
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Finding Beauty in the Beast by Jessilyn Stewart Peaslee

Princess Rose's fiery temper has kept every potential suitor away...until now. After being spurned and humiliated for the last time, the princes forces every eligible man to present a gift to her under pain of death. The man who brings her the best gift will be chosen as her husband.

When Corbin presents his gift, he hopes that his simple offering will keep him safely overlooked. All he wants is to return to his quiet life as a blacksmith away from forbidding castles and beastly princesses. But love works in mysterious ways, and it all starts with a rose...


This books was so sweet!  The story was familiar yet new and that's exactly how you want fairy tale re-tellings to be.  

I fell in love with Corbin.  What an emotional journey he went on but for the most part, he handled it with dignity and kindness.  He won me over right away.  The Princess took a bit longer, as expected, but understanding someone's pain and loss can change your view of them.  Kindness and love win in this book.  That's a good message any day.

It was so fun to see Ella and Will from the previous books appear in this book too.  Old friends, happy reminders.

I was smiling my way through most of this book and in the end I felt good.  That's exactly where I love to be.

This story is gentle and easy.  I would say appropriate for younger teenage readers on up which also makes me happy.  I love sharing a book that can be read through many ages.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.


A beast. That was what they called her. When she was in a good temper, Princess Rose's face was deceptively sweet, even beautiful. Her large emerald eyes could appear tender, her rosebud lips touched with softness. There was a time, some would say, that her voice was warm and full of life and, though no one believed it, that she used to laugh. But today, there was no hint of softness, no trace of tenderness. Her eyes blazed like green fire and she pursed her lips until they became indistinguishable from her pale skin. The freckles she painstakingly tried to hide glared angrily across her nose and cheeks—cheeks deep crimson from humiliation. No tears would escape her eyes, no quivering would touch her lips. She sat—cold and aloof—her gaze fixed straight ahead, glaring at the opposite wall of the swaying carriage.

Jessilyn Stewart Peaslee was born the fourth of seven children into a family of avid readers, music lovers, movie quoters, and sports fans. Jessilyn graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in English. She loves going on dates with her husband and playing with her five adorable, rambunctious boys. Jessilyn grew up in the beautiful high desert of Southern California and now resides in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. As you read this, she is probably folding laundry . . . or should be.

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Gospel at 30,000 Feet by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This new book brings together many of the stories of flight that President Uchtdorf has used in his ministry. In this colorful, inviting format, more than 20 of his best-loved stories come together under five major themes: Principles of Flight, Lift, Guidance on the Journey, Weathering the Turbulence, and Our Eternal Destination.

First let me start by saying that this is an LDS non-fiction book.  It is about religion and spirituality.

I love President Uchtdorf.  Whenever he speaks I feel his calm and his sincerity.  He is an engaging personality.  This book is a compilation of some of his talks that incorporate flying analogies, which he is know for since he spent a good part of his life as a pilot.  There isn't anything new here, but I love the way all these talks were put together in a way that flowed so well from one topic into the next.  I thought the layout and colors were pleasing and I love the few pictures we got of President Uchtdorf along the way.

One of my favorite parts of the book was a combination of President Uchtdorf's words and the quote of an unknown author:

"It isn't until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are that you can begin to take control of yourself.  As you learn to control yourself, you will get control of your life.  If you want to move the world, you first have to move yourself."

"The greatest battle of life is fought out within the silent chambers of the soul.  A victory on the inside of a man's heart is worth a hundred conquests on the battlefields of life.  To be master of yourself is the best guarantee that you will be master of the situation.  Know thyself.  The crown of character is self-control."

I have read many reviews saying that the audio version of this book is the best because President Uchtdorf is the one reading it.  I would love to have heard this book because I love listening to President's Uchtdorf's voice!  Either way it is a fantastic compilation with much encouragement and love that will remind us all that we can be a little better each day.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

The Ghost Groom by Jennifer Youngblood- Just 99 Cents Today!


A tough football player, a devoted sister, and the most difficult choice of all … After a long, painful search that involved legions of duds, Ariana Sanchez, fitness guru and gym owner, finally meets the perfect guy when she least expects it. Not only can Rennen tear up the dance floor, but he has these adorable blonde curls and compelling green eyes, specked with gold. When Ariana’s around him she feels oh, so alive! And the best part is that he’s a perfect gentleman and easy to talk to. Their first encounter leaves Ariana floating on air, thinking there’s hope for her love life after all … until she learns that Rennen is the celebrated rookie who’s taking her brother’s position as starting running back for the Titans. Too bad she’s totally loyal to her brother and has to hate him now! Rennen Bradley, the Ghost, has worked long and hard to get the opportunity to shine as the starting running back. Sure, he feels bad that Ace Sanchez was injured and that he’s taking his place on the team, but that’s how the game rolls. Rennen never expects to fall for Ariana, and it throws him for a loop when he realizes she’s Ace’s sister. But Rennen’s not going to let a simple complication like that come between him and the woman of his dreams. He understands Ariana’s reservations—heck, even admires her loyalty to her brother. But Rennen’s used to waging uphill battles. Abandoned as a child, Rennen learned a long time ago that you have to fight tooth and nail for anything you want in this life. And he wants Ariana, heart, body, and soul! Caught between loyalty and love, will Ariana choose her family or her heart?




This was getting ridiculous. Justin was more handsy than an octopus. “Stop touching me,” Ariana warned.
He laughed. “Come on, babe. Don’t be so stiff. You know you like it.”
“No, I don’t like it,” she countered. “No one likes being pawed.” Revulsion churned in her gut as his eyes went to her chest. An incredulous laugh bubbled in her throat. Was he really ogling her chest, right here in front of her? What a jerk! As soon as she got home, she was going to contact Heart to Heart and put in a complaint. They really should be more diligent in making sure people were truthful in their profiles. Justin was nothing like he’d pretended to be, and it was obvious he was only after one thing … and it wasn’t a long-term relationship. She tensed, clenching her fists.
“Hey, buddy. My face is up here.” He snorted out a chortle.
“Yeah, but you’ve got something else going on down there. For a little girl, you’ve got a nice rack.” She froze amidst the dancing couples surrounding them.
“What did you just say to me?” He laughed.
“You heard me. Lighten up.” He grabbed her waist with an iron grip. “I thought Latin girls were supposed to be loose.” Her hand balled into a fist, and she thought about how it would feel to knock him across the floor.
“I’m going to give you a half a second to let go of me.” He grunted in amusement.
“Make me.”
Heat splintered up her neck, making her feel like her head would split in two. Then cool precision took over as she calculated Justin’s height and weight. The bigger they are … the harder they fall. From the corner of her eye, she saw the blonde guy from earlier approach.
“Is everything okay here?” he asked, his body taut, like he was ready to pounce.
“Buzz off,” Justin grumbled. Letting loose a string of curse words.
“Strike three,” Ariana muttered. She shot her arm straight up in a swift motion where it connected with Justin’s neck, right under his jaw line. Then she brought her arm back down, using her weight to knock him off his feet where he landed on his back with a heavy thud. Murmurs rippled through the couples surrounding them as they backed away. Justin gurgled, clutching his neck, a dazed look in his eyes. Ariana’s hands flew to her hips.
“Just because I’m Latin does not make me easy!” Claps broke out around her. “That’s right,” a few of the women agreed. “Dirt bag,” one woman muttered, shooting Justin a death glare.
As Justin stumbled to his feet, Ariana planted herself in a battle stance, ready to do more damage if necessary. Her adrenaline was going, and she’d make short work of him, putting her training to good use. But luckily for Justin, he ducked his head and scuttled away.
“That has got to be the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen.” She turned to the blonde guy who was looking at her in astonishment, admiration shining in his eyes.
“Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking forward on the balls of his feet.
“Yeah, I was trying to rescue you from that creep … not that you needed my help.” Ariana’s blood was pumping so ferociously that she felt dizzy. He gave her a concerned look.
“Are you okay?” A wan smile tipped her lips as she ran a hand through her hair.
“Yeah, I guess that date didn’t go as planned.” He chuckled.
“Life rarely does.” He held her gaze, and she felt the same buzz she’d experienced earlier. Everything around them slowed, and it was just the two of them. His voice was deeper than she imagined, with a husky edge. Her eyes traced the definition of the muscles underneath his form-fitting t-shirt. Heat fanned her face when she saw the flicker of amusement that turned his hazel-green eyes a honey-gold. He’d caught her checking him out. She jerked her eyes to his face, making a mental note to keep her focus there. He had a fine layer of scruff, emphasizing the lean line of his jaw. She swallowed, feeling she was staring at the real-life version of Thor and Captain America, all rolled into one. Captain Thor. Or Goldie Locks because of his thick tangles of beautiful curls. People around them resumed dancing, but the two of them just stood there. Ariana knew she should start dancing … or do something to break the tension, but she couldn’t get her body to cooperate. He cleared his throat, a grin washing over his face.
“Um, maybe we should get off the dance floor.”
“Oh, yeah.” She propelled her feet into action. Her mind whirled, going through all that had just happened. She could hardly believe he’d been the one to offer help. When they got to the side, he motioned to an empty table.
“Would you like to sit down?” Her voice sounded unnaturally high and screechy in her ears.
“Sure.” He pulled out a chair for her and helped her get seated. Wow. Captain Thor was a gentleman to the nth degree. A startling contrast to Justin. As they sat there, staring across the table at each other, Ariana scrambled for something halfway intelligent to say.
“Thanks again. You’re a great dancer,” she blurted. Sheesh. She was making an idiot out of herself. Normally she was calm and cool around men, always knowing the right thing to say. But it seemed her mouth had disconnected from her brain. His lips curved into a radiant smile, causing the edges of his eyes to crease.
“Thanks. You’re pretty good yourself.” The compliment caught her off guard, sending warm ripples cascading through her. He’d been watching her too. It was good to know the attraction went both ways. He leaned forward.
“Was that guy your boyfriend?” She wrinkled her nose.
“Heck no!” She laughed. “We’d never met in person before tonight. We were matched on a dating app.” His eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Really?” She felt foolish and a little desperate for resorting to a dating app. Her explanation gushed out.
“It’s an app where people in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area can connect. You know, people with similar interests.” She shrugged. “It seemed like a good idea … in theory.” She scowled, darkness gathering inside her. “Of course, I should’ve known better than to go out with a football coach. Note to self … don’t date anymore coaches or football players. Their egos are the size of a whale, their brains the size of a pea, from one too many hits on the field.” He laughed.
“That’s a bit of a blanket statement.” Her face fell. “Don’t tell me, you’re a football player.” Of course he was. That would be just her luck. An easy grin stole over his lips.
“Well, if I were, I certainly wouldn’t admit it now.” She pursed her lips together, assessing him. He didn’t seem bothered by her scrutiny. He just sat there, patiently enduring it.
“No, you’re not a football player,” she finally said. “I don’t know what you are, but you’re far too intelligent to play football.” He cocked his head.
“So, all football players are stupid? Is that what you’re saying?”
“Nope. Not all of them. Just about ninety percent.”
“So only ten percent are intelligent.” He grinned. “See, I can do math.” The teasing tone of his voice caused her to smile.
“That’s good to know.” He tsked his tongue. “What turned you against football players?”
“Aside from Justin?” She lifted an eyebrow, waiting for him to respond.
“Yep, aside from him. I mean, he was a douche bag, but the bite in your voice tells me there’s more.” When her brother Ace first started playing pro ball, Ariana went out with a few players on the team. After about the sixth disaster, she swore off football players altogether.
“Experience,” she finally said. Interest lit his eyes.
“Care to elaborate?”
“Not really,” she said loudly, then felt like she was yelling when the music suddenly stopped. They turned their attention to the guy on stage holding the microphone.
“Folks, we’ve got a fun evening lined up, it’s karaoke night!” He pumped a fist in the air as the crowd cheered. Ariana’s heart dropped. Oh, no! The emcee looked down at the sheet of paper in his hand. “To start, we have a duet by Ariana and Justin.” Captain Thor looked at her.
 “Is everything okay?”
“Not really.” She groaned. “I’m Ariana.”

Alternate Ending - After reading The Ghost Groom be sure to download and read the FREE alternate ending written by Cami Checketts & Taylor Hart.


  $25 Release Day Giveaway Ends March 5, 2018 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Romance is in the Air $100 Kick Off Giveaway!

– Romance is in the Air –

A Month-Long Celebration of Clean Romance

– February 2018 –

Starting February 1st and running through the entire month of February we will be showcasing 14 fabulous authors. There will be 15 different giveaways, free ebooks and lots of great deals on books.
We’re starting off with a $100 Kick-Off Giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Code or $100 in Paypal Cash.
Check out this great list of authors we will be spotlighting!

Kimberley Montpetit

Be sure to stop by each week during February to learn about these amazing authors. You definitely don’t want to miss out on all the giveaways! To be sure you never miss a post subscribe to I Am A Reader’s Mailing List.

Giveaway Details

$100 in Paypal Cash or a $100 eGift Card

Ends 2/28/18

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via PayPal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the participating authors. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ranchette Novelettes: On Thin Ice and Double Booked by Emily Debenham

Professional ice skater, Holly Opland is cut from a popular reality TV show Skating with the Stars, due to an old knee injury. When the media gets wind of her career-ending medical issues, Holly decides she needs to disappear. She flees to the small town of Ranchette Station, which also happens to be the hometown of Colden Holt--her skating partner from season one. When their old chemistry returns Holly has to decide whether an entire lifestyle change is worth the price of love.

Eve Matthews is in charge of the biggest event of the holiday season—a charity Christmas Ball. Her planning committee is charging full steam ahead to throw the most romantic party of the decade until she discovers that her boyfriend Janus Clairbourne, head of Ranchette Station's Woodworkers Association, has double booked his tradeshow with her Christmas Ball. This misunderstanding could destroy a century-old charity organization and Eve's hopes for a romantic Christmas proposal.

These two stories are novelettes so they are super fast reads.  I read them both in one sitting.  The characters are all based in the same small town of Ranchette Station.

I thought the story concepts were cute!  However, I didn't feel a connection to the characters.  The emotion fell flat for me.  This may be due to the length of the stories but I just never became invested in what I was reading.  In both stories, I liked the males much better than the females.

These were light, easy, clean romances.  That is something this girl always appreciates.

- I received complimentary copies of these books from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

#STARSTRUCK by Sariah Wilson $50 Book Blast


“You’ve done better.” With one uncharacteristically sassy tweet to her longtime celebrity crush, Zoe Miller’s life turns upside down. Ultrahot A-lister Chase Covington doesn’t just respond to Zoe’s tweet, he does the unthinkable: he messages Zoe directly. Now she must decide between walking away or meeting her crush in person. Chase knows better than to trust anyone from the Internet, but Zoe’s saucy challenge has totally caught his interest—and her girl-next-door personality is keeping it. He’s been burned enough to know he needs to keep his heart close. But his feelings for Zoe might be a lot more than just an online flirtation. He just has to convince her… When the press gets wind of Zoe and Chase’s secret relationship, their romance turns into tabloid headlines. Will they be able to hold on to their Hollywood love story?


Excerpt “You must be Zoe Miller. I’m Chase. Covington.” He added on his last name like I wouldn’t know who he was. It was kind of endearing. I stared at his hand until the girl on my right nudged me and I gave him mine. A zap of raw electricity sparked at his touch, his hand warm and strong and big. It shot up my arm and spread all throughout my body making every part of me tingle.
 “Hi Chase Covington.” I don’t know how I was able to form words. Or how I hadn’t dissolved into an incoherent, blubbering pile of Zoe goo.
 “Hi Zoe Miller.” We were still shaking hands, which was basically holding hands at this point as it had gone on for so long. He was just grinning at me, like I was some long-lost friend he was excited to catch up with. I didn’t want to imagine what my slack-jawed, overwhelmed face looked like. He would probably think I was an idiot. A guy with dark brown hair and wearing a Bluetooth device in one ear came over.
“Chase, Marty wants a word.” Chase finally let go of my hand. “Thanks, One-F. Stick around Zoe Miller. There’s more to say.” He walked backwards a few steps, like he didn’t want to stop looking at me. With a wink he finally turned and headed over to the director.


Author Sariah Wilson Bestselling author Sariah Wilson has never jumped out of an airplane or climbed Mount Everest, and she is not a former CIA operative. She has, however, been madly, passionately in love with her soul mate and is a fervent believer in happily ever afters—which is why she writes romances like The Royals of Monterra series. After growing up in Southern California as the oldest of nine (yes, nine) children, she graduated from Brigham Young University with a semiuseless degree in history. She currently lives with the aforementioned soul mate and their four children in Utah, along with three tiger barb fish, a cat named Tiger, and a recently departed hamster who is buried in the backyard (and has nothing at all to do with tigers).


  $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 2/5/18 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

#STARSTRUCK by Sariah Wilson + $25 Giveaway

“You’ve done better.”

With one uncharacteristically sassy tweet to her longtime celebrity crush, Zoe Miller’s life turns upside down. Ultra hot A-lister Chase Covington doesn’t just respond to Zoe’s tweet, he does the unthinkable: he messages Zoe directly. Now she must decide between walking away or meeting her crush in person.

Chase knows better than to trust anyone from the Internet, but Zoe’s saucy challenge has totally caught his interest—and her girl-next-door personality is keeping it. He’s been burned enough to know he needs to keep his heart close. But his feelings for Zoe might be a lot more than just an online flirtation. He just has to convince her…

When the press gets wind of Zoe and Chase’s secret relationship, their romance turns into tabloid headlines. Will they be able to hold on to their Hollywood love story?

Have you ever experienced a book hangover?  I have a few times and this book right here?  Major book hangover.  I literally couldn't pick up another book after this one.  It took me a whole day ( *gasp*) to recover.  This book was so yummy.

I have to say that the lead up anticipation to that first kiss was killing me.  It was nuts.  I loved it.  The flirting, the banter, the texts.  All of it.  Chase is so sweet and tries so hard, you cannot help but love him for it.  

This book will probably go down as one of my favorites this year and it's only two weeks into January!  I really want to go read it again right now. . .

Content:  steamy kissing, talk about intimate relations and waiting until marriage for sex, some innuendo

- I received a complimentary copy of this book in conjunction with this blog tour.  All opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Reveal for VEINS OF GOLD by Charlie N. Holmberg

Desperate to save her siblings from poverty, a young woman discovers magic fueled by gold . . . and a love for the man who wields it.

Abandoned by their father for the gold rush, Gentry and her siblings labor to survive alone in the inhospitable west. When bizarre natural disasters begin wreaking havoc on the land, Gentry discovers a world of magic. Desperate for help, she accepts aid from a mysterious stranger.

Winn not only sees the magic, but controls its hunger by feeding it gold—the very thing Gentry’s father left to acquire. But the earth’s unrest only grows worse, and Gentry’s fear leads her to a terrible choice: marry a wealthy man she does not love, or trust in Winn’s unpredictable power to save her family.  Release date: July 17, 2018

Other Books by Charlie N. Holmberg:
The Paper Magician
The Glass Magician
The Master Magician
The Plastic Magician
Followed by Frost
Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet
The Fifth Doll

Falling For A Cowboy by Karen Rock + $50 and Book Giveaway!

Falling for a Cowboy
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #2)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
January 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Doesn’t he get that she’s blind?

Barrel racer Amberley James wants to join the premier rodeo circuit more than anything, but she faces the ultimate hurdle when she loses her eyesight to a rare genetic condition. All she’d ever wanted seems out of reach. Giving up is the only option…until her best friend and local hero Jared Cade steps in. The last thing she wants is Jared’s help. But his persistence at encouraging her to get back in the saddle is ridiculously annoying. And undeniably inspiring…


I'm loving this Rocky Mountain Cowboys series!  The Cade family is at the very center so even though each book focuses on an individual, the whole family is still around.  That makes me so happy!  These Cade cowboys (and cowgirl!) are something else.  I'm going to love following this series through to the end.

Amberley and Jared are best of friends.  They support each other, cheer for each other and push each other to be the best.  The friends to lovers troupe is a fun one and I was really cheering for both Amberley and Jared as individuals and as a couple.

I loved the inclusion of children with physical challenges as Amberley struggled to come to grips with her new challenges and the message that with the right help and love we can all do amazing things.  Helping others brings joy and this book brought this out.  There were lots of feel good moments to be had in this story.

Content:  kissing, mild swearing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book in conjunction with this blog tour.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Other Books in the Series

Christmas at Cade Ranch
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #1)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
November 7th 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming

The Christmas they never had.

James Cade has one priority: keep the family ranch running smoothly in the wake of his younger brother's death. With Jesse's ex, Sofia Gallardo, and her young son, Javi, stranded at Cade Ranch over Christmas, this task just got a lot harder. The longer Sofia and Javi stay, the harder it is to imagine the ranch without them. James couldn't save his brother from his inner demons, but he can give his nephew a secure future. Maybe more—if he can figure out how to trust Sofia, and stop feeling like he's betraying Jesse. Because trying to stop thinking about beautiful, determined Sofia is impossible.

About the Author

In a quest to provide her ELA students with quality reading material, educator Karen Rock read everything out there and couldn't wait to add her voice to the genre. In addition to her work as a Young Adult romance novelist, she's now an author for Harlequin's Heartwarming line and thrilled to pen stories that moms can share with their teenage daughters. She's loved Harlequin books since she spent summers going through her grandmother's Presents books that she passed along in paper grocery bags each year. As half of the writing duo J.K. Rock, Karen also pens young adult romance. When she's not busy writing, Karen enjoys scouring estate sales for vintage books, cooking her grandmother's family recipes, reinventing her gardens to suit her moods and occasionally rescuing local wildlife from neighborhood cats. She lives in the Adirondack Mountain region with her husband, her very appreciated beta-reader daughter, and two Cavalier King cocker spaniels, who have yet to understand the concept of "fetch" though they know a lot about love. For more information about Karen's upcoming books, check out her website.


Other Heartwarming Books by the Author

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Tour Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card along with print copies of HIS KIND OF COWGIRL, A COWBOY TO KEEP, and CHRISTMAS AT CADE RANCH by Karen Rock
- US Only
- Ends January 24th

Grab Our Button!

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Sidelined Wife (More Than A Wife #1) by Jennifer Peel

She’s getting back in the game, one blog post at a time.

Samantha Higgins never thought driving her husband’s car would forever change her life. But one conversation later, heard through his Bluetooth, and Samantha is changing her last name. While trying to figure out who Samantha Decker is, she writes what she thinks is one final post on her blog, announcing her divorce. When the post goes viral, she finds herself with a new title, The Sidelined Wife, and an unbelievable following.

To make matters more interesting, her younger brother’s best friend, Reed Cassidy, who was a thorn in Samantha’s adolescent side, moves back to town as the new head football coach for her son’s high school team. Unbeknownst to Samantha, Reed has harbored a crush for his old babysitter all these years. But, Samantha isn’t keen on dating anyone, much less a younger man that used to booby trap her bedroom with firecrackers.

While Samantha is doing her best to learn and even make up some of the rules of single life and being a semi-celebrity, Reed comes in and changes the game. Now Samantha must decide if she should get back on the field or if she prefers the sidelines.

Oh. My. Swoon.  Reed!!  My tummy butterflies were all a flutter over the persistently sweet and sexy ways Reed worked his magic on Samantha.  Honestly, grocery shopping will never be the same for me again.  There is just something so sexy about a man who goes out of his way to give the woman he is interested in the message that he wants her.  Reed is expert at this.  

I loved that this book felt adultish and more mature.  I love young love, first love (which this book has some of) but as I get older (ahem, cough*cough) there is something satisfying in reading about more mature situations and feelings that come with time and experience.  Samantha is a mother to a teenage son.  Life isn't quite the same as when she was in her twenties.  I loved watching Sam find her own self again- processing all those emotions that were swirling inside her.  Healing from hurtful experiences looks different for all of us and I really enjoyed Sam's journey.  She was heartfelt and entertaining.  The perfect balance.

Jennifer Peel has a knack for writing realistic emotion that I really connect to.  No matter the age or the circumstances of her characters, I feel things when I read her books.  That's why her books have become an addiction of sorts for me.  I just can't get enough.  I could have read about Reed all week and been a happy girl.  

I also loved how well Jennifer peeked my interest in the next books in this series.  I am so interested in these side characters who will steal the show in the next books.  

Content:  Some mention of affairs, kissing

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Heart of the West by Carolyn Twede Frank + Win This Book!

Independent-minded women are considered highly unsuitable in Kate Donahue’s wealthy Long Island society. Yes, Kate would lead a proper life should she marry, but her dream of practicing medicine would surely be thwarted by her domineering fiancĂ©. To follow her dream, she must take dramatic measures. So when she reads a newspaper ad seeking a qualified small-town physician, Kate embarks on a new life in the Wild West.

Upon her arrival in the rugged settlement of Craig, Colorado, Kate is disappointed to discover that even in the West, no one wants a woman doctor. As she struggles to establish her practice, she is kept busy fending off the unwanted attentions of a local rancher, a man unnervingly reminiscent of the ex-fiancĂ© she left behind in New York. Romantic entanglements are the last thing on Kate’s mind. That is, until she meets Lucas McCurdy, an Irish immigrant with whom she feels an undeniable connection. But when their relationship inflames a dangerous land battle, Kate and Lucas find themselves defenseless in a lawless town—a perilous position that may cost them everything.

Heart of the West is a gentle story a woman determined to blaze her own path and live the life she wants.  Kate Donahue might get knocked down a time or two but she doesn't stay there long.  I loved her kindness and admired her bravery.  Kate was a great representative of girl power- for herself and for the other women around her.  She encouraged women around her to expand themselves, find what they love and do it, and encourage their men to be better all while staying feminine and kind.  It was awesome.

I think the thing that made this book for me was the cast of characters.  The story itself is nothing heart pounding or overly gripping but the characters are the meat and potatoes of it.  Each person came alive with personality and it was so easy to picture them in my head.  I loved the sense of community with the small town setting.  A good, gentle western fiction!

Content:  clean, some kissing.  Mild peril.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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