
Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Other Side of the Bridge by Camron Wright

Two coasts. Two strangers.
And a bridge that silently beckons them both.

Katie Connelly has lived in San Francisco all her life. Her late father made his career on the Golden Gate Bridge, and the many stories of how he saved jumpers still haunt her. And now her job assignment is to write about the history of the bridge—a history that includes a secret journal about a promise ring and a love story that may be the answer to her unresolved sorrow.

Meanwhile, Dave Riley, a marketing executive in New York, has sorrows of his own. Grasping at straws after tragedy strikes his family, he decides to follow a daydream that has turned into an obsession: to drive across the Golden Gate Bridge on a motorcycle on the Fourth of July.

Does the bridge somehow mysteriously hold the answers both Katie and Dave are looking for? Or will they find something completely different when they get to the other side?

I was really looking forward to reading this book.  The cover alone would make me pick up this book because I LOVE the Golden Gate Bridge.  It is beautiful and because I grew up not too far from it, it speaks of home to me.

One thing I loved about this book was the bits of history it gave me about the bridge.  It made me want to go find a book about the Golden Gate and read it myself.  I love when books inspire me to know more about something or someone.

This book is basically two different stories in one.  One is about Katie, the other about Dave.  The two intersect toward the end but it wasn't in the way I was thinking it would be.  The story itself is gentle and slow.  There is nothing heart pounding or climactic about it, just two people dealing with different struggles in life, trying to find answers.

My favorite book by this author is The Rent Collector.  I loved that book.  I wouldn't say this book is better than that one, but it was still enjoyable.  I think every person who reads it will find a bit of themselves in it.

Content:  death, mild swearing, mention of affairs

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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