
Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Reluctant Courtship of Jack Allan by Dayle King Searle

Jack Allan cannot count the number of times he’s been approached with invitations beginning something like, “My sister has a friend…” It seems as if everyone in the small town of Corbett, Idaho, is intent on finding a wife for him--everyone except for Jack himself. The townspeople gossip that this is because Jack, a young widower, has not gotten over the death of his wife, Katelin, and in a way they are right. However, it isn’t his undying love for Katelin which is holding Jack back. Rather it is the memory of events surrounding her death, events about which only he knows and which have left him filled with guilt.

Undeterred, Ruby Henderson, Jack’s feisty neighbor, introduces him to her granddaughter, Ally. Jack unwittingly finds himself attracted to Ally, and it seems she is attracted to him too. So he is stunned when he finally asks her out and she turns him down his by saying it would be best if they were just friends. This sets in motion events which lead Jack into one romantic entanglement after another and with not one possible romantic interest but three.

Set against the backdrop of farming and small town life, The Reluctant Courtship of Jack Allan is filled with amusing characters. It tells a story which is sometimes humorous and sometimes poignant as Jack struggles with his guilt while also working to sort out his love life and those of the people around him.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

This book is a bit of a mixed bag for me.  It's labeled as an inspirational romance but I really wouldn't call it that.  I would say that it was inspirational because there is definitely religious tones but this really wasn't a romance.  One of my reviewer friends said this read like women's fiction and honestly, she nailed it.  That is exactly what I thought while reading it.  The funny thing is that the main character is a male.  So, it's women's fiction with a male lead.  Ha!  There is some dating in the book but in all honesty, that takes a back seat to what I would like to call "the life of a small town Idaho potato farmer".  This story is really about Jack; his day to day life, his family and his community.  

Even though the romance was actually minimal, I was still, for the most part, interested in Jack's story.  Sometimes it got a little long with details of things (potato harvest) and I really wanted to skim through it and move on but overall, Jack is a likable character and I enjoyed being a part of his world for a bit.  The author did a great job of making Jack, just your average, hard working guy, feel like someone I would like to know.   I was rooting for Jack and his happiness all the way through.

Content:  mild peril, kissing, mild religious elements (praying, faith)

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Your First Look At: The Waves (Love in Chaos Series) by Amy Matayo!!

The Waves - Love in Chaos #1

Dillon Hayes is twenty-eight and single, an unfortunate status her overbearing family is determined to fix. So when she’s stuck on a cruise ship for a seven-day reunion with the lot of them, she's desperate for any escape she can find, even if it means partnering with a sketchy stranger for an off-the-beaten-path snorkeling excursion. After her mother's last matchmaking attempt, Dillon is more than willing to trade all her good sense for a few hours of solace. 
Liam Gamble is stuck in the middle of family vacation hell. The worst part: it's not even his family. This will be the last time he ever accepts a free-vacation invitation from his best friend. At this point, he'd be willing to hand over his life savings to get off this crazy ship. So when he catches one of his friend's cousins sneaking off board, he decides to join her, hijacking her private excursion and nearly blowing her cover. If she gets to leave, so does he. 
But what starts off as a secret escape turns into a very real nightmare when their shady tour guide leaves them stranded on an uninhabited island with nothing but the clothes on their backs and no idea how to keep themselves alive.
As hours turn into days, and the weather proves as threatening as their need for food and water, Dillon and Liam must join forces and rely on each other if they have any hope of seeing their families again. Funny thing: sometimes in life, the end of the rope is when you discover everything you value has been in front of you all along.  

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Monster Like Me by Wendy S. Swore

There are trolls, goblins, and witches. Which kind of monster is Sophie?

Sophie is a monster expert. Thanks to her Big Book of Monstersand her vivid imagination, Sophie can identify the monsters in her school and neighborhood. Clearly, the bullies are trolls and goblins. Her nice neighbor must be a good witch, and Sophie’s new best friend is obviously a fairy. But what about Sophie? She’s convinced she is definitely a monster because of the “monster mark” on her face. At least that’s what she calls it. The doctors call it a blood tumor. Sophie tries to hide it but it covers almost half her face. And if she’s a monster on the outside, then she must be a monster on the inside, too.

Being the new kid at school is hard. Being called a monster is even harder. Sophie knows that it’s only a matter of time before the other kids, the doctors, and even her mom figure it out. And then her mom will probably leave — just like her dad did.

Because who would want to live with a real monster?

Inspired by real events in the author’s life, A Monster Like Me teaches the importance of believing in oneself, accepting change, and the power of friendship.

This is a very cute book and one I think would be perfect for reading aloud to children.  It has humor and creativity that will entertain both young and old while also bringing out the tender topics of bullying and how to treat those who may look or act different than us.  This had a similar message and feel as the book, Wonder.  

Books like this always strike a deep chord within me as my daughter also has a malformation in her face/neck area that was quite obvious when she was younger.  It was so hard to be out in public where people were cruel- sometimes without really meaning to be, but thoughtless words hurt.  I've cried many tears over the years for my beautiful daughter who has suffered through looking different and feeling different.  Much like the author's parents, (see author's note below) we took a proactive role and tried to talk with my daughter's school classes each year to explain her condition and help kids understand.  It helped a bit because when someone stands in front of you, vulnerable, pleading for kindness by giving information with emotion usually people listen. 

That's why books like this matter because it's a great way to open avenues of conversation with children about kindness and acceptance.  Kids need to learn compassion.  Adults too.  This book also helps kids see that what you look like on the outside isn't who you are on the inside.  Greatness comes from within.  Beauty comes from within.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Author's Note:

Sophie’s story is dear to my heart because I know how it feels to be bullied because I looked different from everyone else. When I was a child, I had a hemangioma on my forehead that stuck out so far my bangs couldn’t cover it, no matter how hard my mother tried. Because the tumor was made up of blood vessels, I could feel my heart beating inside it when I was playing hard or really upset.

The incident at the grocery store where the hydra lady says,“Hey, look kids! That girl doesn’t need a Halloween costume. She’s already got one!” is an exact quote of what a woman once said to my mother and me. Another woman told a classroom full of kids that I had the mark of the devil. Kids asked if it was a goose bump, or hamburger, or if my brains had leaked out. My dad had to chase away some bullies who had followed me home, called me names, and pushed me into the street. Sometimes, after a bad day of bullying, I wished I could just rip the mark off my face and be like everyone else—but it was a part of me, and wishing didn’t change that.

My parents decided to take an active role in educating the people around me so they would know what a hemangioma was and understand that it wasn’t icky, or gross, or contagious. Whenever we moved to a new place, my dad would go with me to the elementary school and talk to the kids about my mark and let them ask questions. After those talks, kids befriended me and noticed when bullies came around. Like Autumn, my school friends would speak up when they saw someone being mean to me, and sometimes they would stand between me and the bullies until they left me alone. I didn’t let the bullies stop me from doing what I wanted to do. I climbed trees, went swimming, wrote poetry, brought my tarantula and snakes to show-and-tell, and played in the tide pools.

This is my message to anyone who experiences bullying: Don’t let the bullies define you! I’ve been there, I know it hurts to be teased, but don’t let it stop you from doing what you want. Find something you enjoy—a hobby, talent, or challenge—and practice that skill. Know that someone out there, maybe even someone in your same school, needs a friend as much as you do. Be that friend. Stand up for each other. And know that you are not alone.

You can always find me at, and I would love to hear your stories and what you thought of the book.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Catherine's Intrigue by Paige Edwards + $25 and Book Giveaway!

To fulfill her mother's last request, twenty-four-year-old historic design specialist Catherine Pressley-Coombes travels to England in order to investigate an elusive family line. Armed with an illegible diary, she is determined to discover the identity of her mysterious ancestress. Distracted by an Elizabethan manor and unused to British country roads, Catherine runs her car into a ditch. Luckily, Nick Davidson, a handsome, hard-working local rides in on his tractor to save the day. As the down-to-earth manager of his family's estate, Nick also happens to be one of England's most eligible aristocrats.

Nick is certainly not the kind of man Catherine would fall for a man dogged by media and rumor. So why does she find the English lord so irresistible? Even though she can't overlook their differing values and beliefs, as she and Nick spend time together, their attraction deepens. While she battles through romantic turmoil, Catherine is beleaguered with far more sinister concerns: a series of unexplainable misfortunes that are not mere accidents. With her heart on the line, Catherine discovers her life is in jeopardy, and she has no idea who the perpetrator is but she has a growing suspicion that the danger might be connected to whatever secrets lie hidden in her ancestor's diary.

First I have to say that this book is LDS fiction with lots of the story revolving around the LDS religion (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) .  Praying, reading scripture and other things specific to the LDS religion are a prominent part of this story.

I love a good mystery/suspense story!  Usually in a mystery/suspense book I am as clueless as the characters, waiting until the very end for the big reveal.  But not this book. From the very beginning I had a clear idea of the "bad guy" and  every single move they made.  It made me feel both knowledgeable and crazy.  I was always cringing and thinking:  Don't talk on that phone!  Don't go there!  Don't do that!  Look over there!  Watch out!  And those characters never, ever listened to me!  😖

The story had a good build in intensity and the story moved along with decent pacing.  The religious aspects slowed the pacing down a bit but still, the build was there and I felt it.  I liked the story, the concept and characters.

Content:  some violence, human trafficking, death.  Religious aspects mentioned above.  Kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

*March 22nd:,,,

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Big Sky (Timeless Western Collection) by Kimberly Krey, Annette Lyon, Cindy Roland Anderson

THE COWBOY’S CATCH by Kimberly Krey: When Jason Keller bids on a date with Marlee at the town’s annual fundraising event, she’s quick to turn him down. First of all, an evening with Marlee was never on the table; just dates with each of her younger sisters. Beyond that, Jason Keller—a man with Hollywood ties—is the last cowboy in town she’d go on a date with. Being abandoned because of her own mother’s Hollywood pursuits taught her well. But when the Keller Cowboy offers a hefty sum for the charities in question, in front of half the town no less, Marlee’s compelled to accept. It’s just one date after all, and it’s not like she’d ever fall for a man like him. Or so she thinks.

SELLING HER RANCH, STEALING HIS HEART by Annette Lyon: Teresa adores her job as manager of the J-Bar-D Ranch, which boards horses and offers riding lessons. The owner, Dorothy, has become like a grandmother to Teresa. But when Dorothy passes away unexpectedly, the ranch is put up for sale by none other than Dorothy’s only grandson, Derek. Even with the obvious chemistry between them, Teresa refuses to consider dating the guy who’s going to turn her beloved ranch into a strip mall. Derek wishes more than anything that he didn’t have to sell, but Grandma Dorothy ran the ranch into deep debt, and Derek’s own mother has ongoing medical bills. Without selling the ranch, he can’t pay off the debts or take care of his mother. If only he’d met Teresa had met at in a different time and place, they might have a future.

THE COWBOY’S SECOND GO by Cindy Roland Anderson: When recently divorced Callie Stewart, an aspiring country music artist, confronts the dishonest talent agent who stole her new song, he turns the tables on her, and her world spins out of control. Without proof she composed the hit song, Callie is forced to take her twin boys with her, move out of Nashville and live with her aunt in Montana. Having her dreams shattered leaves her trying to figure out how she will support her little family. Reconnecting with Ty Carter, her long-ago crush from high school and the guy who broke her heart, has her questioning her resolve to leave romance out of her new life. Ty isn’t just a good-looking cowboy, he’s sweet to her boys and makes Callie feel beautiful and alive. As her feelings for Ty grow stronger, the music reawakens inside her, inspiring her creativity and the desire to sing. Giving love a second chance might be the key to a forever love, and the start of a new music career…but can it be both?

 * Amazon * Goodreads

What a fantastic collection of stories!  I love these Timeless collections because you get multiple stories by different authors all revolving around a common theme.  These stories all have a contemporary western feel to them and I do so love a good cowboy story.  Kimberly Krey and Cindy Anderson are two of my favorite authors so I was all in for this collection and it didn't disappoint.  The attraction, the misunderstanding and love were there in all three stories.  I loved it from beginning to end!

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Heart of Red, Blood of Blue by Rebecca Belliston

A girl on the run. A kingdom to save.

Princess Gisela of Steinland was born without color. Albino. To add to this curse, her betrothal to Prince Jerrik of Kronga ends in his death and starts a ten-year war her father is determined to win, even if it means bringing her out of hiding to do it. Now the savage Krongon war commander, Bloodless Kristoff, seeks the hearts of the entire royal family, especially Gisela's.

Desperate, her father agrees to another alliance that involves her marrying an old brute of a king. Unwilling to be the sacrificial lamb, Gisela goes on the run. Thrown into the center of a battle between three kingdoms, she finds herself fighting for her life and the right to be truly loved.

Can the girl who started the war find a way to end it?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

Wow.  What a story!  It takes you on great journeys through neighboring lands who are all at war so the danger is everywhere.  There is an intensity bubbling from the very beginning of the story and it just keeps growing in strength throughout the whole book.  Since this book is so long, by the end of the book I felt half crazed with desperation!  Those intense moments just keep coming until the very, very end.

Gisela had an excellent growing arc.  She did a lot of growing up throughout the book.  She made mistakes, but she learned from them.  She also learned how to stand up for herself and became stronger and stronger as the story went on.  I love a strong female lead.  The author did a great job of making Gisela strong but never losing those inherent female qualities of compassion and empathy.  A female can be strong but soft too.  Gisela was a great representation of both of these things. 

There were so many players in this game but the author also did a great job in this regard.  I never felt overwhelmed or confused as to all the characters and who they were.  The plot was always moving forward.  I actually think this book would make such a great TV mini series or a movie series!  I could visualize everything just like a movie.  I really love when that happens.

Don't miss this great story of adventure, intrigue and even love.

Content:  Violence (especially war time violence), peril, abuse, some talk of mistresses in a general way, kissing

- I bought a copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Sanctuary by Traci Hunter Abramson + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Kristi Hartinger has come to terms with her life as a single, thirty-something woman. She was in love . . . once. But following her boyfriend's tragic death, no one else could capture her heart. And nothing else could fill that void, though the serenity of the ocean came close. Two years ago, Kristi left the craziness of her Wall Street career behind and embraced a simpler life on her family's private island off the coast of Maine. As a resident of the small beach community, she anticipates a quiet future—until she comes face-to-face with her past.

Ace Samson is dead, or so the world believes. As a member of a secret organization known as the guardians, he was forced to fake his death years ago, leaving everything behind when he became an agent. So when he is selected to offer a potential new recruit a job with the organization, Ace braces himself: for the first time in more than a decade, he must face the woman he loved—and left.

Kristi's world is rocked by Ace's sudden reappearance, and she's soon drawn into his world of danger and cover-up. But when Kristi herself becomes a target, Ace will do whatever it takes to protect the only woman he has ever loved.

This was the perfect book for me to settle in with the last couple days.  I was really needing something fast paced and exciting and this book, happily, delivered that.  Yay!!

While this book is part of a series, I don't think you have to read them sequentially to understand.  You might be happier if do simply for the sake of back story because each book focuses on a different character within a group.

Talk about a second chance at first love story!  It's a bit rocky all the way through but that's what happens when someone is always trying to kill you.  Poor Kristi has no idea how in over her head she is.  Ace saves her life SO many times!  I think for that reason alone she should give him a second chance, right?!  

I loved the constant forward momentum, the danger, the building intensity, everything.  It was fantastic and I was fully invested from beginning to end.  When I was at the end with only a few chapters left, my husband wanted my help with something he was doing for me.  I hated putting the book down for even a minute!  It was torture.  Ha.  I love when books can pull me in so completely!  It's no wonder why this author is one of my favorites in this romantic suspense genre.

Content:  peril, violence, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 11, 2019

Romancing the Conflicted Cowboy (Sage Valley Ranch Book 1) by Crystal Walton

An out-of-place writer risking everything to stay. A conflicted cowboy afraid to risk letting her. And one little arrangement about to become more complicated than either bargained for.

For romance author Callie Claston, visiting a Texas dude ranch to save her career makes perfect sense. The harebrained idea to romance a veterinarian who thinks sending her into cow patty landmines is the art of subtlety, however, might qualify her as crazy. Then again, little does he know how much a challenge fuels her. Until it collides with a dream she never expected to be real.

Single dad Reed Allen has at least two reasons—both with smiles just like his—for trying to run off the intriguing city girl hiding a secret. But when he reluctantly agrees to help Callie with her research, knowing he should stay guarded around her does absolutely nothing to prepare him for the moment when he can’t.

Can a writer who’s never found her own ever-after and a cowboy who lost his too soon restore enough faith in love to start a new chapter together?

I am always happy to see a new book by Crystal Walton.  This is not only a new book but the beginning of a new series!  That is definitely a happy, happy thing.

This book has lots of tender moments but also has many amusing moments as Callie stumbles her way through dude ranch living.  I loved that Callie was able to laugh at herself in those embarrassing moments.  She owned her bumbles and held her chin up.  It made her a fantastic character.  Callie is an author and I loved how she described writing as not just a dream but as something that she just had to do.  It lived within her.  

There was a great build up of chemistry between Reed and Callie.  I loved their interactions and their conversations- especially the heart felt, emotional ones.  Reed is trying to fight his interest and his attraction to Callie but he sure isn't very good at it!  Thank goodness!!  haha.

I really enjoyed this book.  It was easy to settle in with and over before I knew it.  I cannot wait to see what comes next!!  I hear the title for the next book is Falling For The Younger Cowboy.  Sounds interesting for sure!

This book is only $.99 right now so grab it up!  It's also on Kindle Unlimited if you have that.  Happy reading!

Content:  kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Showcasing Author Taylor Dean + $25 Giveaway AND FREE Book!

Golden couple, Sawyer and Quinn Denali, have an amazing love story. A match in every way, their happiness is evident to all who spend time with them. The arrival of twin baby girls completes their picture-perfect family. When Quinn has the opportunity to help others on a two-week volunteer trip, she reluctantly leaves her family, knowing a short break from the demands of motherhood will be good for her. She doesn't expect the trip to change her life forever. But it does. It changes everything. Struggling from day to day, the young family moves forward, finding happiness . . . and love. But fate isn't done mixing things up in their lives. When an unexpected event leaves them all reeling, the unspoken question rings loudly and can't be ignored: "What happens now?" A Me and You Thing is a novel that explores the strength of enduring love and friendship.




He lightly brushes my lips with his own, and I scoot a little closer. Mmmmmm, five years of marriage and my attraction for this man has never waned. I never knew I could love someone so much. Even better, he feels the same about me. We’re far from perfect, yet we’re a perfect match for each other. Frankly, that’s as perfect as love gets. I bury my head in his warm chest, listening to the sound of his strong heartbeat. He hasn’t let himself go since we married. He runs every morning at unspeakable hours and, like a fine bottle of wine, ripens with age.
 “Are you sure I should go on my trip? I’m consumed with guilt every time I think about it.” I love our life together in our shingle-style two-story beach house on 5201 Beachcomber Lane. It’s a decent size home, even if it’s a little on the older side. No matter, I adore it. It might not be directly on the beach, but we have amazing ocean views from the second story. Close enough.
 “You’ll be doing something important, Quinn, something that really matters. I love you for wanting to go, for wanting to help. Your passport arrived yesterday. See, it’s a sign. The universe just sent you a telegram.”
 A light scoff emerges from me. He runs his hands through my longish blond hair. My brown eyes close while I enjoy his tender touch. 
“What was I thinking? I don’t want to leave you or our babies.”
 “Hey, it’s only two weeks, sweetheart. In the scheme of things, that’s hardly any time at all . . ."








Author Taylor Dean Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it's paranormal, contemporary, or suspense--you'll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up.  




  Giveaway Details $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 3/29/19 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway was organized by Kathy from Clean Wholesome Romance and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Romance Is In the Air With Author Kimberly Montpetit + $25 Giveaway and FREE Book!


He's a successful entrepreneur who almost has it all. She's the long-ago crush—the girl who got away. When they meet again, fireworks explode once more. But will a buried secret steal their second chance at a happy ending? Troy Thurlow let the girl of his dreams get away fourteen years ago, back when he was a high school football star. Now he’s a highly successful executive with a life most people only dream of. Still, he's never stopped thinking about Jasmine, and wondering what would have happened if he'd ever had the courage to ask her on a date. When he meets her by chance on a New York business trip, he's determined to take this second opportunity and run with it. That is, if his past doesn't catch up with him first . . .

 Jasmine Cervantes does “happily ever after” for a living, arranging dream-destination honeymoons for the fabulously rich and famous. But, so far, her own fairy-tale ending has eluded her. That is, until the boy she couldn’t stop dreaming about in high school barges unexpectedly into her office one day. When the two start a whirlwind romance they begin to see that fate is giving them a helping hand. Until Jasmine ends up on Italy’s most romantic coast without him. Missing him desperately, she begins to believe that Troy is truly “the one.” But he's hiding something that could change everything . . .


“I have a confession to make,” she said, kicking up the sand with her toes.
 “You—confessions?” Troy teased, but he seemed to tense as if unsure what she was about to tell him.
 “I heard rumors that you were living out of the country. I figured I’d never see you again.”
 “So why didn’t you come to our ten-year reunion?”
 “I was on an important honeymoon trip right then. With Standing Ovation,” she quickly added with a laugh.
“Not my own.” Troy chuckled, but she thought she saw his jaw clench a little. “I figured that’s what you meant.”
 “October in the South Pacific is very nice. That’s when the reunion was, right? At that point, the couple who wanted to honeymoon in Bali was our biggest client we’d ever had so I couldn’t tell my VP no.”
 “I guess our lives weren’t meant to cross right then. Extended business trips that sometimes kept me away for a few months. Especially at the beginning of the founding of DREAMS. We were hustling like crazy. All of us keeping insane schedules.”
 “That makes sense. Assumptions are often not true. Isn’t that human nature?” They paused at the shoreline, warm waves tickling Jasmine’s ankles. She wrapped her other arm around Troy’s waist, snuggling into him tighter while he put his other arm around her, while they stood staring out at the Atlantic.
 “You feel fantastic, Jasmine,” Troy whispered, brushing his lips against her hair.
 “I was just thinking the same thing about you,” she whispered in return, her voice barely above the sound of the rushing ocean. The water was black, but under the starlight, the waves were a soft, frothy white breaking along the shore.
Troy turned so that they faced each other, and Jasmine snuggled into his chest, his body warming hers in a perfect fit. She was dizzy with his closeness, longing for more.
“I can hear your heart pounding,” she told him, gazing up into his face.
“My heart’s going crazy because I’m overcome by the most beautiful woman in the world. If I go into cardiac arrest, just kiss me and I’ll come right back.”
“Like Sleeping Beauty kissing the prince instead of the other way around?”




The Executive's Secret is Free starting tomorrow Friday, March 8th


 5 stars! LOVED THIS ONE! I ended up binge reading it until I could barely keep my eyes open but it was totally worth it!

This book pulled at my heartstrings. I loved how the characters were developed so that I could clearly feel their emotions. This book was clean but still involved passion and I appreciate that. I loved every second.

Love, love, loved this book!!!!! If you want a book that will leave you feeling happy, satisfied, and so much more then read this book.



Author Kimberley Montpetit When she was in Paris, Kimberley Montpetit spent most of her souvenir money at the La Patisserie shops with their beautiful and delicious pastries. She grew up in the fabulous city of San Francisco, loves all things chocolate, and now lives in a small town along the Rio Grande with her engineer husband and three sons. She once stayed in the haunted tower room at Borthwick Castle in Scotland and didn't sleep a wink, sailed the Seine in Paris, rode a camel in the ancient world wonder of Petra, shopped the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, and spent the night in an old Communist hotel in Bulgaria. Kimberley also writes Award-winning Middle-Grade novels with Scholastic and epic Young Adult novels with Harpercollins under the name, Kimberley Griffiths Little.



  Giveaway Details $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 3/28/19 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway was organized by Kathy from Clean Wholesome Romance and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway