
Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Sweetest Kiss (Kissed by the Bay #4) by Susan Hatler

Megan Wallace wants three things: to make a living as an artist, to fulfill a promise she made her grandmother to visit the Boboli Gardens in Italy, and—oh yeah— for her best friend Brian Watts to fall in love with her. When the local library hosts an art competition, in which the winner will receive a one-year contract to paint in Florence, Italy, Megan sets out to make all her dreams come true.

Since Brian is a talented woodworker, Megan plans to ask him to make the custom frames for her paintings. She’s crushed to discover he’s already partnered up with Chelsea Chambers, Megan’s rival since art school. Megan is even more devastated when Chelsea sets her sights on Brian romantically.

The stakes are high and there can only be one winner. When the contest judges praise Chelsea’s classic style, Megan wonders if she should forego her own surreal painting style for one that’s more traditional. Brian urges her to be true to her talent. He also gives her reason to believe that maybe he feels more than friendship for her after all.

Will Megan have to give up her vision in order to win the contest? And if she wins, will she have to say goodbye to the love of her life?

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I love reading books by Susan Hatler.  She's one of my favorites because her books are so easy to settle in with.  Every time I pick up one of her books, I know I'm going get romance, yes, but fun dialogue and characters full of personality as well.

This series is set in a magical place to me.  I LOVE the whole legend of the bay and how it is incorporated into every book.  I also love seeing people from past books making an appearance in this book.  It feels like a community of friends and family continuing in each story and I never really have to say goodbye to anyone.

I liked Megan.  She had dreams but also insecurities about her ability to actually fulfill those dreams.  Her vulnerability helped me to connect with her and her unrequited love left me rooting for her.  I loved the first kiss and I loved the second kiss almost as much.  :)  The ending was sweet and I think that's where I fell in love with Brian too.

Content:  kissing, drinking alcohol

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed Megan's story. And fell in love with Brian, of course. Swoon.


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