
Monday, September 30, 2019

Mostly Perfect (The Women of Ambrose Estate) by Heather B. Moore

Lauren Ambrose has made a life for herself as a fledging artist, far from the ancient secrets and cobwebbed past of her family’s historic estate in Texas. Generations of the Ambrose women have suffered at the hands of a curse, and the last place Lauren wants to spend time is at the Ambrose Estate, among the tragedies of the past. But when her grandmother, matriarch of the Ambrose fortune, requires Lauren to attend an urgent business meeting, she reluctantly travels home.

Nick Matthews is ready for a battle. Lillian Ambrose, co-founder of Ambrose Oil, has agreed to hear his investment idea, but no one has ever successfully partnered with the business tycoon. When he arrives at Ambrose Estate, prepared with weeks of research, the last person he expects to meet is Lauren, a dynamic and captivating woman with a past full of secrets. As Nick gets to know Lauren, he discovers she is mostly perfect for him, except for one, major drawback . . . The curse that has the power to destroy everything between them.

Nick, Nick, I love Nick.  😍  And yeah.  That's how I'm going to start out my review.  I love Nick because he pays attention.  It's all in the small things.

The idea behind this series is a fun one.  This is the second book in the series and I have to say that I didn't read the first book by a different author.  I started it but didn't finish it.  It just wasn't pulling me in like I wanted and honestly I just don't have time for books that don't click for me.  I knew I would like this one because I haven't read a Heather B. Moore book that I didn't like.  

There is a family curse that haunts the Ambrose sisters.  It means no falling in love and no getting married.  Lauren has been able to stick to the rules until Nick.  Nick is just determined to win Lauren over.  He is persistent, kind and demonstrative but Lauren is rightly freaked out by the curse and can't help herself- pushing men away is what she does.
The story was frustrating and it was sweet.  I am very interested in the remaining Ambrose sisters now!  I want to know how each of them will deal with love and the curse.

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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