
Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Friend Zone by Sariah Wilson

Disgraced college quarterback Logan Hunt was on his way to NFL stardom when he messed up big-time. Now the Texas star player with a bad temper has a new option: Seattle’s EOL College—as in End of the Line, to his fellow misfit recruits. It’s Logan’s last chance. If he can follow the rules. No parties, no fighting, no swearing, and oh, no dating the coach’s daughter, Jess. Simple. Yeah, right. For Logan, there has never been a rule he’s more tempted to break.

The deal is “just friends.” The pretty, confident, and fiercely smart math whiz is fine with pizza, tutoring, and keeping Logan in line. But the closer Jess gets, the more receptive she is to his warm heart and spirit—not to mention his irresistible off-field passes. With defenses down, they’re both heading into the danger zone.

It’s more than thrilling. It’s love. It’s also a game changer that could sideline Logan’s NFL goals—and more important, a future with Jess. But dreams are worth fighting for, right?

 * Goodreads * Amazon

Oooooh friends, this book was so yummy.  I know that when I love a book it comes out mostly in the adjective "yummy" but I just cannot help myself.  That's because this book is so good I figuratively ate it up.  And I would literally eat it up if it were actually food.  Which it isn't.  But, it did have pizza and gelato in it.  😀

This book was so much fun to read.  The dialogue was witty and flirty, the attraction and chemistry had an amazing build that became combustible.  Oh man, did it ever.  The explosions were worth waiting for.  😍🔥

There was depth and struggle for the characters and I love how they took the place in life they were in very seriously.  They trying to make good choices and live up to their potential.  Logan and Jess were easy to like and easy to root for.  I am really hoping that this is the start of a series that will include Bash!  He needs his own story!  I need more of him.

So yeah, my yummy siren is singing out loud and constantly with this book.  I would love to sit down and read it again right now because it made it me happy.  Sariah Wilson is so good at writing books that I love.  This one might be my favorite. (do I say that every time?!)  This book will be released on June 11th so pre-order it now!  I do believe it will also be on KU if you have that.

Content:  kissing, a couple make-out scenes, mention of child neglect and abuse, mention of date rape drug and almost rape with no details.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book but I have pre-ordered my own copy.

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