
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Secrets and Suitors by Joanna Barker + Book Giveaway!

Reluctantly returning to London for yet another Season, shy Nora Hamilton has nearly given up hope that she will ever find the love match she longs for. After all, the one man she does harbor feelings for—her closest friend, James—has made it perfectly clear he views her as just that: a friend. With James traveling half a world away and Nora's father pressuring her to marry for wealth and status, Nora is forced to set aside her desire for love and accept the future she has always dreaded.
Until James returns unexpectedly and Nora's feelings once again rush unbearably close to the surface. Determined to save what is left of their friendship, Nora ignores her own heart and allows herself to be swept up in the London Season, soon finding herself the object of two very different gentlemen's affections. Though she should be thrilled, both men come with a glaring fault: neither is the one man who holds her heart.

But there is much more at stake than heartbreak. When long-kept secrets are laid bare, Nora must face the fears that have plagued her all her life and decide what true love is worth.

How sweet was this book?!  I really fell in love with both Nora and James (through Nora's eyes).  Nora's family is so important to her and that is the motivating factor for most of her decisions and filled the majority of this story line.  Difficult circumstances and bring out the best and the worst in people and this book does an excellent job of highlighting that.  Nora finds herself on a bumpy road, trying to navigate her family's expectations and desires, her third London season and her conflicting feelings for the different men in her life.  Poor Nora and her tender heart, trying to do the right thing all the time, but getting knocked down repeatedly.  She was so easy to root for and I found myself silently cheering when she spoke up, defended, acted and followed her heart.  I love when I feel invested in a story, it's characters and it's outcome!  I loved this one.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Joanna Barker was born and raised in northern California. She discovered her love for historical fiction after visiting England as an eleven-year-old, and subsequently read every Jane Austen book she could get her hands on. After graduating Brigham Young University with a degree in English, she worked as an acquisitions editor before devoting herself full-time to writing. She enjoys music, chocolate, and reading everything from romance to science fiction. She lives in Utah and is just a little crazy about her husband and two wild-but-loveable boys.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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