
Friday, October 19, 2018

The Fearless Warrior: Navy SEAL Romances 2.0 by Kimberly Krey

When Jace moves in with Amy to protect her from a predator, romance blooms, and Amy wonders who will protect her heart.

Denver’s Average Amy does TV reviews for the latest trends, but when her name ends up on a human trafficking website, life feels anything but average. Especially when old crush turned hot Navy SEAL Jace Burns shows up at her door offering protection. Protection from who? What? And did she already mention hot?

Jace Burns is known for his fearless nature. He’s risked his life overseas, endured time as a prisoner of war, and was even presumed dead. Too bad all that goes out the window when he comes face to face with Amy Nelson. He hadn’t paid close attention to her in high school but he’s paying attention now.

While romantic sparks fly and the danger begins to grow, one question fills Amy’s mind: Are Jace’s feelings real, or is he using her to help take down the threat?

 * Goodreads * Amazon

 Ummmmm.  Yumma.  Yes.  

I think that right there is enough of a positive endorsement that you should read this book but I guess I'll try to drum up a few more complete sentences just in case you need more.

I loved that Jace and Amy have history.  They knew each other before, in high school, so their attraction wasn't something new.  It provided a fun starting point when they cross paths again.  Yay for zingy attraction and yummy kisses.  Jace just oozes manly strength, with the smarts to back it up.  He's playing for keeps and it's so attractive.

Also, the main character's name is Amy Nelson.  That's pretty much my name (first name spelled a little different, and before I was married, but still)  Every time I read it, it just felt so weird.  My name.  In my head.  But not me.  haha 

This is the perfect book to snatch up when you are looking for romantic "take me away" story.  The added bit of light suspense was bonus for me.  I loved it.

Content:  mild violence, human trafficking, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own. 

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