
Monday, September 24, 2018

Wedding Wagers (Timeless Regency Collection) by Donna Hatch, Heather B. Moore, and Michele Paige Holmes

Three wagers. Three couples. Three chances at love. Let the bets begin.

A WAGER FOR LOVE by Donna Hatch:
For once, Phillip would like to be seen as more than the younger brother of a duke. When he unexpectedly meets the one girl in all London who doesn’t give two figs for his rank in society, she won’t give him the time of day. Determined to gain her attention, he accidentally tips over her boat and dumps her into a river. Not the best way to convince a lady of worth that he is a gentleman of promise. Frustrated, Phillip makes a rash wager with a friend: he vows he’ll not only gain her forgiveness, but her hand in marriage by the end of the Season. The stakes are high in this romantic Regency romp!

THE FINAL WAGER by Heather B. Moore:
When Victor Roland, Earl of Locken, enters into a game of twenty-one with Lord Southill, the stakes get quickly out of control. Before Victor knows it, Southill is betting the dowry of his sister. While completely illegal, Victor is mostly insulted, so he does what any gentleman of the ton should do. He punches Southill out. Problem is, Southill is in so much debt that he’d been kicked out of his townhouse earlier that day. So Victor is forced to deliver Southill at his estate outside of London . . . only to meet Southill’s sister, Lady Juliet, a woman who Victor now wishes he’d bet on.

AN IMPROBABLE WAGER by Michele Paige Holmes:
Sherborne Alexander Rowley III has come home to marry his neighbor—and solve his financial problems in one fell swoop. Love doesn’t figure into the equation, only the need to save his family’s estate. The reserved Miss Emily Montgomery seems willing enough, leaving the only possible obstacle to Sherborne’s success his childhood friend, Eli Linfield, and the wager they made long ago that Eli would be the one to marry Emily. When the timely birth of a colt, Emily’s mischievous sister Sophia, and Emily herself all conspire to ruin Sherborne’s plans, one night of mayhem unravels far more than their betrothal. Emily is not as demure as he believed, nor is Eli what he has pretended these many years. Yet the future for all may yet be bright. Sherborne might even wager on it. 

This book was so much fun to read!  These are three of my favorite authors so I knew I was in for a treat with this book.  I loved that each story revolved around a wager the character(s) made.  It made for some sticky situations because we all know how wagers can most certainly come back to haunt you! 

I thought each book was entertaining and well done.  I loved how each male character in each story worked so hard to get the girl he wanted.  The wagers were out of a sincere desire to ultimately end up with the girl of their dreams.  How sweet is that?  Yeah, I loved those men even if making wagers is not the smartest thing to do.  

Content:  clean romance, some kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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