie.  Her raw emotion, her longing to keep connections with her mother, and her desire to find the bits of her that felt lost.  Maggie is kind and works hard to create harmony and peace in her family.  I loved her adventurous spirit that clearly came because of her mother.  I felt like throughout her story, I came to know her mother too.

This whole story came together so wonderfully for me.  From the beginning where that first text came in from Chase (Chase! ๐Ÿ˜) to their first meeting and on to the end, I felt like the relationship between Maggie and Chase progressed naturally and it felt good around my heart.  I was so invested in Maggie and Chase, wanting the very best for them.  And by the very best, I might mean kissing and love.  ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ’™  There were so many awesome moments in this book.  I loved it all.  ALL.

Here is a song that the author had in her head while writing this book.  It's beautiful and I love it so I thought I would share that too.

This book is on KU! 

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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